View Full Version : Has anyone ever seen this ???

08-20-2005, 12:39 AM
Pentegon Strike ???? (http://www.freedomunderground.org/memoryhole/pentagon.php#Main)

What do you think

08-20-2005, 01:14 AM
thats some crazy shit

08-20-2005, 01:27 AM
yea ive seen it quite a while ago...pretty scary

08-20-2005, 09:20 AM
thats some thing to think about

08-20-2005, 09:32 AM
And man never walked on the moon...
The holocaust was made up by the Jews...

What would you say to all the families of the victims? It never happened?

Entertaining at best.

08-20-2005, 09:42 AM
And man never walked on the moon...
The holocaust was made up by the Jews...

What would you say to all the families of the victims? It never happened?

Entertaining at best.

Like the Government never has covered anything up. I think you'd be surprised at some of the shit that "Never Happened". It is most definitely plausible.

08-20-2005, 10:00 AM
If there were truly a story there to be told; you gotta know that the media would have dissected it over and over by now. That fat *ucker republican hating Michael Moore would have made 3 movies about it already.

For the sake of arguement, even if the government were going to cover that up, they would have suggested it was a fighter plane experiencing mechanical failure or something, not a passenger airline.

08-20-2005, 11:19 AM
Why would they say that? Im sure it would be just a coincidence that a fighter plane having mech problems crashed into one of the most important building in the country, on 9/11, and only minutes after the twin towers were hit. Cmon republicans, you cant believe everything your government tells you.

08-20-2005, 02:26 PM
If there were truly a story there to be told; you gotta know that the media would have dissected it over and over by now. That fat *ucker republican hating Michael Moore would have made 3 movies about it already.

For the sake of arguement, even if the government were going to cover that up, they would have suggested it was a fighter plane experiencing mechanical failure or something, not a passenger airline.

Bro that is actual footage of the site do you see anything that reflects it as a passenger plane? They do not just disappear even in the twin towers parts where found but not at the Pentagon. If there was not a cover up how come all of the video tapes in the area where sized? I was working next to the Pentagon last year and the area where a jet liner would have come through that would have left alot of evidence to it flying that low to the ground to make that impact. Our government can hush alot more than we know and 90% if not more of the business owners around the Pentagon are foreigners that our government has help out so if they say hush they will. Alot of people like yourself need to have an open mind I'm not bashing you but alot of Americans can not see the forest for the trees are in there way. And trust me the Media is the most corrupt members of societiy there is and I don't believe half of what they say.

08-20-2005, 03:01 PM
Conspiracy Theory was just a movie...



You guys want something real to worry about? Worry about where your energy is going to come from in a few years. Our country has invested almost exclusively in natural gas electrical generation since 1999. The infrastructure in upstate NY can't even run all the plants at 100% simultaneously. Not to mention the cost to generate 1000kw from a ng plant has gone from a tad over $2 in 99 to almost $10 today.

China has pledged 50 billion in new nuclear plant construction. They have the market for high grade steel cornered. It is even affecting caterpillers ability to build dozers. Even if the US decided today to build new nuke generation, we no longer have the infrastructure to build them. All our replacement parts are sourced from overseas. The same places that China has essentially pledged to lock up for the next forseeable future with their $50b investment.

US oil production peaked in 1970. The world oil production may be peaking right about now. China has moved from 5th place in oil consumption to 2nd in less than a few years. India has gone from about 13th to 5th in the same time. Production can no longer meet demand, and it's only going to get worse.

There, now you all have something real to worry about.

08-20-2005, 03:48 PM
Conspiracy Theory was just a movie...



You guys want something real to worry about? Worry about where your energy is going to come from in a few years. Our country has invested almost exclusively in natural gas electrical generation since 1999. The infrastructure in upstate NY can't even run all the plants at 100% simultaneously. Not to mention the cost to generate 1000kw from a ng plant has gone from a tad over $2 in 99 to almost $10 today.

China has pledged 50 billion in new nuclear plant construction. They have the market for high grade steel cornered. It is even affecting caterpillers ability to build dozers. Even if the US decided today to build new nuke generation, we no longer have the infrastructure to build them. All our replacement parts are sourced from overseas. The same places that China has essentially pledged to lock up for the next forseeable future with their $50b investment.

US oil production peaked in 1970. The world oil production may be peaking right about now. China has moved from 5th place in oil consumption to 2nd in less than a few years. India has gone from about 13th to 5th in the same time. Production can no longer meet demand, and it's only going to get worse.

There, now you all have something real to worry about.

LOL we don't worry about any of it we just state facts just like you did. May God bless us all who know the truth. :beerchug:

08-20-2005, 05:17 PM
All i have to say is anything is possible. I mean look at some of the photoshops cody and hmong do.

08-20-2005, 08:26 PM
We have enough coal to last us 300 more years at current consumption...im not too worried about electricity, we can make it from the sun. So yea its about the last thing on my mind. We should have a better energy source by then anyway. We should start regulating the industrialization of other countries. Helping other people just ends up screwin us in the ass anyway...

White Stang
08-20-2005, 09:34 PM
All i have to say is anything is possible. I mean look at some of the photoshops cody and hmong do.

Exactly I dont believe anything as fact just because I see it in a video. They could of shown the coyote straped to a rocket flying into the building. Don't believe everything you see just because you seen it in a video. :hmmm: Consider all the crazy things that happen in life that you don't see or expereance. :ugh2: And be thankful

Black Stallion
08-21-2005, 12:40 AM
Theres no way that was the hit from a 757, I think that hole is too small for even an F-16, maybe like an F-15 or something, but where are the peices? At the WTC site, they found plane peices under tons and tons of building rubble but nothing at the Pentagon? I find that odd.

08-21-2005, 02:32 AM
Aviation ordnanceman say that those parts were not necessarily from a plane. Missiles and some air to ground ordnance have similiar structures in them. (stirrin da pot) :w00t:

08-21-2005, 09:13 AM
Aviation ordnanceman say that those parts were not necessarily from a plane. Missiles and some air to ground ordnance have similiar structures in them. (stirrin da pot) :w00t:

When are you not stirring up the pot Turp?
:attention <------Turp

Just kidding man. You know this site would be boring without you.

08-21-2005, 09:31 AM
Theres no way that was the hit from a 757, I think that hole is too small for even an F-16, maybe like an F-15 or something, but where are the peices? At the WTC site, they found plane peices under tons and tons of building rubble but nothing at the Pentagon? I find that odd.


08-21-2005, 11:28 AM

that site is a fucking joke...

08-21-2005, 12:26 PM
that site is a fucking joke...

And so are you, so enjoy.

Your willingness to believe something so ridiculous, and even fight over it, because you "saw it on the internet" speaks volumes about you. The argument that man never walked on the moon is just as compelling, why don't you sink your teeth into that one next? I heard Elvis was just sighted at a Sonic drive thru in Memphis...

08-21-2005, 01:13 PM
I saw on a website the other day that they DID find Jimmy Hoffa buried under the tarmac at JFK!!!! ;) :w00t: (bubble bubble toil and trouble!!)

08-21-2005, 02:15 PM
Just based on the photos that were actually shown the only thing that could have created the round hole would have been something round and cylinder shaped. A plane could not have made that hole. A... missile would have made hole and exploded within the building.

For the video, we only know what was shown and not everything and certainly not all the images. You can use images, statistics, and whatever else is available to tell a story the way you want. I enjoyed the video. It gives someone something to think about. If it was a missile, where the hell is the 757? If it was the 757 how the crap did it create damage that looked like that? What exactly was caught on those images several feet above the ground going that fast? Was it a missile, plain or alien device? Isn't it amazing that every image that was shown was blurred and/or out of focus.

Man, I hope someone is playing the theme to the X-Files.

08-21-2005, 03:24 PM
And so are you, so enjoy.

Your willingness to believe something so ridiculous, and even fight over it, because you "saw it on the internet" speaks volumes about you. The argument that man never walked on the moon is just as compelling, why don't you sink your teeth into that one next? I heard Elvis was just sighted at a Sonic drive thru in Memphis...

Your willingness to believe everything the government tells you is also riduculous. At least the video gave photographic and statistical evidence of a coverup by the goverment. All the site you posted gave was excuses excuses excuses...and bullshit ones at that. WHERE THE FUCK DID THE PLANE GO!!!!

08-21-2005, 04:01 PM
Use your search engine for crying out loud.


The plane is all over the place. I will politely bow out of this silly discussion now as it serves only to disgrace the memories of the people who lost their lives on that particular flight.

08-21-2005, 11:24 PM
Like the Government never has covered anything up. I think you'd be surprised at some of the shit that "Never Happened". It is most definitely plausible.

Can you elaberate on that some more?

08-21-2005, 11:39 PM
Use your search engine for crying out loud.


The plane is all over the place. I will politely bow out of this silly discussion now as it serves only to disgrace the memories of the people who lost their lives on that particular flight.

Thank You.

08-22-2005, 10:51 AM
Im not going to say that the video isnt believable because it very well could be believable....but also keep in mind with todays electronics, computers and other equipment, we all know how easy it is to remove something from an image, add others, shrink and enlarge things to make people believe what we want them to believe.....

I find it hard to believe that any government would hide the crashing of an airplane from the victim's families....its just something hard to comprehend....if the plane didnt crash at the pentagon then it would have had to have crashed somewhere/gone somewhere....I find it hard to believe the government would do that to the families of the people on board

08-22-2005, 11:46 AM
Can you elaberate on that some more?


Let's see, a body can be found 20-30-40 years even longer 100 and 1000's of years and forensics can tell us how old the person is, how the person died, the last meal consumed, what color hair (I won't go on), But we still don't really know what happened to JFK (the real story), and it was caught on video form multiple angles, 1000's of witness's around.

Next, what really happened to Chandra Levy and why? She had uncovered info about the Oklahoma City Bombings, about who was involved besides Mcviegh. Look into this I think you'll find yourself asking many more questions.

Let's look at President Clinton, 27 of his friends or former co-workers are now dead, Hmmmm all of either suicide or horrible accidents. 12 of his bodyguards are also dead, same scenarios, this doesn't include up to about 10 more that have some sort of ties to Clinton. Coincidence?????

Let's take the Ozone Layer, This is a scare tactic to raise money, there is no "Ozone Layer" and the hole that they say there is in the layer, is a decreased amount of ozone during the winter months with the decreased amount of sunlight, It's a naturally fluctuating occurence.There is no "Ozone Hole", just a drop in the wintertime of the concentrations of ozone in the stratosphere. Each winter (with long periods of darkness) ozone levels drop over the Antarctic by about 60%. They return again each spring with the increased amounts sunlight.

I could give more if you'd like. We could talk abou the Bin Laden Family

08-22-2005, 11:49 AM

No disrespect NoSlo, but this is also on the internet, do you know 100% that this is accurate to the letter. I believe that what people want us to know is what is going to come out, your always going to have the conspiracy theory, but what is the conspiracy, the story that is told or the story that's trying to come out?

08-22-2005, 12:00 PM
It's me one more time. As some of you may know I was assigned to the Presidential Helicopter Squadron, this by no means makes me an expert on anything, although it did put me in the top 10% of the mechanics in my field. Anyway I was told a lot of scary shit by one Marine who had direct ties to the Big House, You want to hear some crazy scary shit, listen to him, he'll leave you wondering and just about shitting your britches. Back in 96' he told us that the two countries we had to worry about were Russia and China, Well o.k. it would'nt take a brain surgeon to figure this one out right, but it wasn't a worry of them seperately it was one of thier combined efforts. He made you think wow, that would be bad, but back then it was "but they hate eachother", they wouldn't come together. That's BS, they are now together and they are training together, Militarily. If the government doesn't want us to know something, it will not be known plain and simple. I'm sure there's a lot more than we'll ever know.

08-22-2005, 01:27 PM
Use your search engine for crying out loud.


The plane is all over the place. I will politely bow out of this silly discussion now as it serves only to disgrace the memories of the people who lost their lives on that particular flight.

After checking out this site it looks pretty obvious that the plane is there. I'm going to check out the rest of this site looks pretty cool, Thanks for the link.

08-22-2005, 05:59 PM
Let's look at President Clinton, 27 of his friends or former co-workers are now dead, Hmmmm all of either suicide or horrible accidents. 12 of his bodyguards are also dead, same scenarios, this doesn't include up to about 10 more that have some sort of ties to Clinton. Coincidence?????

Okay, I said I'd bow out, and I will, but I can't leave this one alone cause it's funny!

This is no mystery to me. I'd kill myself too if I had worked with either of the Clintons...

08-22-2005, 06:01 PM
No disrespect NoSlo, but this is also on the internet, do you know 100% that this is accurate to the letter. I believe that what people want us to know is what is going to come out, your always going to have the conspiracy theory, but what is the conspiracy, the story that is told or the story that's trying to come out?

You are correct, that was the first site I came across. It could be as bogus as the conspiracy website. The second one seems to lend some authenticity to the story as reported. Commonsense test passes with flying colors as well. BTW, no disrespect taken or even perceived; you have a perfectly good point.

08-22-2005, 07:33 PM
Okay, I said I'd bow out, and I will, but I can't leave this one alone cause it's funny!

This is no mystery to me. I'd kill myself too if I had worked with either of the Clintons...

Hey now I have'nt killed myself yet. But then again I just had to fix his helicopter and get it ready for his flights, Man there's some stories I could tell, but unfortunately, like them, I don't want to end up dead.

08-23-2005, 10:14 AM
And those weren't really commercial jets that hit the World Trade Center either.