View Full Version : first vette kill!

07-31-2005, 08:48 PM
So I was driving out to Omaha friday night for the Midwest Stangs cruise/bbq on sunday. I was staying with some friends there.. Anyway, back to the vette.

I was heading west on I-80 out of Des Moines and I notice a C5 up in front of me a little ways. Of course there is a few cars between us taking up both lanes so I had to just ride close to them all for a while until I could get around. As I'm approaching the vette I pass a yellow 5.0 sn95 and send a smile/wave at the hottie driving.. (she probably just had to laugh about that :p: )

I pull up next to the vette and match speed then drop into 4th and take off. At this point I was just letting him know my intentions since we were in traffic at that point so I slow back to a reasonable speed and he follows me for about 30 minutes until the road clears up.

He inches up next to me and I look over to see an old guy and his white haired wife riding along with a big ole grin on her face. I give him the jump and drop it into 4th at 80 mph. we stay even for a split second and then it's instapull. Not even close :cool: It made for a nice little ego boost :p:

07-31-2005, 08:50 PM

08-01-2005, 06:43 AM
well done putm a smile on there faces eh?

08-02-2005, 07:02 PM
Nothing like killing a vette. The old bastards that buy those things think that if they spend that much money on a car, it can eat anything!
Way to show em whats up!

08-03-2005, 10:28 PM
Awesome! :)

08-03-2005, 10:33 PM
You need to get some videos of your ride dude... :)