View Full Version : "Can I take a pic of your car?"

08-01-2005, 08:08 PM
Ok so I was out at the lake tonight taking pictures of my car. (not that I needed more or anything but I was bored and wanted to update my site) and this couple stopped and asked if they could take some pictures of my car. So I said yes, a little scaried being out in the middle of no where...and then they asked if I wanted them to use my camera to take some pics. I said I guess so. A little scary at first but as it turned out they were just mustang fans themselves and noticed my mach. It all worked out ok in the end, I talked to some nice people about stangs, and used the pics they took for the hunt claim, a girl with your stang. lol

Anyone else ever get that?

08-01-2005, 08:20 PM
Yes, there is still some nice people in this world. Good pictures by the way.

08-01-2005, 08:40 PM
Thats neat.

08-02-2005, 08:44 AM
did you tell them about GS?!

08-02-2005, 09:29 AM
LOL YES!!! I even had my gotstang? hoodie in the back of the car and showed them!! I told them about the hunt and stuff. They didn't really seem like the kind that would come here though. But they were still nice to talk to.