View Full Version : Need help adding a sound clip

06-01-2005, 02:37 PM
I have a sound clip of what my car sounds like and I would like to add it to my page. I figured out how to when I made my cardomain page, but it appears to be a little diffrent here. (by the way, cardomain sucks compaired to this site!!!) Please help! If there is a formula, please let me know what it is.
Thank you.

06-01-2005, 03:05 PM
You have to create a web page to host the sound clip.I used tripod lycos.

06-01-2005, 03:35 PM
I have the sound clip hosted on a site already. I just don't know how to add it to my page.

06-01-2005, 03:41 PM
Nevermind.... I figured it out. Thank you anyway.

06-01-2005, 03:44 PM
Do you want the clip to automatically play when someone goes to your gs site? Check out my page 1 or page 8 for an example. If so i can tell you how to put it in your web page.


06-01-2005, 04:03 PM
No, I wanted to have a link that you can click on and have it pull up. But I figured out how to do that.
Although I might still be interested if it is easy, adding the music file to play when on my site.

06-01-2005, 04:39 PM
No, I wanted to have a link that you can click on and have it pull up. But I figured out how to do that.
Although I might still be interested if it is easy, adding the music file to play when on my site.

Yeah its real easy. i can do it a couple ways. one shows windows media player like on my site the other just plays like on 02 gt chicks site. Let me know which way you want to go or to make things simple just go to either of our sites click view at the top of the browser and select source. then all you have to do is scroll thru the source code for the page until you get to the code for playing the song. (just look for the mp3 extension.) the url in the code is where the song is linked to just copy that part of the code and change the url to point to where your song is hosted then paste the code with the new url in your gs site.


06-01-2005, 05:21 PM
I think i've got it. Thx for all your help.