View Full Version : First Time Face-Off ....

06-07-2005, 07:47 PM
Okay, I just accepted my first face-off. Cool, considering the fact that just 3 months ago, my car had hit rock bottom! After tossing the timing chain through the valve cover (2 days after I bought it!!) The car has sat for 3 months, while we rebuilt it (see specs).
Anyhow, check our face-off out! Vote For ME!!!..LOL :clap:

06-07-2005, 11:05 PM
Hey, just wanted to thank everyone who has been backing me up during this face off! After looking closely at my competition; I'm stunned that I'm leading so far! I'm assuming that the chosen catagory (Coupe Vs. Vert) is helping me out and that people love the Verts!
Well, whatever it is...LOL; I must admit it's a hoot to be leading so far! I wasn't sure what the face off thing was about; so I was surprised to find a challenge in my guestbook; I just figured "What The Hey" and went for it. So far, I've just been having a blast driving around with the digital camera and shooting pics for "The Hunt".
People look at me like I'm crazy (Oh No, they're on to me!!) when I pull over and snap shot of my car for no obvious reason. You should have seen the looks on people's faces when I was taking pictures of my car as it was having gas pumped into it!! HEHEHE!! I told them that life passes by so quickly, that sometimes we forget to treasure life's little moments, and someday our car's would be grown up and moving out of our garages.....then we'd wish we had taken more pictures of our time together....
Then I got in the car and drove away....they just stood there like statues...with their jaws open..LOL!!
Again, thanks everyone for making this first "Face-off" so much fun to be a part of! :woohoo:

06-07-2005, 11:17 PM
So far, I've just been having a blast driving around with the digital camera and shooting pics for "The Hunt".
People look at me like I'm crazy (Oh No, they're on to me!!) when I pull over and snap shot of my car for no obvious reason. You should have seen the looks on people's faces when I was taking pictures of my car as it was having gas pumped into it!! HEHEHE!! I told them that life passes by so quickly, that sometimes we forget to treasure life's little moments, and someday our car's would be grown up and moving out of our garages.....then we'd wish we had taken more pictures of our time together....
Then I got in the car and drove away....they just stood there like statues...with their jaws open..LOL!!
Again, thanks everyone for making this first "Face-off" so much fun to be a part of! :woohoo:

:rofl: Thats to funny. I gotta think to use that line when i get the looks too.....LOL


06-07-2005, 11:38 PM
Haha... good to see someone having some fun :)