View Full Version : 99-00 GT owners

Blind Guy
08-23-2005, 06:49 PM
I got a letter in the mail on August 22 concerning the crackeing intakes on the 99 and 2000 mustang GT (other cas are included). There is a class action law suit going on right know to repay for the replacement of the intake manafold after it has been replaced this is supposed to go through and become complete on October 7.
This problam is very important to me because last weekend my whent bad and the dealership wants just under $900 to pu a new one on but what the letter states is after October 7 go back to the dealership you had fix it and they will cut you a check for the amount you spent to fix it.

I will try to keep updates as I get them incase some one else has had this problam so they can get money back to

Joe Friday
08-27-2005, 02:29 PM
I plan on getting the new manifold if I can. The plastic crossover will fail, and if it hasen't yet it will, If you can go ahead and have this performed.

Blind Guy
08-29-2005, 06:26 PM
After a lot of consideration and checking I found that I can get the parts to fix it my self for just over $200 so I am going to do it my self and than try to get a refund on the parts I have to buy. Most of the lawsuits only cover a fraction of the price anyway so I figured I will be out the same amount in the end if they won't cover me. The delership charges about $630 for the same parts I am getting and the rest of the $900 was labor talk about a rip off

09-04-2005, 12:21 PM
This stuff cam out a little late.. I had the passanger side rear part of the intake crack where the coolant hose come out of by the fire wall... I had a spare one that I picked up for $50 and installed it that night..

10-30-2005, 09:36 PM
Definatley too little too late for me!!!!! :diss:


Intake is replaced when ya go to the KB kit!!!!! :devil:

10-31-2005, 04:56 PM
Definatley too little too late for me!!!!! :diss:


Intake is replaced when ya go to the KB kit!!!!! :devil:
lucky bastage

my plans for said lawsuit:
go to dealership, get high quote for repair, let them cut me a check, take said check and car w/ old intake, and go...

BUY A P-51 KIT!!!! :)

10-31-2005, 05:03 PM

fyi, here's the 'official' site on the trial...