View Full Version : Thanks alot MRT-Direct...

Black Stallion
09-07-2005, 01:44 PM
:ranting: *Begin Rant* :ranting:

Well some of you may have seen my thread, that I ordered my new exhaust, about 2 weeks ago, shortly after ordering it, they said shipping wouldn't be $24, it was going to be $55, this really :censored: me off, but I said, fine just send the thing. I get about 5 calls from MRT-Direct yesterday, most of the time, different people asking the same questions, about my credit card and the shipping info, I love how they waited 2 weeks to inform of this.Anyway they say they can't process the order because its not my credit card, its my dads, he always lets me use it and I never have trouble with it. MRT-Direct, said we would have to fax them a form, with his license #, card #, all tons of other personal info, and it said they can't be held responsible for any actions that happen because of this, so basically, they can do whatever they want with the card, and not be held responsible, I told them to go :censored: themselves, and i'm taking my business elsewhere. I logged onto Proficientperformance.com and ordered the exhaust, its free shipping and about $70 cheaper, I logged on today, they already shipped it and it will be here in a week. I will never do business with MRT again.

:cussing: *End Rant* :cussing:

09-07-2005, 01:55 PM
:ranting: *Begin Rant* :ranting:

Well some of you may have seen my thread, that I ordered my new exhaust, about 2 weeks ago, shortly after ordering it, they said shipping wouldn't be $24, it was going to be $55, this really :censored: me off, but I said, fine just send the thing. I get about 5 calls from MRT-Direct yesterday, most of the time, different people asking the same questions, about my credit card and the shipping info, I love how they waited 2 weeks to inform of this.Anyway they say they can't process the order because its not my credit card, its my dads, he always lets me use it and I never have trouble with it. MRT-Direct, said we would have to fax them a form, with his license #, card #, all tons of other personal info, and it said they can't be held responsible for any actions that happen because of this, so basically, they can do whatever they want with the card, and not be held responsible, I told them to go :censored: themselves, and i'm taking my business elsewhere. I logged onto Proficientperformance.com and ordered the exhaust, its free shipping and about $70 cheaper, I logged on today, they already shipped it and it will be here in a week. I will never do business with MRT again.

:cussing: *End Rant* :cussing:

Well, I do agree the amount of time they waited to let you know was on the excessive side... However, it is standard procedure (and I actually give them credit for following it to a T) to perform verification if it is evident the credit card being used is under someone else's name.

I'd hate for my kids to go on a shopping spree with my cards later on in life...

The shipping doubling is kind of f'd up, though, but other than that I think they just wanted to make sure the card was not being used without authorization (your word isn't really enough...if it were, I wouldn't even own credit cards in fear that they'd be used in such manner by anyone who pleases).

Sorry for the experience, though... Hopefully you'll be able to get your exhaust soon, even if from a different source.

Black Stallion
09-07-2005, 02:08 PM
Yea I me, I agree with them for being so careful about it, but I gave them enough information that I received the card from my father. and that I live in the same house as him. They wanted his license number, his social security number, some weird credit number. I mean, they were going a little crazy.

09-07-2005, 02:27 PM
better safe than sorry these days...

09-07-2005, 03:41 PM
Yea I me, I agree with them for being so careful about it, but I gave them enough information that I received the card from my father. and that I live in the same house as him. They wanted his license number, his social security number, some weird credit number. I mean, they were going a little crazy.
That's actually a little suspcious... I don't think they should ask anything but perhaps the verification number (3 digits on back of the card), billing address, and phone number on the account.

Anything else is confidential information only necessary to obtain credit...not to use it.

Have your dad verify the card's useage in the last few weeks... Make sure there's no strange charges on it. Also, have him check his credit history to make sure there haven't been any inquiries from unknown sources.

Black Stallion
09-07-2005, 08:15 PM
That's actually a little suspcious... I don't think they should ask anything but perhaps the verification number (3 digits on back of the card), billing address, and phone number on the account.

Anything else is confidential information only necessary to obtain credit...not to use it.

Have your dad verify the card's useage in the last few weeks... Make sure there's no strange charges on it. Also, have him check his credit history to make sure there haven't been any inquiries from unknown sources.

Way ahead of you, after I told him about that, he called Master card or whatever and checked, nothing suspicious.

My Cobra
09-07-2005, 08:34 PM
damn, hope it all works out. I hate it when i get stuff shipped to my moms house since i have a po box and they give me a problem about that address not being my credit card billing address. almost every place does it even if i tell the credit card place that it is ok to ship stuff there.