View Full Version : Interesting Question

08-17-2005, 10:04 AM
If you had to pass any truly wicked, arbitrary and unfair law, what would it be?
It can be as stupid ad arbitrary as any existing laws on the books. Even if you are completely against censorship/opression/sadism/double standards, just abandon these considerations.
Deliver a reason why you choose as you do--it needn't even be a good one.
And please say what the punishment would be.
Seriously, I want you all to answer this, make it juicy if you can.
It should be an interesing experiment.
Be Caligula for a day.

Mine would be that welfare recepients, receive only the authorized amount of money for the number of dependents they have at the time of submittal. Any additional dependents will not add any additional funding. In this law I would also have written in that the sole recipients of the welfare has only 6 months to find full time work, if full time work cannot be found, that recipient can either stop receiving welfare payments strave and die or go to work full time for the governement doing shit jobs that no one else wants to do. Why pay a damn janitor hundreds of thousands to clean the capital building, when you can have a welfare mom do it for 300 bucks a week. If you F the system you are sent to jail until the money you make while your in prison pays off what you've screwed the government out of.

This would go for lazy disabled people who use the term "Disabled" to thier advantage. Some disabled people who can do certain jobs will milk the system as long as they can get away with it then will still milk the system for free education.

08-17-2005, 10:12 AM
I just want everyone in the US to freakin speak english.

I hate going to Subway and giving my order to someone...who then translates it into Spanish for someone else to make my sandwich.

08-17-2005, 10:25 AM
I think you should have to get on a scale before ordering at a fast food place.

08-17-2005, 10:38 AM
I think you should have to get on a scale before ordering at a fast food place.


08-17-2005, 11:14 AM
I would outlaw anything that required artificial insemination, in order to reproduce. LMAO!

08-17-2005, 11:53 AM
I would outlaw fat chicks in t-backs or mini skirts.

08-17-2005, 09:54 PM
I would outlaw drivers that can't go at LEAST 5 mph over the speed limit. I normally do 10, but I can hang with 5. The punishment for doing the speed limit or under would be: gimme your keys and I'll sell the damn thing and keep selling them until they learn how to drive!

08-17-2005, 10:30 PM
can I do two? I would change the speed limit to "minimum speed" anybody caught driving under it would be fined...

and the more serious one, I would abolish the income tax and make it illegal/unconstitutional to reinstate it. If the government can't fund it's programs with a national sales tax, then it should cut the programs.

08-17-2005, 10:49 PM
any one using a politically correct statment should get fined or arrested. kinda like public lewdness

2nd offense - manditory jail time. (keys taken away from the soccer mom mini-van)

3rd offense - deportation

08-18-2005, 10:46 AM
2nd offense - manditory jail time. (keys taken away from the soccer mom mini-van)

Wow I quess I better not piss you off. I won't be able to get to the soccer games

08-18-2005, 12:06 PM
Wow I quess I better not piss you off. I won't be able to get to the soccer gamesI said soccer MOMS mini van u knob. i was kinda driving home the point of were most of the P C shit comes from.

08-19-2005, 08:05 AM
I said soccer MOMS mini van u knob. i was kinda driving home the point of were most of the P C shit comes from.

Wow so Soccer DADS are ok. :rofl:

Qoute - Country Club Owner: We had a deal that you'd be good
Me: [after driving down a roller coaster hill in golf cart slamming on
the brakes and going sideways] That wasn't very good

08-19-2005, 08:25 AM
Wow so Soccer DADS are ok. :rofl:

Qoute - Country Club Owner: We had a deal that you'd be good
Me: [after driving down a roller coaster hill in golf cart slamming on
the brakes and going sideways] That wasn't very good
yup. soccer dads dont spawn PC idea's and besides my best friend has a mini van so i cant pick on guys that own them (wait till u sell it tho LOL)

BTW I LOVE the new quote in your sig. I got the hell outta there in just the nick of time, after joel and i drove down the hill a few times. U and my brother got bagged, LOL to funny

08-19-2005, 09:17 AM
yup. soccer dads dont spawn PC idea's and besides my best friend has a mini van so i cant pick on guys that own them (wait till u sell it tho LOL)

BTW I LOVE the new quote in your sig. I got the hell outta there in just the nick of time, after joel and i drove down the hill a few times. U and my brother got bagged, LOL to funny

No, no, that's not even how it went, I got F'n bagged , Me, not Kenny, he left me out to dry, Bastard. :lol: he owes me :beerchug:

08-19-2005, 12:30 PM
Stupidity should be lethal.

08-24-2005, 07:24 PM
Stupidity should be lethal.
simple, but sufficient. I LIKE IT

08-25-2005, 06:36 AM
people who drive in the outside lane doing 55 should be shot with sh#t and bathed in skunk p#$s for causing so much frustration to other drivers

08-25-2005, 09:41 AM
I just want everyone in the US to freakin speak english.

I hate going to Subway and giving my order to someone...who then translates it into Spanish for someone else to make my sandwich.

I know what you mean, I had a guy at the Mcdonalds cash register ask me if I could speak spanish. I am a 6'5" white man, what makes him think that I speak spanish. :cussing:

08-25-2005, 02:58 PM
people who drive in the outside lane doing 55 should be shot with sh#t and bathed in skunk p#$s for causing so much frustration to other drivers

people loooove doing that when a sports car is following them.

#1 Its already been said, but make learning to speak read and write the English language should be mandatory to become a citizen or to become a temporary laborer.

#2. I personally dont use the stuff, but lets just make marijuana legal already!

08-25-2005, 03:12 PM
I say move everyone that dont like the U.S back to where ever the hell they came from and shoot them when they get there.

08-26-2005, 12:51 AM
Man, could I do a lot of these!
1. If your bumper sticker says "I love (fill in the blank) you should live there!
2. A simple credit check for wefare recipients. If they have a $500 car payment and a slew of credit cards, no welfare!
3. All politicians should be on the same Social Security system that the people they represent are on. I bet they would figure out a way to fix the system then!
I could keep going, but I will give someone else a chance!

08-26-2005, 09:45 AM
I would make a mandatory screening process for people trying to reproduce and if they do not have a minimum IQ and are subject to board approval for their looks and a blood test to ensure there is no shared DNA.

08-26-2005, 09:46 AM
Oh yeah and make beer legal for everyone