View Full Version : To good to rank???

06-12-2005, 11:56 AM
I recently read a post in here about someone who apologized for not ranking others back that had ranked them. This post is just a friendly little reminder to all out there whom I have ranked. I take the time to rank everyone back who has ranked me. I take the time to go to their webite look at the pics..read what mods they've done. This is one of the things I really like about the site. I've met people on here that I go with to Friday and Saturday night cruises with. So for those out there that I have ranked (I'm not tryin to be rude about this)..please return the favor...I know that my ranking you is not going to make or break your standings here..but I will have to re-rank those who will not take the time to rank me. I know I don't have the lastest,gretest,cool car here but still, even it if it's just a single point it's a ranking...So I'll get off my soapbox now..let the flaming begin

To all those who have ranked me...U RULE... :thanks:

My Cobra
06-12-2005, 12:02 PM
I rank people once a week or once every two weeks i will rank the people who have ranked me. That way every time i come to the site i am not clicking to see who has ranked me. I come to GS mostly for the forums part of the site and most of the time i just have gs bookmarked to the forums page. so to the peopel i have not re ranked i am sorry but i get to it once in a while and i do it. To the people that have not ranked me thats cool we all come to GS for diffrent reasons.

06-12-2005, 06:14 PM
I try to get mine up to date but I get busy. I have finally gotten back up to date.

06-12-2005, 09:46 PM
I think im all caught up for the most part. Im not worried about it thoug. I ve ranked damn near everyone on this site and alot of people i ve re ranked. I got a lot of spare time at work sometims.....:lol: I highly doubt though that i will ever be ranked as much as ive ranked and i dont expect anyone to rank me. if they do thats cool and its there choice. Me personally, i like the hunts. Im a BIG hunt fan. The more hunts the better. and its a lot of fun to do to. I kinda wish i hadnt done most of them though cause im running out.....:rofl:


My Cobra
06-12-2005, 10:22 PM
ha ha ha ha ryan take it easy with the hunt pics. you got to many yellow ponys under everything you say.

06-12-2005, 10:30 PM
ha ha ha ha ryan take it easy with the hunt pics. you got to many yellow ponys under everything you say.

Don't encourage him. :smack:

06-12-2005, 10:33 PM
ha ha ha ha ryan take it easy with the hunt pics. you got to many yellow ponys under everything you say.
I like my yellow ponys though........wait a sec. i see what your doing! ya got a nice little run of yeller ponys under everything you say too.....Its all part of your evil plan to get me to stop doing the hunt so you can catch up! :rofl: Im on to you pal!


06-12-2005, 10:34 PM
Thread Hijack in progress....:rofl: what were we talking about? oh yeah go rank GT95 if you already havent. There got us set back on track.


06-13-2005, 12:13 PM
speaking of ranking, i feel so guilty :thumbdown: I should start ranking those who ranked me.... like right now

Stang Gurl
06-13-2005, 12:48 PM
...I know that my ranking you is not going to make or break your standings here..but I will have to re-rank those who will not take the time to rank me.

I dont think that is right, JMO. You rank cars on the cars, not on personal disagreements. I see alot of discussion on here today in a thread or two about rankings being held for "blackmail" and such... it seems to me there is more discussion on this forum about whats wrong with its features rather than actual mustang talk. again JMO.

06-13-2005, 12:54 PM
I dont think that is right, JMO. You rank cars on the cars, not on personal disagreements. I see alot of discussion on here today in a thread or two about rankings being held for "blackmail" and such... it seems to me there is more discussion on this forum about whats wrong with its features rather than actual mustang talk. again JMO.
Your in the lobby :)

Stang Gurl
06-13-2005, 12:57 PM
Your in the lobby :)

06-13-2005, 12:58 PM
Anything goes in 'this' forum :thumpupn:

06-13-2005, 04:18 PM
Anything goes in 'this' forum :thumpupn:well allmost anything

06-13-2005, 06:00 PM
Ryan..you don't hijack my thread... :nailbite:
I've got to admit I'm spending my weekends doing hunts now myself..thanks Ryan :thumpupn: I will catch you :beerchug:

Oh BTW if you want to call it blackmail..well that's JYO....frankly I really don't care if someone ranks me or not...simply pointing out something that I read in another thread...and stating that I personally take the time to rank others...if you choose not to that's your choice...

06-13-2005, 10:23 PM
Ryan..you don't hijack my thread... :nailbite:
I've got to admit I'm spending my weekends doing hunts now myself..thanks Ryan :thumpupn: I will catch you :beerchug:

It will be a cold day in hell before that happens. You may get to where I am at............ eventually but your not gonna be where Im gonna be.

I ll tell ya though, Im having a hell of a time catching Jims ass. I wish i would have known about this site sooner or i would have as many or more hunt claims as him. Problem is, everytime new ones come out, he gets some of them and i get some of them and he just stays that much further ahead of me....LOL. You ll see, in a couple of days he will post up a shit load of claims and before you know it he will have 150 claims.


06-14-2005, 08:30 AM
well allmost anything

06-14-2005, 08:36 AM
It will be a cold day in hell before that happens. You may get to where I am at............ eventually but your not gonna be where Im gonna be.

I ll tell ya though, Im having a hell of a time catching Jims ass. I wish i would have known about this site sooner or i would have as many or more hunt claims as him. Problem is, everytime new ones come out, he gets some of them and i get some of them and he just stays that much further ahead of me....LOL. You ll see, in a couple of days he will post up a shit load of claims and before you know it he will have 150 claims.

Better watch it Ryan I am close on your tail :rofl:

06-14-2005, 08:49 AM
Better watch it Ryan I am close on your tail :rofl:

ya ya ya, then another LX will come along and you'll want that one. Your like John Kerry, you'll flip flop to much on which hunt claim to do. :rofl: j/k