View Full Version : Question for military members....

07-11-2005, 05:11 AM
Since I've been on this site I've seen alot of members who are involved in the military. So my question is how do you all like it? Have you been sent over seas? Would you join again? Ya know just stuff like that.

Reason why is, last summer I wanted to join the National guard and after I did all my stuff to join and was literally ready to sign on the dotted line...I found out I had to get a waiver because of my eye site, I did all the steps to get it and then never found out if it was granted or not.(mainly because the recruiter would not call me back and didn't seem interested in me joining) Well last week a different recruiter called me and said it WAS granted and now I can go. Its something I really would like to do but everyone I talk to around here says they hate it and not to do it. But they never give a spec reason why. So I just thought I'd ask anyone on here since I've seen so many people are part on the military and they are proud of it. Thanks for any info!!

07-11-2005, 08:25 AM
I don't know about Army, but the AF national Guard is the first to get deployed when something happens. I've been in for almost 2 years Active Duty. I love the benifits and have no regrets about my decision to join. However, my Type A personality does not mesh well with the military command structure so I don't think I'm going to re-enlist. If you've got more questions fire away! glad to answer them.

07-11-2005, 12:55 PM
I'm Active Duty Air Force, I love my job (Security Forces) but personally, many of those in my career don't re-enlist, because they find out they don't want to deal with the high level of stress involved with enforcing the rules. I don't plan on re-enlisting right now (been in a year and 4 months). I plan on using this for the experience and going Civilian LE or Federal LE when I get out in 2010! I like it and wouldn't change anything! Right now I am deployed... so, that kind of sucks, being away from my wife and my car (both are new :-) ).

07-11-2005, 03:04 PM
I was in the Navy for ten years and I can only speak from a (squid) point of view. I loved the Navy and it got me to where I am today. With a wife two kids and a job with the top defense contractor in the world(Northrop Grumman) Without my Navy career I would have had none of these and I would have still been on th farm in KY. I have been to most european countries and saw things most people only dream of. I was the supervisor of MY own shop by the time I was 24 AND Got a really nice re-enlistment bonus my first time up for re-enlistment. I got out of the navy so I could raise my children because alas, the navy is not the life for a married person. You are gone way too much and you watch your children grow up in pictures. I loved my life when I was in the Navy but after ten years I was ready to be a father and not a soldier. I CAN say this about ALL branches. They will teach you responsibility and respect. They will also give you what you put into it and that is the most important thing to remember. If you are not into it wholeheartedly then DO NOT join the service. You must commit yourself to your job and your country. I am proud of the ten years I spent in the service and would glady do it again. It was some of the best times of my life.

07-11-2005, 05:41 PM
Ditto on the family thing, I was pretty much good to do whatever I wanted in the Navy, but the call to put the family first got louder and louder.

If you're pretty sharp, there are some great programs in the Navy. Being underway on a submarine poses little threat to you relative to police duty in Iraq. As a nuke, I was offered ridiculous re-enlistment bonuses. There were even ridiculous sized enlistment bonuses. They've gotten even larger as time wears on. I was eligible for a 60k re-up bonus when I got out in '01. Now I make a bunch of green with no other real formal education except for some college classes taken along the way. Last I heard, there was rumor of awarding a BSAST at the completion of navy Nuke School. Get paid to earn a degree (that you don't even need to work in the field) instead of running up 35k in student loans...

If you want a great start, the military is the ticket. If I had it to do again, I'd enlist just the same, but I'd bail at the six year point (my rate's shortest enlistment). You can quit the program after six and springboard right into a $28/hr operator job at a nuke plant. It only goes up from there.

07-11-2005, 07:36 PM
Damn glo-worms :rofl: IYAOYAS!!!

07-11-2005, 08:10 PM
Damn glo-worms :rofl: IYAOYAS!!!


"Choose your rate, choose your fate..." How many times have I heard that one while complaining about my particular job? We used to come in at 2a.m. to start up the plant, then while standing on the pier for quarters we'd see a puff of smoke come from the stack of one of those durn gas turbine cruisers, they'd be underway 15 minutes later. Stupid reactors!

But after 12 years of that life, being actively recruited by Entergy was nice, real nice. ;) They even pay you for overtime worked?! Who'd a thunk?

No regrets on either end.

02 GT Chick
07-11-2005, 08:17 PM
I am in the NC National Guard. I have been in for 9 years this November. That is also when my current contract expires. I plan on enlisting for 6 more years. I am leaving for Iraq in less than 2 weeks; and yes I plan on re-enlisting.

The military is just like every other job in the world. (kinda) You love it some days and you hate it some days. I have been to countries of the world I can still barely pronounce, participated in humanitarian missions in Former Russia, The South Pacific, and aided Hurricane victims. I enjoy doing things I would never have gotten to do any other way. The military if paying for my education (and then some) and the bonuses kick ass (especially now).

I Love the military. I know that some people hate it, it doesn't suit their personality. And that is ok too. But I enjoy it.

07-11-2005, 08:28 PM
I'm active AF, and I'm not planning on reinlisting, but joining the reserves insted.

I would say it is good for any one to join for at least 4 years, see if it's for u. It will not be a waste of time and will only help u out later on.

I've been in for 5 years, and I'm kinda tired of the BS, so time for a new job.

GT Dan
07-11-2005, 08:47 PM
These guys are right about responsibility and respect. They will also teach you leadership, management, discipline, attention to detail, accountability and teamwork. It will also make you grow up fast and you can count of it being a life changing experience.

I joined the Coast Guard out of High School. Wasnt ready for College and it sounded like a fun thing to to. Probably the safest of all the services to avoid combat. I went in to learn Electronics so I could use it after the service. I turned my electronics background into a high paying computer job. I did travel overseas, spent almost an entire month traveling around Italy. Had a great time. I am damn proud of my service and there is nothing more rewarding than pulling a person from the water and saving their life.

Thats the good news.... please realize the National Guard is not Active Duty so there will be some differences but you'll get the idea.

As stated eariler, you will be seperated from your family, its not IF, it is WHEN.... so be prepared for the seperation. Please remember, these people own your a$$ when you are deployed. They can send you home early, they can keep you there. It is completely up to them and what they need. There are absolutley no guarantees in the military. They own your a$$. If they want you in Siberia, you better grab a jacket.

Secondly, and this is in my opinion, the benefits are over-stated. I did use my VA loan benefits and it was great. Mortgage bankers see a VA insured loan as money in the bank. I used my GI Bill benefits and again, it was great. Used it to earn my bachelors degree. You can go to a VA hospital for life but have you ever seen the inside of a VA hospital. Some are better than others but I'll pass. I have not been in a commisary or exchange in ten years so I dont know how the prices compare. You shouldnt have to worry about housing.

To sum it up, if you choose to sign on that dotted line, it is NOT a I'll try it and see if I like it deal. You cant quit and walk away. As I said before, they own your a$$....

07-11-2005, 09:59 PM

"Choose your rate, choose your fate..." How many times have I heard that one while complaining about my particular job? We used to come in at 2a.m. to start up the plant, then while standing on the pier for quarters we'd see a puff of smoke come from the stack of one of those durn gas turbine cruisers, they'd be underway 15 minutes later. Stupid reactors!

But after 12 years of that life, being actively recruited by Entergy was nice, real nice. ;) They even pay you for overtime worked?! Who'd a thunk?

No regrets on either end.
Never had to worry bout that as an AO we worked on det and when we were flyin(which incidentally was 24/7 during Iraqi freedom) Some of the nuke guys I knew were real Nutjobs though he he. I know you have heard this before, "D&D on the fwd mess decks " kinda people. :rofl:

07-11-2005, 10:24 PM
I never understood the allure of the twenty sided dice. Those freaks would set up on Friday after class in their lounge and not leave until class on Monday. Just proof that there is a job for anyone and everyone! Gave all nukes a bad rap.

I just wanted to learn how my car amps worked...now I know, and then some.

07-11-2005, 10:56 PM
:rofl: how true! How true! We had a gaggle of them bastards in our berthing. They would spend 16-18 hours on the flight deck and then come to the berthing and play D&D until they had to go to work again! I have no Idea how they did it.

Terminator X
07-11-2005, 11:14 PM
Damn, Am I the only Marine on this board?

07-12-2005, 07:21 PM
Damn, Am I the only Marine on this board?

Nice sig, and believe me, stupid always has a way being punished.

07-13-2005, 10:26 AM
If you want to do it, go for it, dont listen to what anyone else says. Make up your own mind, Keep a positive attitude and form your own opinions. Good luck with your decision. :thumbup:


07-13-2005, 01:06 PM
From my experience (Both as a dependent and active duty) it's good some times and bad others. Sure it may suck for family life being away from home so often, but if it was meant to be no deployment will destroy a relationship. I say go for it. If nothing else you will get a good experience and structure.

Hell, I think everyone should spend some time in the military. If nothing else to see all the shit that we as military members do for their asses.

07-16-2005, 06:53 AM
Damn, Am I the only Marine on this board?
Nope another Marine here :devil: