View Full Version : Lame face off challenges
07-10-2005, 02:50 PM
There has been a LOT of lame face off challenges lately - come on people, what's the point of challenging easy meat? Sure you might get a few points, but at what expense? Where's your pride!! Other members are going to think you are cheap or a cheat! There are so many members now on GS that you can always find cars similar to yours that would make a good face off.
For example, "computerguy" has been challenged almost constantly the last couple of weeks - ever since he removed his website and posted a silly profile pic on June 18! I'm not singling anyone out, because plenty of members have done this, but it's a really lame way of getting a few member points, and you are cheapening the whole Face Off thing :(
Instead of picking a lame profile to challenge, pick me - I lose more than I win, but at least I have a real website! >owned<
Hey J, I know this has been discussed before, but I really think that the Face Offs would be so much better if each member had the ability to set their preferences for the Face Offs - I'll send you a PM about it, and if you think it warrants further discussion, you can open it up in another thread.
07-10-2005, 03:33 PM
Oz, it's all about competition. People like to win. Just like comparing how many mods you have done to your pony, it is always "one-uping" the other. You remember as a kid..."My dad can beat up your dad" kind of thing.
Now I'll be devils advocate here. Some don't "look" to see if there is a website, they just see the avatar/profile pic and challenge. IMHO, I think the challenges should be able to be declined by the challenger (or is it that way already?). Not everyone wants to be in a face-off, myself included.
Good luck in your quest for fairness!
Oz, it's all about competition. People like to win. Just like comparing how many mods you have done to your pony, it is always "one-uping" the other. You remember as a kid..."My dad can beat up your dad" kind of thing.
Now I'll be devils advocate here. Some don't "look" to see if there is a website, they just see the avatar/profile pic and challenge. IMHO, I think the challenges should be able to be declined by the challenger (or is it that way already?). Not everyone wants to be in a face-off, myself included.
Good luck in your quest for fairness!
I agree..
02 GT Chick
07-10-2005, 06:25 PM
I got challenged by a highly modded vehicle recently and I was just like "What?" I mean come on! my car is freaking damn near stock! Pick on someone your own size! They were pretty new at the time and I think they (maybe) didn't realize how off kilter the balance was, but I was a little ticked.
If people challenge someone with a car in a FAR less class (for lack of a better word) I automatically vote for the underdog. Same thing goes for people challenging people who don't even have a website set up, if a-whorin-for-points you must go, at least make it look like you are not trying to pick on new people or people without mustangs who are just here for the love of the car. However if the no mod Mustang or the no web-site newbie chooses to challenge Onebad95 for example, DUH the vote goes to Onebad95, they brought it on themselves for challenging a MUCH more badass car without understanding how the whole thing works.
Of course this is a little unfair. I mean if I were Onebad95 I would just about be scared to challenge anyone. If you pick another car not as awesome as yours, then it looks as if you are picking on someone. But lets face it, there aren't just a whole lot of cars out there of the same caliber as Onebad95 (not trying to pick on Onebad95, but just trying to make a point here and he is the only one I can think of off the top of my head right now and I don't think I am badmouthing anyone quite the opposite in fact... I don't think Onebad95 has ever challenged someone just for easy points...).
I am torn on the whole face-off thing. I love it, as far as I know this is the only site that has such a feature and big ups to J for coming up with such an idea; but as with everything else out there, there are people who will try to work the system in their favor, and it taints it for the rest of us.
White Stang
07-10-2005, 10:00 PM
Basiclly you can only challenge those ranked higher than you. If you feel your car can beat a car ranked higher than you than its not cheap its fair game. How else can you move up the ladder? :beerchug: I can't challenge as many cars as I could two weeks ago without them accepting the challenge. I think it is set up the right way. If a car is ranked higher than you and they challenge you and you don't stand a chance don't accept it. Thats my Opinion.
07-11-2005, 12:36 AM
Basiclly you can only challenge those ranked higher than you. If you feel your car can beat a car ranked higher than you than its not cheap its fair game. How else can you move up the ladder? :beerchug: I can't challenge as many cars as I could two weeks ago without them accepting the challenge. I think it is set up the right way. If a car is ranked higher than you and they challenge you and you don't stand a chance don't accept it. Thats my Opinion.
I agree that it's set up OK - but it's being abused and cheapened, so I also think that there needs to be a way for members to opt out of the face offs if they don't want to be in them - or to always decide whether or not to accept or decline a face off - or to always accept a face off. What I suggested to J was that if we were to do this, then the top 20 ranked members would no longer be able to opt out (if you make it that far up the ladder, you either have a good car or a good GS website or both, so shouldn't mind being challenged).
I also don't think it's a problem for modded cars to go up against showroom stock cars because there are so many criteria that people use to vote on (well, to me there is at least) - it's not just mods, because sometimes you have to compare a car with "go" against one with "show", or an unmodded car against a highly modded one, so I tend to judge more on the overall appearance and content of the website and the pics rather than just the mod list or which car has the most bling. In other words, I will always give the nod to a nice looking nearly stock stang that has been well photographed and the member has put some effort into their site over a highly modded car with just a couple of poor quality pics on the site. And like Amanda says, if someone has obviously picked on a car or site that is obviously in a much lesser class, then I am going to go for the underdog everytime.
07-11-2005, 01:00 AM
Then again, maybe what we really need to do is come up with a way to single out those people who are obviously going for the easy points by picking on a weak profile - fear of embarrassment might make them think twice about going for the easy points :nutkick:
07-11-2005, 07:18 AM
Maybe we could think about adding a comment option just like J did for the submitted hunt items... that way you could voice your opinion about the face off... like whether it was a rocking face off between two great cars or whether the challenger was a skank for trying to skate with points on an easy kill.
This was setup this way for the newer users. Lets say onebad95 just signed up for this site today. He would be attempting to challenge TONS of people but they would all decline his request because his car is "better!" and who wants to lose? So.. if yer car has less points then someone you can challenge them. And you dont lose points as the person being challenged, for this reason once again... Hope you all see where this is coming from....
07-11-2005, 02:26 PM
hey J, we are not trying to change the way it is set up - no one (at least not me) is suggesting that top ranked members should be able to challenge lower ranked members without their approval.
My suggested improvements do not change that - they just give people additional options regarding the face offs, which would improve the quality of the face offs
For example, lets say a newby signs up with a badass car - just like Charlie's - they might opt for "always accept" because they want to bring on the challenges, especially from the other badass cars that might already be ranked high, and they don't want to have to approve every one that comes along.
Conversely, someone with a average car and/or average website might want to opt out of face offs for the time being - so as not to become just easy pickings for the oportunistic vultures. Same goes for people like "Computerguy" - for whatever reason, he has pulled his website for the moment - but low lifes are challenging him daily for the easy money - if he had the option of opting out of face offs when he pulled his profile, that BS which cheapens the face offs wouldn't happen.
J, although I see the point you are making, I don't necesarily think it will be as big a problem as you think - that is a newbie with a sweet car not being able to get anyone to accept - firstly you don't lose any points if you accept a challenge and lose, and more importantly, if there is that much mismatch between the cars, then frankly, the person being challenged SHOULD have the right to decline! If you are really worried about it, just introduce the "Always Accept" and "Disable Face offs" options in addition to the default setting as it is now - that will address most of the issues, and not cause the problem you are concerned about?
It's not about changing the fundemental way that face offs work - it's about making something thats already great even better!
And I do like webwitch's suggestion about a comments section - or even a simple rating scale where members can rate the match up - something like "perfect match" "typical match" "pick on someone your own size next time" and "lowdown dirty cheap shot" ;)
07-11-2005, 05:25 PM
So what is up with computerguy anyway? why did he take his pics away? is he a non participating member now? I know everyone is challenging him.
So what is up with computerguy anyway? why did he take his pics away? is he a non participating member now? I know everyone is challenging him.
He used to be into the site.. im not sure whats going on.
07-11-2005, 09:58 PM
Hey, I don't think picking a sacrificial lamb is a bad thing for first timers! If someone is trying to win a Face off for the first time (or they are really new and don't really understand how it works) I think that it's cool to get an easy win. That won't continue. As they acumulate easy wins, they run out of easy wins. I really don't see the problem. Most of the similar cars to mine (and yes computerguys car is similar) I have to ask if they want to accept the challenge with me. There aren't that many 'easy' wins out there. It's just really the one that everyone sees.
I don't see a problem with the way this is set up, it is to be ex[pected that people will want to win, especially at first.
07-11-2005, 10:13 PM
I don't see the problem either... and yes i have faced off with computer guy... and yes our cars are about the same... he is ranked higher then me and you see his car in the banner that runs the top of the site...Plus i know with some people if they don't atleast win once in a while then will never want to be apart of it.
Plus after a while u will run out of "easy" wins...I don't think anything is wrong with the layout of the way face offs work.. also that if you don't feel that it is right then don't do it...
GT Dan
07-11-2005, 10:16 PM
after seeing this thread, I'm voting from computerguy.....
07-11-2005, 11:08 PM
after seeing this thread, I'm voting from computerguy.....
Does that mean that no matter what computer guy gets you vote? My first challenge was offered and accepted by a car that I knew would blow me away...and he did. I graciously accepted and pm him after saying congrats and that after some mods we would go again. if we start putting Stangs in classes we might as well not have face offs at all...Some think its a cheap shot to challenge computer guy but what about the face-off with other members who have not set up their site all the way? Should there be a time limit on how long they should be a member? For those of you that think challenging a face-off for a member who has his Stang on the site but not a complete site ie: no pics or descriptions, is that a cheap shot? If a member is on the site but did not maintain his/her site they obviously do not care. There are many,many sites not ready or abandoned.... it is a touchy subject. But everyone here is fair game in my opinion....
07-11-2005, 11:31 PM
I tend to judge more on the overall appearance and content of the website and the pics rather than just the mod list or which car has the most bling. In other words, I will always give the nod to a nice looking nearly stock stang that has been well photographed and the member has put some effort into their site over a highly modded car with just a couple of poor quality pics on the site. And like Amanda says, if someone has obviously picked on a car or site that is obviously in a much lesser class, then I am going to go for the underdog everytime.
So I want to understand...if I were to challenge a member who has bad quality pics vs one that has good pics you will feel that the face-off was not fair?? Therefor you will vote for the underdog? I know that I took some of you post out of context but this statement is the one I want to make sure that I understand.... if this is the direction that this could go who decides what class is comparable? I feel that the faceoffs should be a mutual agreement between the challengers..then the board member should decide by votes not by bashing the challenger.. :thanks: for letting me voice my opinion...
GT Dan
07-11-2005, 11:39 PM
I see you point and agree for the most part but before I vote, I always look at the websites and decide which car I like better. Being a newbie, I didnt know why people kept challenging computerguy. Now I know...
The Guardian
07-12-2005, 12:16 AM
I find I am up being the sacraficial lamb sometimes. I have a brand new 04 vert I just bought 4 months ago. I am making steep payments and do not have money for mods. I love mustangs and I have wanted one for many years. Now that I am divorced I decided to treat myself. I feel sometimes like I am picked on on this site because I do not have mods. I have added flair to my website and and taken tons of different pics of my stang, completed hunts and done everything free that I can to display my pride in owning a mustang. So how does a no mod new vert get respect and get rank higher than 6s and 7s on this site. Any suggestions I am running out of ideas?
07-12-2005, 12:51 AM
yeah i agree also, when i was new to the site i made some dumb mistakes... but i wised up, and i only try to challenge other people with the same type mods... recently i was challeged by someone who had prob about 5 grand or more, why? didnt they kno wthey would win, its kinda a cheap run i think
GT Dan
07-12-2005, 01:03 AM
I find I am up being the sacraficial lamb sometimes. I have a brand new 04 vert I just bought 4 months ago. I am making steep payments and do not have money for mods. I love mustangs and I have wanted one for many years. Now that I am divorced I decided to treat myself. I feel sometimes like I am picked on on this site because I do not have mods. I have added flair to my website and and taken tons of different pics of my stang, completed hunts and done everything free that I can to display my pride in owning a mustang. So how does a no mod new vert get respect and get rank higher than 6s and 7s on this site. Any suggestions I am running out of ideas?
I was looking at your site and your car is ranked 40 out of 947. That is really good for a "no mod new vert"... You have a beautiful car and thats all that matters.
I went ahead and ranked ya while I was there... :thumpupn:
The Guardian
07-12-2005, 01:13 AM
Thanks! It seems like the black stangs, take care of their own. I am proud of my new baby. I guess I could have purchased and older one and had some money for mods but being a single parent and only having one car I needed a new car with a good solid warranty. I have wanted a 64 1/2 vert since forever. I will have one someday along side my 40th anniversary now that will be a site. Can't wait until that day comes.
07-12-2005, 01:44 AM
I find I am up being the sacraficial lamb sometimes. I have a brand new 04 vert I just bought 4 months ago. I am making steep payments and do not have money for mods. I love mustangs and I have wanted one for many years. Now that I am divorced I decided to treat myself. I feel sometimes like I am picked on on this site because I do not have mods. I have added flair to my website and and taken tons of different pics of my stang, completed hunts and done everything free that I can to display my pride in owning a mustang. So how does a no mod new vert get respect and get rank higher than 6s and 7s on this site. Any suggestions I am running out of ideas?
Hey Christine,
I think you need to review your stats - you appear to have the wrong perception about how people are ranking you??
Look at your rank stats:
Number of ranks under 5 12
Number of ranks that were 6 15
Number of ranks that were 7 29
Number of ranks that were 8 36
Number of ranks that were 9 22
Number of ranks that were 10 74
This person has ranked 544 people and was ranked 188 times.
Your average rank is 7.85 - compare that to mine at 8.66 and I have a Cobra, a lengthy mod list, plus racings pics and videos! So I'd say you have exceptional stats for a new stock vert, and they reflect the effort that you have put into your pics and your site! :thumbup:
It's not all about how many mods you have on got stang - it's about what you do with your GS site, and how much you participate - and that's one of the best things about it - there are stock stangs, show stangs, go stangs, old stangs, new stangs, rat stangs, and project stangs - and each has something to offer!
No, you'll never make No 1 with a stock vert - and rightly so - but you can certainly get up in the top 10 in both car and member ranks! Tweety is a good example - she has a near as dammit stock 04 GT coupe, but through participation and putting the effort into her site and pics like you have done, she has made it into the top 5 on both lists! Just keep doing what you are doing - it's working! ;)
07-12-2005, 02:12 AM
So I want to understand...if I were to challenge a member who has bad quality pics vs one that has good pics you will feel that the face-off was not fair?? Therefor you will vote for the underdog? I know that I took some of you post out of context but this statement is the one I want to make sure that I understand.... if this is the direction that this could go who decides what class is comparable? I feel that the faceoffs should be a mutual agreement between the challengers..then the board member should decide by votes not by bashing the challenger.. :thanks: for letting me voice my opinion...
It's not as cut and dried as that - for me, judging the face offs is about the overall package - the car - the site - the pics? I don't just count the cylinders or the cost of the mods. But I don't even bother unless the cars/sites are on the same planet - I look for those going for easy points - for example, if a good looking late model modded V8 with a great site and lots of pics has challenged a 10 year old stock V6 daily driver with an ordinary site and only one or two pics - that's not a fair challenge in my books, so I will give the sitting duck the protest vote every time! What's the point other than a few easy points for the challenger? There isn't one - it's like an 04 Cobra challenging a 4 cyl Fox body to a drag race - the result is a foregone conclusion - and is the Cobra guy really gonna feel good about beating a car like that? :loser: I don't think so! He is going to go look for something in his own league right! And as for challenging a profile with a deleted website - well, that's like the Cobra guy wanting to drag race against a car with no engine?!? :silly:
I thought it was supposed to be about how we play the game, not just winning at all cost?
The Guardian
07-12-2005, 10:05 AM
Thanks Oz,
A lot of those 5-8 ranks have told me that they ranked me that because I did not have mods. I guess they do not have your or my perception of the ranking process. I have had a great deal of my friends at BMC ranks my car lately and it has been climbing. I am well on my way to ranking every car that is ranked. Boy is that taking time. I do not jump to the quick rank I look at every page and give them a fair shake. Most of my rankings I give are 8s, 9s and 10s. I used to get mad when I would see a site where the person does not even have a stang and "their stang" would be ranked higher than mine just cause they had a nice face or figure, but I guess that is guys being guys. I will make in the top 20 and I will get some mods as described on pg 5 of my website. It will just take time. I plan on giving Charlie a run for his money in a few years. Now how to I find no mod cars to face-off with? I enjoy participating in the face-offs but I am tired of losing. - Christine
07-12-2005, 03:28 PM
OK, who is this "Mrs Quirk" - I noticed that this person has been challenging some members to a face off - but they have no website setup, no avatar, and not even a car model listed on their profile! It could be a dupe profile just giving themselves or a buddy some easy extra points? If it is a real person, then why would they bother to challenge for a face off with no profile setup??
In the same way that you cannot challenge a member to a face off who does not yet have their website set up, shouldn't it be that you also cannot challenge another member unless YOU also have a website setup? Makes sense to me and should be somethat that is real easy for J to fix?
07-12-2005, 06:25 PM
OK, who is this "Mrs Quirk" - I noticed that this person has been challenging some members to a face off - but they have no website setup, no avatar, and not even a car model listed on their profile! It could be a dupe profile just giving themselves or a buddy some easy extra points? If it is a real person, then why would they bother to challenge for a face off with no profile setup??
In the same way that you cannot challenge a member to a face off who does not yet have their website set up, shouldn't it be that you also cannot challenge another member unless YOU also have a website setup? Makes sense to me and should be somethat that is real easy for J to fix?
i was just challenged by this person as well,but to her credit she did reply that it was a mistake.she said she was still getting used to the site.
White Stang
07-12-2005, 08:06 PM
OK, who is this "Mrs Quirk" - I noticed that this person has been challenging some members to a face off - but they have no website setup, no avatar, and not even a car model listed on their profile! It could be a dupe profile just giving themselves or a buddy some easy extra points? If it is a real person, then why would they bother to challenge for a face off with no profile setup??
In the same way that you cannot challenge a member to a face off who does not yet have their website set up, shouldn't it be that you also cannot challenge another member unless YOU also have a website setup? Makes sense to me and should be somethat that is real easy for J to fix?
So would you vote for Mrs Quirk since she is the underdog :lol: Just playin I think you have a good Idea about having a website with pictures before being eligable for a face off. That would eliminate bogus face offs in my opinion. As far as voting on faceoffs. I vote on the cars and sites I like the best regardless of who challenged who etc. We all have diffrent taste in stangs, website, etc. If you vote for a stang or site you don't like because you feel the stangs or sites are not evenly matched you have judged them already and are only lying to yourself. Is one stang better than another stang because it has more or less? Thats your choice to make. But I judge based on how I like what they did with what they have. :thumpupn:
02 GT Chick
07-12-2005, 09:28 PM
Now how to I find no mod cars to face-off with? I enjoy participating in the face-offs but I am tired of losing. - Christine
Hey you can challenge me... we are pretty well matched I think, both pretty stock and hey, you have a great chance of winning, I don't have a great winning record....just look below :lol:
02 GT Chick
07-12-2005, 09:47 PM
:j:Thanks for putting the comment option with the faceoffs J :devil:
07-13-2005, 11:47 AM
Excellent J - definately a step in the right direction to help raise the quality of the face offs! :thanks:
Can you also stop profiles without a website from challenging as well? Sounds like a quick fix to code?
I'd still like to see some user configurable options for the face offs eventually though - at least a "disable face offs" and "always accept" option in addition to the default settings? :devil:
07-13-2005, 03:03 PM
better late than never. Been busy lately so im playing catch up here on the forums and site. the face offs have been a topic before and im glad to see we can add comments.
I understand the logic behind the new guy challenging the vetran. Thats great but dont try to pad your record by challenging stangs that dont even come close to yours. As said before a Cobra has no business challenging a stock V6 daily driver. There is no comparison. Have some pride in your ride and some faith in your stang that it can hold its own in a fairly matched face off. Its no fun to challenge stangs you know you can beat. Take a chance. We dont have the wide spread vote whoring guest book spamming problem that we use to have, at least im not getting guest book spammed to vote for face offs anymore (but then some here know how i dealt with some spammers after i got fed up with it, and im not affraid to use the new "mark as spam" button either LOL)
Try to be fair about who you challenge, and Dont try to pad your record. Its unsportsman like and cowardly.
Dont challenge another stang to "Best Overall Stang" try to make it specific. Like "Best Paint Job", "best Color", "Best Engine" again dont abuse this by putting up a blown cobra engine against a stock 6 cyl. and dont challenge someone to "best wheels" if you have some aftermarket wheels and they are running the stock wheels. Its just common sense, and common curtiousy.
This is an awesome Mustang community, lets keep it that way.
07-13-2005, 07:47 PM
....As said before a Cobra has no business challenging a stock V6 daily driver. There is no comparison. ...
true dat - but the key word here is "stock" - it would be just as bad with a badass trophy winning v6 show car challenging say a stock 94 GT v8.
On the other hand, it can make for an interesting "show vs go" challenge when a car with badass performance mods goes up against a tricked out show stang, regardless of the number of cylinders!
Also, the members GS website can be a big equalizer also - in other words, you could have the baddest stang in the land, but if you've just got a couple of poor quality pics of it on your website and nuttin else, then no one is going to think you are lame for challenging a tidy looking stock stang with a kickass GS website!
03 Sonic Blue GT
07-13-2005, 08:03 PM
If you dont have a web site you should not be able to face off .Should not be able to be challanged for a face off if you dont have a website.I try to face off against cars that are close to the one against j right now.I went for six against eight fair face off I think lots of people like 6 and lots like 8 his car is alot more modded than mine but this makes more of an even face off.I think that there should be an opt to turn off face offs if you dont want to be in one..But anyway anyone want to face off just hit me up...its all for fun anyway who cares we are all here for two things..the love of stangs and to show our stang off!!!!!! Jason...
07-13-2005, 08:28 PM
I just challenge those who are ranked above me....seems the fairest way to do things...If I lose I lose, its still fun just to see who wins :)
07-18-2005, 11:36 AM
Yeah, I try to challenge those with either similar mods, or similar level of modification(show vs go), or a higher end car with fewer mods (saleen or cobra for example)
07-18-2005, 06:45 PM
Everyone notice computerguy is back and his website is back up. I think everyone that has been challenging him to faceoffs should now try it again. Give him a fair chance at winning.
07-18-2005, 09:15 PM
Thanks! It seems like the black stangs, take care of their own. I am proud of my new baby. I guess I could have purchased and older one and had some money for mods but being a single parent and only having one car I needed a new car with a good solid warranty. I have wanted a 64 1/2 vert since forever. I will have one someday along side my 40th anniversary now that will be a site. Can't wait until that day comes.
Black Stangs Rule and lol at all of you this site rocks and so does BMC :devil:
07-18-2005, 11:32 PM
Back on topic. Computerguy is back and he was challenged again (See face off here) ( today before he had his site up. OZ98Cobra and myself both made comments about him challenging someone with out a site and the guy responded on the face off comment
"Bring it on. I chose him cause I knew he had a nice car. I had already checked him out like a week ago maybe even longer. I liked his car. The points aint gonna be easy. So thanks for assuming things guys. I will go in his class I aint scared."
The guy got caught in a lie. Computerguy stated in his post earlier today that he has had his site down for a month. This guy hasnt even been a member for a month and the first time he visited Computerguys site was on 2005-07-06 at 00:36:10. Get this though, he didnt even challenge computerguy from computerguys site. he hasnt even visited his site since 2005-07-12 12:49:52. infact, today, the only peoples sites hes visited and when he visited are:
2005-07-18 18:34:49: Viewed Webpage for BlkStang05GT
2005-07-18 15:50:19: Viewed Webpage for crazy414
Now thats the kind of fucking bullshit we dont need around here.
07-21-2005, 01:11 PM
I thought that was how you were supposed to do it, face off cars that are higher in rank then you...I did not know you were supposed to face off cars with similar mods??? I also didn't think that a 2002 Saleen with mods is the same as a 1993 LX with mods so I have been basically facing off against fox bodies that were ranked higher then me...Oh and one 94GT that was white...Once I get through this last face-off I guess I will go after the newer body styles...I get kind of competitive @ take my car very seriously so if I have offended anyone please accept my apologies...Peace...
07-21-2005, 07:27 PM
Yes, you are supposed to challenge cars that are ranked higher than you (although you can challenge anyone as long as they accept the challenge) - but what we are trying to discourage is when someone with a highly modded car and/or spectacular GS website challenges someone with no or few mods and a basic site - or worse still as was the case with computerguy, a non-existent site!
These face offs are no challenge at all - just a cheap grab for easy member rank points.
I don't think you have to just look for people with similar mods - yes that does make for an interesting face off, but it also makes for an interesting challenge when you get different classes of cars matched up where both have good websites - like a badass drag car against a blinged out show pony for example? Different strokes for different folks, and the result could go either way.
07-22-2005, 04:29 PM
A woman with a cobra challenged me (in my v6). I had a feeling she would win, because I would vote for a cobra instead of a v6, but oh well. Maybe I'll win the next one.
07-22-2005, 05:04 PM
A woman with a cobra challenged me (in my v6). I had a feeling she would win, because I would vote for a cobra instead of a v6, but oh well. Maybe I'll win the next one.
You've got one sweet V6 though Jackie! :thumbup: Those sexy ghost flames make up for missing two cylinders ;)
07-22-2005, 05:23 PM
A woman with a cobra challenged me (in my v6). I had a feeling she would win, because I would vote for a cobra instead of a v6, but oh well. Maybe I'll win the next one.
You would think a GT would win against a V6!
The Guardian
07-22-2005, 09:55 PM
Okay, so I just challenged Wendy because she is a V6 (well one of hers is) and she is higher ranked than me, and has a developed webpage like me, so hopefully you guys will say that is a fair face-off! What do you think.
07-23-2005, 08:42 AM
I had taken my website down because I had taken some new pictures and put the profile there until I could get everything uploaded etc. Then my back went out on me. I spent almost a week at the hospital and doctors, etc. The medications they have given me makes me very depressed that I just didn't care or want to participate.
I saw a lot of what was going on with the messages "You Lost your faceoff" when I was able to get on the site. I saw so many of those messages, and it got to the point that I e-mailed J to remove my profile and membership all together.
Being in constant pain, being depressed, and not giving a crap anymore, I just could let people take advantage, evn though no one knew what was going on with me.
I am still in some pain. the doctors put me on some different medications. I actually got to wash the car yesterday. It hasn't been washed in a month. I had to take it very easy, and I did not detail it like I used to do. But it is at least clean.
I have already started challenges against those who challenged me recently. As far as Hunts, I won't be doing any in the near foreseeable future because my mobility consists of driving to work, and driving home, then laying down on the floor. Today has been a good day though. I haven't had to take my pain pills for a couple of days, but the other pills put me in law law land.
'Nuff Said
The Guardian
07-23-2005, 10:38 AM
Glad to have you back. I was wondering what happened because you have a beautiful car. I had seen your website before it went down. I was wondering why you challenged me with no website. I saw your car through your hunts when I could. Once agains glad to have you back. Us Air Force people need to stick together!
07-23-2005, 12:32 PM
You would think a GT would win against a V6!
In a drag race yes - but in a GS Face Off anything is possible! ;)
07-23-2005, 09:12 PM
[QUOTE]A woman with a cobra challenged me (in my v6). I had a feeling she would win, because I would vote for a cobra instead of a v6, but oh well. Maybe I'll win the next one.
I challenged you to a face off the other day when I noticed you were up againsts a Cobra! I felt my 2.3 (with future mods also owned by girl) was a good match up to your V6.
It was also more refreshing to to be up against someone more on my playing field than a sick '05 I was up against the other day. -I won that one, and I'm glad it wasn't by much; otherwise I would have been upset if I won by too many votes. (It's no fun winning unless it was won fair & square)
In general, I like how the face-offs are set up.
I do think it would be better if you could upload a representing pic to display besides your Avatar. each participant should be required or able to upload a pic when accepting the face-off.
This way, you can see at a glance what you're voting for, but still have an option of viewing the entire site of each contender.
If the face-off is for best engine, then each should upload the the best representive picture they have showing their engine bay.
It would make voting for face-offs easier and more accurate.
It's crossed my mind allot, there has been many face-offs I didn't vote for because I didn't have enough time to look through each site.
I dunno, what do you guys think? Would it create more problems?
07-23-2005, 09:15 PM
yeah, I messed that up:
A woman with a cobra challenged me (in my v6). I had a feeling she would win, because I would vote for a cobra instead of a v6, but oh well. Maybe I'll win the next one.
07-25-2005, 03:56 AM
ok ..i was just challanged by a MACH ONE....i am a stock v6..that is bull...and therefore got my butt kicked...i think that challengeing a car with asking should happen if ur CAR RANK is high then memeber or all rank...i was not asked to be in this face off and don't think it was a fair match up...the car is ranked 21.... i am at 68 ...but my member rank is way high...i am 24 and the mach one is not in the top 50....why is it just cus i do more hunts and rank people is it that i am fair game???? am i missing something??? some one please help explain this one to me...
07-25-2005, 05:57 AM
I am sorry, I challenged you, as I said when I did this and sent you a message I am a newbie and am still learning. I got it wrong I thought it was by Member Rank cause it says something on the lines about 100 pts difference we couldn't challenge each other and it let me. I know now because of this Forum it is by Car Rank. Please forgive me!! But if you read what I wrote to you I said I didn't think I had a chance, cause your Car is much Nicer even though its a V-6, Mine is Stock also. Please don't be mad I won't be doing any Face-Offs for awhile till I learn alittle more.
Can I ask you is there anywhere on this site to actually find out what GS Rank and Car Rank are really for, I don't understand all the points and such!!!
Again I apologize, I don't want any hard feelings!!!
I went to the face-off and looked at Rules again I must not be understanding this right. Doesn't this mean the person has to accept the Chalenge 1st. Just wondering!!
*** You cannot face an opponent with more then 100 rank points LESS then you
*** You can challenge ANYONE with more rank points then you
**** If the person has more then 100 points LESS then you, you can challenge them
BUT will not see the face-off untill they choose to accept it!
07-25-2005, 01:02 PM
It is ok i guess... but i still think that everyone should be asked if they want to be in a face off or it should go on car rank....but i guess that is just me.... also if you go on the home page you can hit the links to car rank or member rank and see where everyone stands... good luck in learning the site....
07-25-2005, 09:47 PM
I just don't want any hard feelings, from now on I will only challenge a car with almost same points as me, so there are no problems.
The Guardian
07-25-2005, 10:17 PM
It is confusing. I just switch to doing them for fun with no points. People look at my site hopefully that way and rank my car. I am a stock V6 and in the top 20 on both the member and car rank boards. So that is my answer. No points - just for fun!
07-26-2005, 12:42 PM
On the other hand it's not always about that. i just lost a face off to a nearly stock car with some paint and rims. i'm not sore about it but i have alot more done to my car than that, ALOT more done to my car. but it's all about what people on here think and i respect that. i agree one shouldn't challange a car that is just way out of your league but i'm sure everyone is guilty of it at some point or at least thought about it to boost themselves up a little. it shouldn't hurt your feelings if you lose. it's all about if YOU like your car not if everyone else does. there are TONS of people out there that hate four eyed cars but i wouldn't trade my car for any car in the world. (ok maybe a few but you know what i mean) it's all fun and games people no need to get worked up if a car beats yours. my .02
The Guardian
07-27-2005, 07:35 AM
You have a beautiful blue four-eye and I like it. As long as you like your stang. Life is great. I really does not matter what others think. I am sure there are tons of people that think V6s suck but you know for insurance purposes I had to go with a V6. So that works for me. I love my car and my website and attitude reflect that. So enjoy your blue 4-eyed stang and just stay away from the negative people.
07-27-2005, 12:39 PM
i am tired of getting challenged for face offs when the cars are way better than mine and have more mods, i would never challenge a stock car... if they challenge me thats fine. but i think its wrong to challenge someone for an easy win... its pretty cheap if you ask me
07-27-2005, 12:40 PM
I just don't want any hard feelings, from now on I will only challenge a car with almost same points as me, so there are no problems.
Agreed, .... but... what about the others that challenge you, say a 03 cobra with al these mods, they challenge you for an easy win... there is no way to stop it...
07-27-2005, 08:40 PM
I never challenge anyone because im afraid that they might think im picking on them, even if their car is nicer than mine. And Christine, dont worry about the losing. It seems like I have been losing a lot of face offs too lately! Welcome to the club!
07-27-2005, 11:52 PM
lol me too... i try not to face off unless the car is the same or better than mine, im scared someone will gripe i am getting easy points
07-28-2005, 09:38 AM
Some people are just cheap or SKEERED! They don't want to lose. I did my first faceoff yesterday against another 03 Cobra. He doesn't have as many mods as me, but he is in my league. He was also WAAAY higher than me in the rankings. I'm glad I won though :woohoo:
07-29-2005, 01:10 AM
Some people are just cheap or SKEERED! They don't want to lose. I did my first faceoff yesterday against another 03 Cobra. He doesn't have as many mods as me, but he is in my league. He was also WAAAY higher than me in the rankings. I'm glad I won though :woohoo:
Yeah that was me, Ihad no problem with it, well other than the losing car is awsome man ...and thanks for the info on the heat exchanger.... :thumpupn:
07-29-2005, 09:49 AM
So I challenge another Cobra "For Fun" no points, and the dude accuses me of cheating when he loses b/c he believes his MODS are better than mine. WTF is that all about. If I was going to cheat I would have wagered 200 points.
So I challenge another Cobra "For Fun" no points, and the dude accuses me of cheating when he loses b/c he believes his MODS are better than mine. WTF is that all about. If I was going to cheat I would have wagered 200 points.
I just hope its not something youd leave the site over. lol
Scott 01Cobra
07-29-2005, 01:47 PM
I totally agree with what OZ is saying ..... to pick on stock appearing cars with a highly modified one is shameful in my opinion.
I myself am a newbie here but since I have spent an unbelievable amount of money on my Cobra - realistically, it should be pretty competitive with the "best of the best".
However ... I still would not challenge a stock appearing car of any kind, unless it was perhaps a 67 gt500. It's not a fair way in my opinion to move up in the ranks.
On that note ... I really have no idea what I'm doing anyway - LOL, as I said I'm new as of 2 days ago. I can already tell several people have voted extremely low (I assume to protect their own rating as a reference to theirs). This I also find frustrating. That's a childish way to play.
Anyway ......... I am open to any challenges.
My site here is pretty basic - that's because I have over 500 hours of coding in my own site - and this is just for fun.
Great job on the Site "J".
Scott Winger
07-29-2005, 03:38 PM
I can already tell several people have voted extremely low (I assume to protect their own rating as a reference to theirs). This I also find frustrating. That's a childish way to play.
Great job on the Site "J".
Scott Winger
I agree totally with this comment. Some people will tell you that they ranked you high but do not actually do it :fu: :cussing:. Anyway, just pay attention to your higher ranks because they are actually credible. I have more 8,9, and 10's than any other. I appreciate them even though I only think of my car as an 8 for now. Sorry, I have just been wanting to get this off my chest and this is a good opportunity.
P.S. I just checked out your site. Sweet car. I checked out your rank stats and seen that 4 people ranked you a 5 or lower. I guess atleast 4 people are extremely jealous of your car.
07-29-2005, 05:24 PM
No but it looks like he did! and now the person that refered him challenged me.
07-29-2005, 07:31 PM
No but it looks like he did! and now the person that refered him challenged me.
dude, your demented. i had a race set up locally and had all my mods posted here, i deleted all my pics and mods and then all of a suddon i get challanged. that is bs. by the way tell everybody here that i said i liked your car and dont take it personally, GROW UP its just a website. if your ever in town let me know well line em up. i got absolutely NO hard feelings at all.
07-29-2005, 07:34 PM
I just hope its not something youd leave the site over. lol
j you have an absolutely kick ass site, keep up the good work!!
07-29-2005, 10:06 PM
dude, your demented. i had a race set up locally and had all my mods posted here, i deleted all my pics and mods and then all of a suddon i get challanged. that is bs. by the way tell everybody here that i said i liked your car and dont take it personally, GROW UP its just a website. if your ever in town let me know well line em up. i got absolutely NO hard feelings at all.
:fu: Sounds like a ricer excuse to me. You had pics of your car up on the site, got challenged and got BEAT DOWN. So you send me a message and act like your car is gods gift to Cobras cause it has a KB 2.2, exhaust,Drag Radials and makes ALMOST 600 rwhp and its BS that you lost to what you term a mildly modified Cobra. Then I let you know that my mildly modified Cobra puts down over 600 rwhp, oh and did I mention almost 700 ft lbs of TQ and you conceded that it's Nice but never said that I should not take it personally. Me "GROW UP" HA your the one who cried like a bitch when you got >owned<
Oh and you better hope I'm don't come to town cause this mildly modified Cobra will have to pWn your ass AGAIN :loser:
Oh BTW Nice site J :gso:
07-29-2005, 10:20 PM
:fu: Sounds like a ricer excuse to me. You had pics of your car up on the site, got challenged and got BEAT DOWN. So you send me a message and act like your car is gods gift to Cobras cause it has a KB 2.2, exhaust,Drag Radials and makes ALMOST 600 rwhp and its BS that you lost to what you term a mildly modified Cobra. Then I let you know that my mildly modified Cobra puts down over 600 rwhp, oh and did I mention almost 700 ft lbs of TQ and you conceded that it's Nice but never said that I should not take it personally. Me "GROW UP" HA your the one who cried like a bitch when you got >owned<
Oh and you better hope I'm don't come to town cause this mildly modified Cobra will have to pWn your ass AGAIN :loser:
Oh BTW Nice site J :gso:
my site was not even up fuckface you challanged a blank fucking page read the previous thread about people challenging people without sites set up...what an asshole. you have 700ftlbs of tque like im the fucking pope asshole. you would have no rear end left
i do hope you come here you sound like a real bitch, fuck you and your fucked up cobra, with your gay music video and bullshit shaky dyno sheet
i tried to be nice and say nice things to you..
fuck you :loser:
07-30-2005, 12:38 AM
my site was not even up fuckface you challanged a blank fucking page read the previous thread about people challenging people without sites set up...what an asshole. you have 700ftlbs of tque like im the fucking pope asshole. you would have no rear end left
i do hope you come here you sound like a real bitch, fuck you and your fucked up cobra, with your gay music video and bullshit shaky dyno sheet
i tried to be nice and say nice things to you..
fuck you :loser:
You had pictures up on your site and deleted them after the Face-Off. Should I post a link to your private message to me saying "Whaa 90% of my pictures arent up right now" Stop trying to make yourself out to be the victim. Oh and my rear end is fine with all my torque. How much torque you pulling with your weak ass KB 550 :rofl: Also FWIW if you don't like Audio Slave you must be :gay:
Hey J why not chime in with gash's private message that he sent to me. That might shut his Pie hole.
07-30-2005, 12:47 AM
You had pictures up on your site and deleted them after the Face-Off. Should I post a link to your private message to me saying "Whaa 90% of my pictures arent up right now" Stop trying to make yourself out to be the victim. Oh and my rear end is fine with all my torque. How much torque you pulling with your weak ass KB 550 :rofl: Also FWIW if you don't like Audio Slave you must be :gay:
Hey J why not chime in with gash's private message that he sent to me. That might shut his Pie hole.
hey cocksucker, there were 2 pics, no engine pics, no 2nd page and one pic was uploaded wrong. j please get involved, i have had 2 people allready pm me about this asshole.
the only torque you have is when your taking it up the ass.
i love how brave these assholes are on the fucking computer 1500 miles away.
i tried to end this by being nice but you wouldnt allow it you had to shoot your mouth in the forum, look around you your piece of shit cobra is not all that. and you are truly a jagoff, as i see in your faggot picture. i REALLY wish i lived closer.
Can you guys please take this to PM?
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