View Full Version : My coworkers must love me...

08-12-2005, 12:24 PM
or something...LOL (My birthday is tomorrow)

I got to work....and there were streamers and happy birthday signs on my door... and a cake on my desk!

I get back from lunch...and my ENTIRE office is covered in shredded paper. The shelves, my chair, the desk and computer, and the ENTIRE floor.

The cleaning lady is going to hate me.

08-12-2005, 01:21 PM
:hbd: WE LOVE YOU MORE!!!!!!!!!

08-13-2005, 02:55 AM
Did they like you to start. ;)

we used to do things like this to co-workers...but worse. Some by today's "P.C." standards would have probly gotten some of fired.

Happy B-day Becca

08-13-2005, 08:22 AM
I can't blame them though Becca ;) happy b-day :)