View Full Version : Signing off.

07-28-2005, 07:12 PM
We'll people, I will be removing the website and bowing out. I believe I have reached the point that I can't relate to what's going on here so it's time to move on. I hope all will be good for all of you and may god be with you. :thumpupn:


07-28-2005, 07:14 PM
You cant relate to mustang love? lol

07-28-2005, 07:53 PM
I would have expected more of you J than that kind of response. It is however one of the reasons I have decided to move on. There is a major lack of respect in this place in several areas. I have given nothing but props to people and have been more than fare with the way I treat and talk to people.
I have held my tongue on several issues that have been brought up because I don't like making to many waves and It dosen't take much for people to turn on you so I kept my mouth shut. I have made some good friends on here and I think that you have created a decent site but as time goes on, the true meaning to the very creation you have made seems to get lost. I don't leave with any bad feelings trust me, I just thought it would be proper to say good by in a proper way that's all.

07-28-2005, 08:26 PM
I just find it silly that people leave sites that they love so much over childish stuff. Respect that some people dont understand the views you have... Alot of people have come to me and talked to me personally and tried to make this a better a place. If everyone would just leave over something that they dont like.. We wouldnt even have a site like this. If I would have left after all the shit I have taken about this site... It wouldnt even be up. There are many people behind the scenes that nobody here knows about that are reporting things they dont like and I am doing everything in my power to fix them. Like I said... if leaving is what yer gonna do.. Im not gonna beg people to stay here... I would do all that I can to fix the problems and I respect you and your car.... by you saying you cant relate to anything on this site upsets me more then you leaving.

07-28-2005, 08:36 PM
I guess you can look at this way...

I look at myself as a sidewalk builder. If there are children playing on the sidewalk being stupid. Walk in the grass and go around them but continue on that sidewalk that was built for you. Dont walk on the street the rest of the time because some little kids are in your way.

I hope that helps.

07-29-2005, 08:30 AM
.... There is a major lack of respect in this place in several areas. I have given nothing but props to people and have been more than fare with the way I treat and talk to people.
I have held my tongue on several issues that have been brought up because I don't like making to many waves and It dosen't take much for people to turn on you so I kept my mouth shut. I have made some good friends on here and I think that you have created a decent site but as time goes on, the true meaning to the very creation you have made seems to get lost....
I agree with you on these issues,and I'm like you are about holding
my tongue and not making waves...I kinda like keeping a low profile
but when I have something to add or comment on.I try and do so
in a way to not to disrepect someone..this attitude of disrespect is too
prevalent everywhere you go...you have to deal with it...I just ignore it,
Especially on the internet...I don't take much of it too serious..

I'm not going to let a few propeller heads ruin it for me,but if it gets too
bad...then maybe the alternative is to leave.But that is
your decision..I hope you decide to stay,but if you feel the
need to go,then I wish you and yours well.

07-29-2005, 12:38 PM
come on guys... this is an awesome, site, like J said, dont let a couple of immature people get in your way of fun... but do what you gotta do... it's all about MUSTANG LOVE... not arguing... btw, still a great site J

07-29-2005, 02:10 PM
dont let immature people like me make you leave...

07-29-2005, 03:13 PM
We'll people, I will be removing the website and bowing out. I believe I have reached the point that I can't relate to what's going on here so it's time to move on. I hope all will be good for all of you and may god be with you. :thumpupn:

Well........................I have to agree with you on this, but do what I did, just take a break from this site. Then maybe in a few months, you will change your mind. I believe that J is too young to get it.

Anyway, I tend to enjoy my local site better. I don't do the face-off's anymore, or the hunts. I will ask people to stop, see my site(and rank it), but that is about it for here.

07-29-2005, 05:17 PM
I will take a break from it for a while and just take some time to rethink things through. J, I want you specificly to understand that I commend you on the efforts forth with. I hope you understand that I realize that you can't control what people do or say and yes this is the internet so take all that come.
I have the mustang love and there isn't anyone who could say differently so lets just say I can't relate to some of the actions people have taken on here or maybe it's just me and who I am, that at this point is the reason why I'm finding it hard to get over some of the shit I read or observed . I really like alot of people on here and this place is loaded with serious rides and for those of you who took the time to pm me thanks!
Joey. :goodbye:

07-29-2005, 05:31 PM
I sorta have to agree with everyone here. This site is a microcosm of society in general. It has it's great people, it has it's not so great people, etc.

I try to not make waves myself either, but keep posts, etc, on edge. I have to agree that Just like in Sim City, J has built an awesome site, a city of many different types of people. but there is an element or a feeling moving in. Hope this makes some sense, Damn Lortab and beer doesn't mix I guess.

To you who depart, please take care, drop a line once in a while. I wish you, like anyone I meet, and won't maybe see again, a healthy life, blessed with all the joys of life, much fun, and happiness. Take Care my friends.

07-29-2005, 05:39 PM
if u must go....... goodluck, but don't forget to stop in and say hi


07-30-2005, 12:26 AM
Too Much Drama...I understand what your saying. But you dont have to leave just ignore what you dont like. You will meet all kids of people in life. On the net or in person you will have to deal with them inyour way. Good luck in your decisions.


07-30-2005, 11:52 AM
yeah, i agree with most of you on the issue of leaving because this site is way too awesome to let immaturity make you leave. ive been here for a few months and in my opinion the good things on this site overpower the bad things by a longshot. this is a place that i can really relate to, most people dont understand why i love mustangs so much and this is a place where everyone understands the "Mustang Love". J has done an awesome job with this place and i would hate for people to leave over little things, just take a break from it, but hurry back b/c you cant escape from the forces of GOTSTANG :devil:


07-30-2005, 05:09 PM
Sorry to hear you go! DOnt forget about us

07-30-2005, 09:40 PM
I have been here less than a month and I understand peoples concerns. It's stuff like the moron selling their name on ebay so that someone else will get their view totals after they change the name on the site and upload their own images. (which is happening right now.) Bidding is up to $71 already. All the ranked you now rank me crap or added new white wheels to my car please re-rank me. It's a pain in the butt, but you still have to look beyond all the crap. I mean how the hell does a newbie get nearly 5000 pageviews, when their car isn't even that hot? I have done banners for cars that blow that one away.

There are some wonderful people here. J and Cody are doing the best they can and are trying to change the site to what the majority wants. They cannot police everyone. You have to give and take the stuff you want from the people you want to associate with on this site. I am just some moron doing signature banners for people but I have met some interesting people already. I plan to stick around, be opinionated and express my views to comments on the forums. That is what it's all about... sharing information of one type or another and associating with people who enjoy the Mustang world.

Hope you stick around. I'm a newbie and I'll be around for a while I hope. See ya in the newsgroups.

07-31-2005, 02:10 PM
Joey, as I'm sure you and many of the other "older" members here, it is def. a different place then what it was when it first started. you need to spend hours a day to keep up. I can't do that. There may be stuff going on behind the scenes but only certain people get listened to. Some of us don't get a response. Joey you are def. one member that I can't wait to meet. Good luck keep in touch.

The Guardian
08-01-2005, 07:04 AM
We'll people, I will be removing the website and bowing out. I believe I have reached the point that I can't relate to what's going on here so it's time to move on. I hope all will be good for all of you and may god be with you. :thumpupn:

Joey.Sorry to see you go. Good luck. You have my respect. Your car is awesome. Like others said take a break and come back.:beerchug: