View Full Version : I was in the local paper today.

06-28-2005, 10:25 PM
Some of you know the story from the other night in the chat room. I got an article written about me for the hunt claims i do here on got stang. I was pretty excited about the article until I read it. I was misquoted and the writer drew some of his own conclussions (like photoshopping the statue of liberty with your stang) He didnt even mention the site until the very end. the interview took place over the phone. I was not expecting a phone interview and had invited the reporter to come along one day but he declined. I think this is why the story didnt turn out as good as it could have because the writer didnt really get to experience it for himself. Anyway you can view the article here. http://www.fayettevillenc.com/story.php?Template=columnists&Story=7079467

I was gonna buy up a bunch of copies of the paper but didnt even find out that the article was in the paper until a little over an hour ago. I went around to 3 different gas stations to try to find one and finally got the last one at the last place i went. I read the article and was so displeased with it that i decided i didnt need anymore copies other than the one I had just purchased.


06-28-2005, 10:50 PM
I thought it was cool Ryan... and I was kinda hoping you didnt say the thing about the statue of Liberty... nice work though :)

06-28-2005, 10:52 PM
didnt seem that bad....as they say, any publicity is good publicity.

06-28-2005, 11:01 PM
I thought it was cool Ryan... and I was kinda hoping you didnt say the thing about the statue of Liberty... nice work though :)

All I said about the statue of liberty is its hard to get cause its in NY. The reporter then asked me about people super imposing there vehicles someplace and i told him about my starbucks claim so he made the assumption that people try to submit fake claims for the statue of liberty. Also I am not a "Certified Mustang Hunter" (of the 4 wheel variety) I wouldnt even know where to get that cert from.....LOL. The guy who registered the other day for the site was not the same guy who did the article, he was just checking behind him. Its dissapointing that the writer didnt really take the time and visit the site or take me up on my offer to ride along. I have a good one planned here in a couple days hopefully I can get it.


06-29-2005, 03:00 PM
I say we mass email the jackass writing the article and tell him what a crappy job he did.

06-29-2005, 03:01 PM

06-29-2005, 05:27 PM
I don't think anyone should email the writer...just let it go..what's done is done.

06-29-2005, 10:40 PM
Spoilsort! :rofl: