View Full Version : Why Does the Government Cater to Bums

08-11-2005, 08:19 AM
My Brother-in-law is almost 31 years old, has no job, has had no job for about 10 years now, and even when he did have a job it was Walmart and convenience stores for 3 months at a time. He's on "Disibility" for "Mental" (Really just laziness) problems. So he's been getting free money for about a year now, well they finally reguire him to go and see a employment rehabilitation counseler. They don't want him to get a Throw-a-way job as he has had in the past, and everything nowadays requires a degree. So they "The State" is going to put him threw College for FREE. What the F. I've worked my ass off for years and years and years, and fight to make ends meet. I did my military time so I get free college MA, but because I have to live I don't have time to go. Why do asses like this get a free ride. The thing that kills me is he won't finish, he'll start, do about two or three months then he'll just stop going. WHY WHY WHY WHY.

08-11-2005, 08:32 AM
what does he drive?

08-11-2005, 08:40 AM
what does he drive?

:rofl: Ya right, drive, :rofl: :rofl: :lol: :lol: ugh good one. He doesn't, #1 couldn't afford the gas, never mind the ins. and reg. fees or just the car itself.
Besides he doesn't work, where does he need to go.

He had an 86 4 Banger stang way back, he thinks he's getting another one, ahh whatever, it still won't compete with mine.

08-11-2005, 08:43 AM
Then it doesnt sound like hes got a free ride to me. lol

08-11-2005, 08:49 AM
but would be soooooo cold and heartless to actually force him to earn a living or starve... :rolleyes:

This is what your and my hard earned tax dollars goes towards. Don't you just love it? :ranting:

08-11-2005, 09:40 AM
but would be soooooo cold and heartless to actually force him to earn a living or starve... :rolleyes:

This is what your and my hard earned tax dollars goes towards. Don't you just love it? :ranting:
Exactly, the reason that people like that get by is because some humanitarian democrat decided that every person should have equal oppertunity(sounds like a good idea), but to the extent that the gov fronts the bill, through the tax payers. But, these programs encourage them not to work. Especially the wellfare programs. If you get a job working for more than minimum wage with more than 10hrs, you lose your wellfare. So, people on welfare have no drive to actually get a job because they will lose their free ride.

and there are the people that abuse the system even more. there is a family here that are on welfare, drive a cady, and spend about $50 a day on crap at our little store. Yet they are just barely making it. :censored:

and yes for referance I am a right wing republican extremist. :silly:

08-11-2005, 09:44 AM
The government caters to bums because we've elected faggots to represent us. (I don't mean gay guys, just name calling)

08-11-2005, 09:46 AM
Exactly, the reason that people like that get by is because some humanitarian democrat decided that every person should have equal oppertunity(sounds like a good idea), but to the extent that the gov fronts the bill, through the tax payers. But, these programs encourage them not to work. Especially the wellfare programs. If you get a job working for more than minimum wage with more than 10hrs, you lose your wellfare. So, people on welfare have no drive to actually get a job because they will lose their free ride.

and there are the people that abuse the system even more. there is a family here that are on welfare, drive a cady, and spend about $50 a day on crap at our little store. Yet they are just barely making it. :censored:

and yes for referance I am a right wing republican extremist. :silly:

Cody is a republican?! I take back all the bad things I ever implied :lol:

08-11-2005, 09:56 AM
Exactly, the reason that people like that get by is because some humanitarian democrat decided that every person should have equal oppertunity(sounds like a good idea), but to the extent that the gov fronts the bill, through the tax payers. But, these programs encourage them not to work. Especially the wellfare programs. If you get a job working for more than minimum wage with more than 10hrs, you lose your wellfare. So, people on welfare have no drive to actually get a job because they will lose their free ride.

and there are the people that abuse the system even more. there is a family here that are on welfare, drive a cady, and spend about $50 a day on crap at our little store. Yet they are just barely making it. :censored:

and yes for referance I am a right wing republican extremist. :silly:
well said!

I know Tom's Brother-in-Law (lucky me), all he does all day is play video games. no effort to get a job or contribute to society, never mind to the house hold he lives in.

08-11-2005, 10:13 AM
government welfare is your typical robin hood theft. Stealing the money from people who earn it and giving it to those who don't. I believe that welfare programs would work much better if they were back in the hands of private organizations like churches. But there is a huge beaurocracy in place that will take a frigging atomic bomb to dismantle

08-11-2005, 12:36 PM
selection process should come into play here.....The principles of life should be simple....if you dont work and are absolutely capable of doing so, then you dont eat, drink, or do anything....and if you die, well, you should have worked harder shouldnt have you.....

08-11-2005, 12:58 PM
government welfare is your typical robin hood theft. Stealing the money from people who earn it and giving it to those who don't. I believe that welfare programs would work much better if they were back in the hands of private organizations like churches. But there is a huge beaurocracy in place that will take a frigging atomic bomb to dismantle

I'll push the button :beerchug:

08-11-2005, 09:09 PM
hes 31 and has no job? and hasnt had one for 10 years? what the fuck is wrong with him? Ive been working 40 hours a week (or more) during my summers since i was in 7th grade....i dont think i could live through the year without my measly 2 grand or whatever i made throughout the summertime. And this was during my teenage years, im sure he has a lot more to pay for than beer and sneakers.

08-11-2005, 09:36 PM
Democrats want free everything for the lazy, baby makin', homeless, underachieving, and illegal aliens in the United States. That's why they all live lin Nevada, California, and Arizona. You can't give the shit away fast enough.

When businesses have the hotdog and soda freebee Saturday they all come out like a swarm of freakin' bees.

"Holy shit Emma, these bastards ran outta katsup for them free hotdogs, chilps and sodas. Last time we ever come to this dump ta eat. Shit... We gonna go hang out them car lot places. Them got good eatins', I tell ya."

08-11-2005, 09:44 PM
the Democrats prime constituency is the poor. They play the whole class warfare card continuosly. For some reason, if somebody gets rich, then someone else must have had to suffer for that to occur. Even though everytime a business does well, everybody benefits.

Black Stallion
08-11-2005, 10:13 PM
Life's not fair.

08-12-2005, 08:59 AM
Democrats want free everything for the lazy, baby makin', homeless, underachieving, and illegal aliens in the United States. That's why they all live lin Nevada, California, and Arizona. You can't give the shit away fast enough.

Add Texas to the list...

08-12-2005, 09:56 AM
yeah, it's not fair that someone earns more money then someone else *cough*cuz they worked harder*cough*

08-12-2005, 10:41 AM
Yeah its a pretty messed up system. My uncle is perfectly capable of working, but hasn't for six years. He's been on disability making 90% of the money he did at his old job and doing nothing. He actually outsmarted the system (he has a genius IQ) he read up on some disability stuff went and took a test and they said he is mentally disabled from working. Now he has a nice house here in OH with a few vehicles put both his kids through college has 17 acres in TN a mobile home and is building a house on his 17 acre lot and hasnt worked for 6 years and is perfectly capable of doing almost anything he wants. He found a loophole and is taking advantage of it. He has lost a lot of respect with some family members though.

08-12-2005, 04:34 PM
which loophole would that be?

08-13-2005, 09:27 AM
All I can say is that I am tired of paying for bums and welfare mothers. I did 23 years in the AF, and didn't get any college!! WTF. Now I'm paying around 2K, yes $2,000 a month in taxes to support people like that.

Heck I'm just making it too.

08-13-2005, 12:15 PM
"Equal treatment for everyone, special treatment for no one" - Jesse James

08-13-2005, 01:20 PM
All I can say is that I am tired of paying for bums and welfare mothers. I did 23 years in the AF, and didn't get any college!! WTF. Now I'm paying around 2K, yes $2,000 a month in taxes to support people like that.

Heck I'm just making it too.

You're drawing a retirement check after 23 years of service. I pay for that (gladly, mind you). Shouldn't you have to wait until 65? Yes you should, so pay those taxes happily. I served 12 (underway on a fast attack submarine, I was likely gone from home more in 12 years than you were in 23 of USAF duty) and got absolutely nothing to show for it. Military retirement is a good deal, but isn't it kinda welfarish in nature in itself? Where else can you work 20 years and draw a full retirement? You may pay 2K a month in taxes, I pay $1300 and then $1250 more for healthcare insurance. You're gonna be triple dipping by the time you reach "real" retirement age! :beerchug:

Why didn't you VEAP? Couldn't you convert to MGIB? You missed out on some great welfare there too. I've drawn thousands from MGIB in my "OJT" program at work. $1200 investment turns into 18K, thank you taxpayers!

08-13-2005, 02:20 PM
your welcome.

08-13-2005, 02:41 PM
You're drawing a retirement check after 23 years of service. I pay for that (gladly, mind you). Shouldn't you have to wait until 65? Yes you should, so pay those taxes happily. I served 12 (underway on a fast attack submarine, I was likely gone from home more in 12 years than you were in 23 of USAF duty) and got absolutely nothing to show for it. Military retirement is a good deal, but isn't it kinda welfarish in nature in itself? Where else can you work 20 years and draw a full retirement? You may pay 2K a month in taxes, I pay $1300 and then $1250 more for healthcare insurance. You're gonna be triple dipping by the time you reach "real" retirement age! :beerchug:

Why didn't you VEAP? Couldn't you convert to MGIB? You missed out on some great welfare there too. I've drawn thousands from MGIB in my "OJT" program at work. $1200 investment turns into 18K, thank you taxpayers!

Well No I shouldn't wait. I earned it. BTW Thank you for serving too. Sub duty is the worst, even though you get fed well. I can tell you I spent more than half my career deployed, overseas, etc. Great Hell Hole Like Egypt, Turkey, Saudi, and a few others.

As Far as the Montgomery GI Bill, I was not elligiable.

As Far as taxes, I am more than willing to pay my taxes, I do understand the need for taxes. I also understand the waste of taxpayers dollars used in instances of persons who do not deserve it. People who have not contributed to society and many time have contributed to the detriment of society.

I can honestly say that I have not gone without a job, or some form of employment since I was 14 years old. And we have people in our society who can't pick themselves up by the bootstraps, hunker down, put their noses to the grindstone, and I have to support them. Give me a freaking break.

I believe that the Government should help those who are not capable to helping themselves in some cases. BUT, Just like any Government program, the employees of the programs justify their paychecks by giving out more to validate their paychecks.

08-13-2005, 06:30 PM
You all have good points but this country is built on the middle man and we are them the rich keep getting richer and poor keep getting poorer and all of the bleading heart liberals among us should be sent over seas. This Country would not want me for Pesident I would lock douwn the borders stop NAFTA and Afermitive Action among many things that make this country so volatile. Our Country has become too free There are many things in cultural areas that needs to be changed too anyone that becomes a citizen of the USA should be required to speak English and if not deported all of this adds up to our too free country. People who don't work say there are no jobs out there and thats BS there are all types of jobs everywhere, flip burgers if you have too but the biggest problems are here in this forum, we as the middle men of this country we just sit here and type all of this, no one stands up for what they believe in because 1 no one will back them or 2 he they be shut down. I have friends in the CIA and Secret Service and trust me they have ways to shut someone up and thats another problem. So in short we just live our life to the fullest we can and try to ignore all of the propaganda BS but will stand up for what we belive in untill the day our Lord comes back for us and enjoy our life to the fullest and just maybe one day one of us can afford to try and make a change for our country.

May God Bless the USA

08-13-2005, 06:57 PM
Well No I shouldn't wait. I earned it. BTW Thank you for serving too. Sub duty is the worst, even though you get fed well. I can tell you I spent more than half my career deployed, overseas, etc. Great Hell Hole Like Egypt, Turkey, Saudi, and a few others.

As Far as the Montgomery GI Bill, I was not elligiable.

As Far as taxes, I am more than willing to pay my taxes, I do understand the need for taxes. I also understand the waste of taxpayers dollars used in instances of persons who do not deserve it. People who have not contributed to society and many time have contributed to the detriment of society.

I can honestly say that I have not gone without a job, or some form of employment since I was 14 years old. And we have people in our society who can't pick themselves up by the bootstraps, hunker down, put their noses to the grindstone, and I have to support them. Give me a freaking break.

I believe that the Government should help those who are not capable to helping themselves in some cases. BUT, Just like any Government program, the employees of the programs justify their paychecks by giving out more to validate their paychecks.

I know, you did earn it. I'm just a little jealous I guess. I just couldn't go on another deployment away from the family. You're close on the food thing. The Trident's get the good food. We were eating lard with yellow food coloring on the way from San Dog to Pearl because our cook forgot to order butter (along with everything else).

All of us participating in this thread are part of the problem. We are the silent majority. The problem is the silent part. There are grassroots organizations that make it very easy to communicate with your elected officials. I get email from the American family association (or something like that). They have a different agenda, but they make it so easy to contact your representatives and senators. Enpower, through my work does the same thing, only its agenda is promoting nuclear power and the like. They also make it simple to send an email to elected officials. I'm sure an internet search would land you on a page you could add to your favorites for future contact.

My wife works at an insurance agency here in town. There is a couple who frequntly stop by to pay their bill. They are both on disability, they are borderline retarded I guess. They draw thousands each month from disability. They just purchased a new car. Their daughter is in foster care (with best friends of the family, no less). All the children before her have gone on to be adopted as well. There are probably tens of thousands of similar stories across the nation.

Bottom line is, we can't close our borders, we can't afford the burden that we have already and it's going to get worse. Education is the only way to solve the problem. We absolutely have no choice but to educate the immigrants, it's the only way they will be truly productive members of our society. I'm not saying free college, just a solid K-12 experience (even if it means catering to them in Spanish while they learn English)

08-13-2005, 06:58 PM
For the record I am a Conservative Christian Republican at heart even if that stuff above sounds a little liberal...

08-13-2005, 07:29 PM
For the record I am a Conservative Christian Republican at heart even if that stuff above sounds a little liberal...

Good posting and Conservative Christian Republican we are as well and the sites you are talking about are:

Americcan Family Association (http://www.afa.net/)

Freedom Underground (http://www.freedomunderground.org/view.php?v=1&t=1)

One million Dads (http://www.onemilliondads.com/)

AgapePress (http://www.agapepress.org/)

This is just a few enjoy :woohoo:

08-14-2005, 08:15 AM
First off , I need to make a comment on the 20 year retirement from the Military. Gad damn right they deserve, that is someone yopu shouldn't be jealuos of, you should be able to look up to them. I did 4 years and new I couldn't do 16 more. Not because I couldn't handle it but because I had a wife and two kids I really did'nt want to miss out on anymore. What we get from the military is far from any type of welfare. That statement is BS. I contributed to the GI Bill, Now granted I can get back a whole lot more, I can gaurantee there are a lot out there like me who contributed, started school, then to make ends meet can't go on, I did'nt get back the $1200 I put in yet, and I lose it in 2 years, It's like insurance, you pay pay pay, and if you don't use it, you lose it.

People who can work and don't should get absolutly nothing, from the government. Those who can feed themselves should rot off.

08-14-2005, 09:25 AM
First off , I need to make a comment on the 20 year retirement from the Military. Gad damn right they deserve, that is someone yopu shouldn't be jealuos of, you should be able to look up to them. I did 4 years and new I couldn't do 16 more. Not because I couldn't handle it but because I had a wife and two kids I really did'nt want to miss out on anymore. What we get from the military is far from any type of welfare. That statement is BS. I contributed to the GI Bill, Now granted I can get back a whole lot more, I can gaurantee there are a lot out there like me who contributed, started school, then to make ends meet can't go on, I did'nt get back the $1200 I put in yet, and I lose it in 2 years, It's like insurance, you pay pay pay, and if you don't use it, you lose it.

People who can work and don't should get absolutly nothing, from the government. Those who can feed themselves should rot off.

Unruffle your feathers Ramvert. I was picking at ComputerGuy in fun. Maybe you didn't notice my 12 years of Naval service? I was working (duty days and underway days counted) over 4500 hours a year in the Navy. That's well over the equivalent of 40 years of "normal" service to a company crammed into a 20 year slot.

My comment was directed more the fact I could have gone 19.5 years and gotten nothing but the boot, but 6 more months and you're set for life. Your retirement from the military should be like any other corporation, you're vested after you successfully complete your first enlistment, and your entitlement grows each successive year served.

Your brother-in-law is the bum, not me.

08-15-2005, 07:20 AM
Unruffle your feathers Ramvert. I was picking at ComputerGuy in fun. Maybe you didn't notice my 12 years of Naval service? I was working (duty days and underway days counted) over 4500 hours a year in the Navy. That's well over the equivalent of 40 years of "normal" service to a company crammed into a 20 year slot.

My comment was directed more the fact I could have gone 19.5 years and gotten nothing but the boot, but 6 more months and you're set for life. Your retirement from the military should be like any other corporation, you're vested after you successfully complete your first enlistment, and your entitlement grows each successive year served.

Your brother-in-law is the bum, not me.

No I wasn't calling you the bum, not at all. Yea I did talk you the wrong way, sorry, But I didn't bash you. I wasn't really ruffled, The F word def. would have come out if I was ruffled. :lol: Alls good dude, well 19.5 years yeah I quess I'd be a bit upset myself. I thought I saw 12 years.

08-15-2005, 07:21 AM
And he's a bum and a little bitch