View Full Version : Anyone know ADIRE AUDIO???

09-08-2005, 06:05 PM
Let me know if you have heard of them/getting some. :thumpupn:

09-08-2005, 07:35 PM
ive heard of them i think...i love unknown audio brands

09-08-2005, 09:46 PM
if you never heard of em, dont buy em :)

09-09-2005, 02:32 AM
well J most of the time that is VERY true. BUT take a look at their site....

they have a sub called a brahma. 1 10 inch weighs 35 pounds. With one there is a guy hitting 147 db's !!!! Like a 2 inch full excursion. they are a top of the line SQ sub. 3 year warranty as well. they have a new motor technology called XBL2 and its ALOT better than the orginals. Take a look through site. When you get on home page, click bottom right link. check them out. I love companies that dont flash their $hit up like Kicker and such and arent main stream hehe. Like Cadence and MMats. oh ya. Thats why i sell them hehe. Lemme know what ya think bout the Adire.