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Stang Gurl
08-12-2005, 01:57 PM
I am writing this letter to all of my sponsors and anyone who may be interested.
One week ago today a friend of ours and our community was driving in his black Mustang GT when he was involved in a fatal accident. I am holding a Mustang Meet August 27th here in Clinton and I would like to hold a raffle and give 100% of all proceeds from ticket sales to his family for medical expenses, etc. I am reaching out to all of my sponsors and anyone who may be interested asking for possible donated products to raffle off at the meet for this family. I will make sure that anyone who donates something gets recognition for thier genorocity. I am expecting mustangs from all generations so anything you can send would be amazing. It is the 12th now, I would like to have all prizes to me by the 20th if at all possible.

Thanks Guys!

08-13-2005, 09:21 AM
Wish we could be there. I hope all goes great. Sorry about your friend. Also, May I ask a question, I'll just PM you