View Full Version : Face off minimum time limit?

02 GT Chick
06-01-2005, 01:34 AM
I know that other people have complained about this, and I hate to be a bitch but I gotta ask about something.

I think that if someone wants to challenge a face off the minimum time limit should be 24 hours. This crap about people challenging someone in the wee small hours of the morning for 100 points and the face off only lasting 12 hours is a load of crap (IMO). Most people are already in the bed, and I don't know a lot of people who turn on the computer when they wake up first thing in the morning. They are obviously wanting as FEW people as possible to see the faceoff. I know I have read complaints about this in the past, not sure if it was in the forums, or where it was.

I'm not saying that a 25 point faceoff should last a whole day, but 100 points? Yeah. Is there a way to make a minimum time limit with high point value faceoffs?

Feel free to say that I'm just a bitch and deal with it.

06-01-2005, 02:09 PM
I agree that "snipering "people in the wee hours is wrong. It doesn't give you a far chance to react. But the logistics of "assuming" everyone in the same time zone or on the same sleep schedule is just impossible. If you are challenged, then unfortunately that's the way the site works. J made the rules. And we all signed up for it, like it now or not. They work for most people I think. And in the end, it's all in fun. We're all Mustang people here. We should all be encouraging one another to go the next step to truly make a ride that testifies to our own tastes and personal preferences. We shouldn't be getting our validation (and our feelings hurt) from an onsite poll where people are voting for a million and one reasons, and maybe only half of those are because the one ride is actually BETTER than the other. Some guy even told me once in a PM he "usually doesn't care what the cars look like, he votes for the car being challenged." Bad reasoning...

The best advice to anyone is this: wanna see how your car really stacks up? Go to a local car show, (and not a Mustang meeting only) and see what kind of comments people make, what trophies you bring home. It's a much more personal and fulfilling experience than the anonymity afforded by this site. Nothing feels better when someone comes up to you and says "job well done." Or "wow!" Or "wanna trade?" The most rewarding experience for me came recently when I beat out a 100 or so cars for best interior at show, where I knew no one and walked away with a 4-ft. trophy and a smaller one for best of class. :)

11-03-2005, 06:03 PM
This is true. I only got 3rd but the other two cars was way better