View Full Version : Guestbook Spam offenders

06-08-2005, 01:42 PM
Im calling you all out from now on. This place is suppose to be fun! We seem to have a little problem with some stuff in the faceoffs, and tournaments and sometimes people question how fair it is. There is a place in the forums where you can whore for votes. Dont do it in my guest book. Leave me comments about my site or my stang or hell even my wife. Do not offer to rank my ride if i vote for you. Thats BS. I usually delete most of this stuff as i get it but now im going to start posting it publicly.

We all know there is a problem, now its time to expose the problem and fix it.

This first pic is messages i got back to back from this member. I am trying to put some fun back in the face offs by creating humourous titles and doing a "reverse guestbook spam where i contact other GS members and ask them to vote for the person I challenged not myself. well someone has missed the point.


If you havent seen my other thread in the face off section about making face offs fun again, then go check it out.

Another person mentioned in the face off forum that he doesnt understand why some cars beat others and cited an example of a recent face off he was in. He then went on to state that the person, after they had beaten him, sent him a private guest book message stating to that person that they have no idea how they won that face off. Well I do.


Now that we have identified the problem, its time to fix it. I encourage everyone who is tired of this unsportsman like conduct, to expose it.


06-08-2005, 02:15 PM
I can say I vote how I like them...Not by popularity or person. To each their own when voting.

You know a funny thing is I dont get challenged....are people afraid to challange me. If so why..its just a car.

Ehh...I am not loosing any sleep over it.

06-08-2005, 02:24 PM
yea its getting rather annoying now... i get one every day or two

and i was VERY confused when you sent me one asking to vote for the other person lol...


06-08-2005, 02:26 PM

06-08-2005, 02:38 PM
I agree this is getting out of hand but Jangelo's first post...what is wrong with that? He was letting you know he liked your car and voted for you in the face-off. I have done that. People have sent me similar messages. It doesn't mean I am going to go vote for them in return. But it is nice to know who voted for you. Granted he was most likely stroking you so you would vote for him but we are not all like that so don't stereo type. There is sooo much stroking going on in this site. When someone sends you a message and says oh nice care I love this I love that bla bla bla. Do you think that they are 100% sincere or do you think they are trying to get you to rank them high or vote for them? Sometimes it is stroking and sometimes it's not. BUT SOMETIMES I LIKED GETTING STROKED!!! :rofl:

06-08-2005, 03:37 PM
Instead of doing this... I can setup a system where you 'mark' someone a guestbook spammer.... after a certain number of guestbook spamming marks against you... your guestbook posting can be suspended for 48 hours or something... how does this sound?

06-08-2005, 03:44 PM
Great idea! Do they get a big old badge of dishonor on their webpage? :)

BTW, where are our trophies??? :)

06-08-2005, 03:48 PM
Great idea! Do they get a big old badge of dishonor on their webpage? :)

BTW, where are our trophies??? :)
Great idea. Yeah and ditto on the trophies?

06-08-2005, 03:54 PM
I finished alot them.. they should all be done today.

06-08-2005, 03:56 PM
I finished alot them.. they should all be done today.
Cool thanks J :devil:

06-08-2005, 03:59 PM

Some type of public exposure should happen. Also i think there should be a check and balance system. If someone marks a persons message as spam and submits it, someone has to review it and see that it is spam. The system cant automatically mark that person as a spammer and then lock them out. I think bringing this problem out into the open, and letting it be known that it is not acceptable or tolerated, is the first step in getting rid of the problem.


06-08-2005, 04:06 PM
Agreed. :) Don't we deal with enough spam in our daily lives???

My Cobra
06-08-2005, 04:48 PM
I say that we just make it known who is doing this. I get tired of it i say that we vote on them but the whole thing about the spaming thing and not being able to pm is just crap inless you find a way to regulate it. say i do not like what j posted in the forums i go and say he is spaming he gets one mark from me then a few from other people and it goes on like this you know. So i say that we just find a way to let it be known that people are spaming. i get tired of it. I am an open person so i will come out and say that i vote for the other person if i get a spam from somebody. Inless i know them and talk to them a lot. If i do that then they know that i have voted for them. I say spend less time copy and pasting in pms and spend more time making friends.

06-10-2005, 11:43 AM
Holy shit. This guy was busy. He his me 3 times in a row and I noiticed he had the last 5 guestbook entries too! :rofl:

To: MustangQ-400
Message: rated you if you could vote for me in the face off any time you need my vote for sure you will get it thanks
From: mike13
When: Jun 10th, 2005 @ 11:23 AM

To: storm7127
Message: hey im in a face off and was wonderinf if you could vote for me. any time you need my vote just ask thanks
From: mike13
When: Jun 10th, 2005 @ 11:21 AM

To: storm7127
Message: hey im in a face off and was wonderinf if you could vote for me. any time you need my vote just ask thanks
From: mike13
When: Jun 10th, 2005 @ 11:20 AM

To: storm7127
Message: hey im in a face off right now and was wonderinf if you could vote for me thanks
From: mike13
When: Jun 10th, 2005 @ 11:19 AM

To: BossHoss
Message: hey could you vote for me in my face off thanks
From: mike13
When: Jun 10th, 2005 @ 11:18 AM

:loser: :loser: :loser: :loser: :loser: :loser: :loser: :loser: :loser: :loser:

06-10-2005, 02:37 PM
first off, i have only been on this site for about 2 weeks, and have had fun, but i have just figured out the forums, and certain things, so im pretty new, and did now know not to "spam" in others gb, why do they have to discuss it on here, cant u just tell me in my guestbook, i would have stopped alot sooner, so dont talk crap about me when i didnt know i was doing something wrong, i have stopped doing it, and i appologise, but like i said i didnt know it was wrong, just next time lets try and be mature about it and not cry about it on here...

06-10-2005, 02:52 PM
first off, i have only been on this site for about 2 weeks, and have had fun, but i have just figured out the forums, and certain things, so im pretty new, and did now know not to "spam" in others gb, why do they have to discuss it on here, cant u just tell me in my guestbook, i would have stopped alot sooner, so dont talk crap about me when i didnt know i was doing something wrong, i have stopped doing it, and i appologise, but like i said i didnt know it was wrong, just next time lets try and be mature about it and not cry about it on here...

stfu noob, you are to be publicly flogged!!!! :diss:

*jk* :rofl:

My Cobra
06-10-2005, 03:01 PM
Tar and feather!!

06-10-2005, 04:33 PM
first off, i have only been on this site for about 2 weeks, and have had fun, but i have just figured out the forums, and certain things, so im pretty new, and did now know not to "spam" in others gb, why do they have to discuss it on here, cant u just tell me in my guestbook, i would have stopped alot sooner, so dont talk crap about me when i didnt know i was doing something wrong, i have stopped doing it, and i appologise, but like i said i didnt know it was wrong, just next time lets try and be mature about it and not cry about it on here...

:smack: Nobody said you can't spam guestbooks. There is not a rule stating that you shouldn't, but then again there are not signs on bridges that say "don't jump off". I think you are agood guy and we have had some pretty good conversations through the guestbooks, but come on. I guess for those of you (not to single out sublimegt) that feel like you have to spam guestbooks because you are not confident in your ride...then feel free to do so, but beware you may get pointed out,you may get laughed at and you may get pointed at laughed at. But do what ya gotta do. However I don't think I stand alone when saying just because you send me a message that says vote for me I am gonna go do it. :smack:

06-10-2005, 04:42 PM
:hmmm: You know what...I just realized something. We have been bitching and complaining about these "spammers" as long as I can remember. Complaining about how we are losing face-offs,tournys, and carshows because un-confident members are spamming the shit out of guestbooks saying "vote for me please yadda yadda yadda".

Welp, here comes the can of worms. We are leaving out the WEAK DICKS that are going in and voting for them! The spamming wouldn't exist without the WEAK DICKS! All you WEAK DICKS out there...Grow a set! If you get one of "these" messages send them back a big >>>> :fu:

Howdy, come vote for me please>>> :diss: <<<sure, "look up"...POW kick em right in the...well never mind we confirmed they had none.
:devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:

06-10-2005, 05:57 PM
ummmmmmmmmmmm, there's a delete button right? :ugh2:

Use it. :dupe:


I know I know...you shouldn't HAVE to use it.....I get it..... :lol:

06-10-2005, 06:06 PM
Ok short re capp and then im done with this.

SublimeGT. I pointed you out after having a conversation with Trey3.8 about your victory. He stated that you sent him a PM saying you didnt know how you beat him and so i presented evidence otherwise. Im sure you spamed others. Your not the only one out there who does it either. People with the best cars do it as well as people with cars they dont feel measure up to there competion or who they feel are more popular on the site. The bottom line thoug is people dont like it and telling people that you beat in a face off that you dont know how you won is not exactly being truthful now is it? Alls cool now lets put this in the past.

The other type of spam that just pisses me off is ones that say hey vote for me and I ll re rank your ride. Well that right there is blackmail and BS and if you cant give me an honest ranking the first time the go fuck yourself. If I rank someone low and then they do something worthy of bumping up there rank, then they deserve. Intentionally ranking someone low to begin with and then bribing them to vote for you is BS, especially when you have gotten the same PM from someone in prior face offs.

This is an awesome site. I want got stang to be one of the best sites on the net. I do what ever I can to make this place a place that people would want to go to and spend there time at and I know there are others out there that do the same and feel the same way. There are problems, that is to be expected but when they are addressed and not dealt with then they only grow and become bigger problems that are not as easy to deal with. J has now taken some great steps to correct the short comings of this site and also to add more functions and features that we all can enjoy. You cant enjoy the stuff though if you abuse the site and take it for granted and if you piss off one or more people time and time again your eventually gonna piss of someone whos gonna ban you ass and then no more got stang for you. If thats what someone wants is to get banned then keep on ignoring the stuff going on and keep contributing to the problem and not the solution and im sure you will find your self locked out of this great site.


Ok so it wasnt a short re capp after all

06-11-2005, 01:50 AM
"stfu noob, you are to be publicly flogged!!!!" what does that mean, and all of u are taking this way to serious, if i never knew how wrong it was why are yall getting to pissed, i said i was sorry, what more do u want, i dont care u pointed out what i did in public, thats fine, i was wrong, so what, big deal, what more should i do? i stopped spaming, i appologized, what else, now if people like storm want to still bitch about it, thats fine, i agree this is a great site, but certain people on here need to be a bit more mature instead of have stupid little sayings... and im not "unconfident" everyone else was doing it to me, so i thought thats what u guys did in this site, get into a face off then tell everyone to vote u, if i didnt tell some people then the other guy would have had alot of room to beat me right? but if we cut it out all together than it will be a fair battle right? well thats fine, hopefully it drops now, but im tired of everyone talking shit about me, when i didnt know ...how long has everyone been on the site? im pretty new, so dont say i have a weak dick, thats just showing how immature u are, and personally i could care less what some of u think of me, i have many friends on this site, including some from other sites, but i could give a flying fuck about some of you.... so if anyone else has anything else to say, please say it, if i can improve to be as perfect as any of u... ha

06-11-2005, 01:52 AM
and as to the other, as rwest and some not mentioned, i said i was sorry for spamming, but i dont know if yall really care or not, or if u just despise me now, but yall all really need to think about my place, i did not know, no one told me, so if like i said, everyone else did it to me, why not right? but thanks to certain people...0z98cobra, he is the only one that was nice , or mature enough to let me know... so thanks

06-11-2005, 01:56 AM
EDIT - Feel free to use the Private Messaging option to carry out degrading conversations about someone else's car. Do not use the public forums to do so. :smack:

06-11-2005, 02:19 AM
I think its time to cool down guys.....The point about guestbooks has been addressed by J and there are things that can now be done so that future problems do not arise because of the same issue....

Have a great night guys and remember we are all here cause we love the mustang life :cool:

06-11-2005, 05:14 AM
Instead of doing this... I can setup a system where you 'mark' someone a guestbook spammer.... after a certain number of guestbook spamming marks against you... your guestbook posting can be suspended for 48 hours or something... how does this sound?

Sounds Great :thumpupn:
Glad to see this problem Finally addressed. :beerchug:

06-11-2005, 09:32 AM
EDIT - Feel free to use the Private Messaging option to carry out degrading conversations about someone else's car. Do not use the public forums to do so. :smack:
^^^ Read it.

06-11-2005, 09:52 AM
Also, just for general reference, I think everyone should stick to this policy (http://forums.gotstang.com/showthread.php?t=2482) on guestbook spamming.... ;)

06-11-2005, 08:56 PM
I just came across this thread but seriously... I don't think it's necessary or cool to openly expose people. Posting their 'private' messages to you is stupid. Take that how you want. Delete it and ignor it if you don't like it and grow up.

06-11-2005, 09:07 PM
I just came across this thread but seriously... I don't think it's necessary or cool to openly expose people. Posting their 'private' messages to you is stupid. Take that how you want. Delete it and ignor it if you don't like it and grow up.
we are just trying to make a point... DONT DO IT! DUH!!

06-12-2005, 04:30 PM

My Cobra
06-12-2005, 05:13 PM
This does not look good for the peopel that are viewin the forums for the first few times to see things like this with people going back and forth. Please take any further comments to PM's. What i would say (Me being 20 and not knowing as much about the world as you older guys) would be to take it up with the person it involves. When you get a fight with a coworker do you want them running and telling everybody what you said? i know i would not. so please take this up with the people that you are trying to get the message to.

Stang Gurl
06-12-2005, 05:33 PM
we are just trying to make a point... DONT DO IT! DUH!!
YOu know what I think is hilarious Jess... I made a post just like this not too long ago and you basically told me to stfu and then deleted the thread... now you are agreeing with it? Im going to start calling you Kellog because you are getting quite flakey. JMO

Wendy, I agree with you, and they guy said he was sorry... I wouldnt be surprised if he never posts again.... the forum may have just lost a really kick ass member because the guy was just doing what he saw everyone else doing...

06-12-2005, 06:03 PM
I am going to make a suggestion....and this is only a suggestion.

#1-I don't like anyone fighting. Going back and forth doing the he said-she said thing does nothing but take up forum space for other useful information.

#2-Everyone has the right to post up what they feel is wrong or uncalled for, this is a free country, however is it worth it at the expense of others?

My suggestion is that if someone is clogging your guestbook with "vote for me" posts, why not just report it to a mod or J? I mean, that is what they are there for right? Instead of publically flogging them in the forums. However I do understand doing it, don't get me wrong....but all it does is get people pissed off and there we go going back and forth again.

I don't know how many threads I have seen on here that are like broken records (yes I remember having vinyl records, I'm that old), the same thing over and over. Quite tiring, boring and immature.

Everyone is going to get pissed off at things. It's call life...this ain't Burger King where you can have it your way....people are going to irratate other people. Me? I just let it go.

I am guilty of posting something I disliked..what happened? The thread got closed. I don't know about you, but if a thread I started is closed, that is embarrassing to me....then I don't do it again.

J, you have done a great job with the site since I first started coming here. At first it was a bit "busy" and not easy to understand..but you have made it alot easier for us folks...however, I fear that these hunts and face-offs that were initially meant to be fun have gotten folks tearing their heads off in cyber space. I haven't read the rules on here, maybe I should refresh myself with them, but is there something in the rules about doing this? If so, then lets start reporting them privately to the mods and J. If not, can there be something in the site rules about it?

That's my $10 worth (as usual)....

06-13-2005, 08:22 AM


06-13-2005, 02:17 PM
And it is at this point that I pick up my beer and verily I say unto the: "Go forth my children and vote but lest ye vote with an unsure heart and yield to the spamming demons ye shall be cast into the depths of the fires of hell and ye shall forever burn in eternal damnation." Turp 8:34

By the way I don't care either way I love this stuff! You guys are great! (PLEASE VOTE 4 ME!) :humpybana

06-13-2005, 04:37 PM
Turp, you need to do a page on your site dedicated to nothing but the book of Turp. Thats some good shit bro!


06-13-2005, 04:59 PM
Turp, you need to do a page on your site dedicated to nothing but the book of Turp. Thats some good shit bro!

I agree :thumpupn: :devil:

06-13-2005, 05:26 PM
Thank you! The book of Turp is the koran(forgive my spelling) of the trailer park. Live by the book of Turp and you will have a happy and prosperous life littered with many aftermarket parts and lots of refreshing adult beverages.