View Full Version : This Guy Really Pisses Me Off! Military Get in Here
Terminator X
05-27-2005, 01:28 PM
Idiot ($file/050521_FoxNews_Hannity&Colmes_ForsakeTheMilitary.wmv)
05-27-2005, 01:45 PM
He looks like he has down syndrome.
It's one idiot out of billions.He makes no sense whatsoever,why does he get to be on tv and I don't?
05-27-2005, 01:51 PM
I'm at F'n work I can't hear a damn thing. UUGGGGGHHHHH. I'll check it when I get home.
05-27-2005, 01:57 PM
Idiot ($file/050521_FoxNews_Hannity&Colmes_ForsakeTheMilitary.wmv)
i think the reporter did the talking for me :thumpupn:
and for those of us who have served and are serving, enjoy and respect the holiday.
05-27-2005, 02:32 PM
the new reporter guy OWNED HIM!!! bahahaaa
05-27-2005, 02:40 PM
wow... Even during my opinion differences with a few board members a couple of months ago regarding the nation's focus in this war, I never failed to recognize the blessings given to us (the general citizens) by those who fight for our freedom.
I think this newscast was the best way to debunk, humiliate, and ultimately shutdown such idiocy and it brought a smile to my face when the interviewer decided to not give a shit about political correctness and tell this idiot how it is.
05-27-2005, 05:35 PM
I would say that he's been hit up side the head two many times and that's why he is as stupid as they come. I know that once tom gets a look at this when he gets home all hell is going to break loose. I wouldn't want to be in this morons shoes if someone from the military hears about this and knows where he lives!!! I have friends over there now and some that just came home and this hits a major nerve with me. In my eyes he's :weakestli and should be deported to mars. What a p.o.s.
05-27-2005, 07:21 PM
"uhh the pay structure . . . well the pay structure" WHAT A DUMBASS. IF I WAS AT WORK AND SAW HIM I'D PUNCH HIM IN THE MOUTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
if any military are reading this . . . THANK YOU FOR WHAT YOU DO!!!!
. . . now go blow sum shit up!!!
05-27-2005, 07:52 PM
That has got to be the biggest idiot in the country. Im not usually a big fan of Fox News but this time they did an excellent job of shutting down that fuck.
if any military are reading this . . . THANK YOU FOR WHAT YOU DO!!!!. . . now go blow sum shit up!!! heres a couple from when i was in Iraq.
05-27-2005, 08:21 PM
I wanna meet that reporter and shake his hand, he is arguing about the guys rights and all he can come back with is pay scale and salary, he tore him a new one and I am proud of him!
05-27-2005, 08:57 PM
I wanna meet that reporter and shake his hand, he is arguing about the guys rights and all he can come back with is pay scale and salary, he tore him a new one and I am proud of him!
I would much rather meet the other guy then knock his teeth so far down his throat that he would have a white picket fence around his @$$hole!
On a side note, I tried to go to the site to see what other garbage this puke was spewing and the site has been taken down and the domain name is for sale on ebay.
Google has the site cached though and you can see it here if you really want a reason to strangle this POS!
He mentions a soldier at Fort Drum who was recently killed in combat and calls him a dumb ass. I think tomorrow i am going to go to FT. Bragg and get a KIA bracelet with that soldiers name on it. The soldier who was killed was Kurt Schamberg.
Other sites in the making by this puke are forsake the police and the United States Sucks.
I hope this guy meets a sudden violent and painful death some time in the near future. scum like that are a waste of oxygen!
05-27-2005, 09:35 PM
The following text came from an article at
Cleveland Plain Dealer - Katie Schamberg remembered her nephew, U.S. Army Sgt. Kurt Schamberg, as a man who loved life.
"Kurt loved art and he loved sports. He loved politics," Katie Schamberg said from her home in Orwell late Friday. "He was very comedic. He loved entertaining. He loved having a good time . . . He was just a real sweet kid. The world's going to miss him."
Sgt. Schamberg, 26, was killed Thursday in a roadside blast near Abu Ghraib prison in Baghdad, his aunt said. He was on his second tour of duty in Iraq, having returned there on Jan. 25. Schamberg was with the 10th Mountain Division based at Fort Drum, N.Y.
Schamberg received the Purple Heart on April 12 for injuries suffered on March 31 when he was patrolling around Abu Ghraib.
Schamberg was the son of Thomas Schamberg, Orwell's former mayor and a schoolteacher for 30 years. The elder Schamberg lives in Melrose, Mass. Kurt Schamberg's mother, Pamela Lindsay, lives in Gillette, Wyo.
Schamberg was a 1997 graduate of Grand Valley High School in Orwell, in Ashtabula County. He joined the Army in April 2003, inspired by the events of Sept. 11, 2001. He knew he probably would be sent to Iraq, his aunt said. Schamberg had one more year in his stint in the Army. He considered going into private security when he was discharged.
In addition to his aunt and parents, he leaves behind two older brothers and a younger sister and both his grandmothers.
End Article.
This Memorial Day let us not forget the sacrafices of SGT Kurt Schamberg and the many others who have died for our freedoms we take for granted.
05-28-2005, 03:10 AM
Amen! Thanks ryan for finding this, it is very insperational and we owe tribute to this man and his family for the ultimate sacrifice.
Thankyou Sgt Shamberg
05-28-2005, 06:33 AM
O.K. I've watched. The only thing I think I've ever found just about as disturbing was when they posted the beheadings. I can say I'm 31 years old and right now have shed a tear while watching this. I don't even have anything to say right now, I wanted to punch my screen. Fuck him and anyone who even remotely thinks like him.
Paid to much, Lets take away just a million from a football player who's making 25 mill and he's all done for that team. Pennys on the dollar.
05-28-2005, 07:02 AM
O.k. this is what I've found there's plenty more out there on this piece of work. He feeds of of attention.
Instant Message:
Yahoo Messenger:
(315) 295-2602
Mailing Address:
201 E. Jefferson Street
Unit #301
Syracuse, NY 13202
More info:
After doing some research, I have learned that this idiots website is hosted through "".
The phone # is, 425.274.4500
The general email is,
If anyone would like to complain, this is the correct contact info.
this is what I wrote to him on a reply to his weblog
I can't even begin to explain the feeling I have right now. I'm a veteran Marine, and your comments about bribary and excessive pay structure has got to be one of the biggest P.O.S. statements I've ever heard. You are the type of person that thrives off of attention, whether it be positive or negative, you just want the attention. The monies that the military makes is laughable in comparison to what many people in "The Real World" make for far less of a contribution to our lives as Americans. Lets look at Professional Sports. Let's see you take them on instead 25 million dollar contracts and if they make 1 mill less than they quite. I hope someday your in dire need of someone like us, so we can spit in your face and watch you suffer.
Thomas Young
05-28-2005, 07:34 AM
Here's more info, this guy's website was taken down with a ruse about him being beaten to death, no longer exists right, well here's the new site up and running as of 8:27 am Sat. morning
05-28-2005, 08:29 AM
wow he has done nothing with his life.... hes a dead beat to the world!!! God Bless all who have served ppl like him need to be shot!
05-29-2005, 09:32 PM
I hope he goes and protests somewhere and just gets the living shit kicked out of him by some veteran.
05-29-2005, 09:51 PM
I dont think we need to wait for a verteran to whip this guys ass....Im sure anyone on a street corner would be more than obliged to put a metal pipe to this dumbasses temple and show him what the "real world" thinks of his dumbass opinions....
This guys such an idiot its only a matter of time before he surprised he can walk across the street he's such a freakin idiot...
Thank you for all of the armed forces, police, fire, and all other military and non military personel that continue to protect this country and make the ultimate sacrifice in the ideals of helping other people for the sake of humanity....
My sister was married on Friday to an E7 in the Green Berets and I can gladly say that I would fight next to any American in the armed forces if called to do so....As of this summer I will be joining the Police Reserves and hopefully start my career in the near future as a Snohomish County Sheriffs officer :beerchug:
05-29-2005, 09:52 PM
As sick as it is, we veterans did what we did just so people like him can have the freedom to spew that garbage without being censored. That's not the American ideal I had in mind while I served, but I guess the principle applies to everyone.
Everyone will get their own in the end. I really think John Kerry's post Vietnam actions prevented him from being our president. I still hate Jane Fonda to this day...
05-29-2005, 10:17 PM
I still hate Jane Fonda to this day...
My sisters husband Chris and all of his military friends refuse to see anything that Jane Fonda is in, associated with, or has friends that are in....Most military guys are the same :devil:
05-29-2005, 10:24 PM
Army Sgt. Andrew L. Bossert
24, of Fountain City, Wis.; assigned to the 44th Engineer Battalion, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division, Camp Howze, Korea; killed March 7 when a vehicle-borne improvised explosive device detonated near his screening area in Ramadi, Iraq. Also killed was Pfc. Michael W. Franklin.
Soldier from Fountain City killed in Iraq
Associated Press
FOUNTAIN CITY, Wis. — An Army sergeant from western Wisconsin who wanted to become an architect one day was killed in Iraq, his mother said Tuesday.
Sgt. Andrew Bossert, 24, of Fountain City, was killed Monday after a car exploded near him, Diane Bossert said.
“We don’t really know a whole of lot of the details yet. Basically, all they’ve told us was he was at a checkpoint, a car went through the checkpoint and it blew up,” Diane Bossert said.
Her son was the 35th Wisconsin soldier killed in Iraq since the U.S. military invaded the country almost two years ago.
Bossert enlisted in the Army five years ago after graduating from Fountain City High School, was assigned to an engineering company and was shipped to Iraq last August, his mother said. He had been stationed in South Korea for 2˝ years before he was assigned to Iraq, she said.
Bossert, who was married two years ago, loved motorcycles and had dreams of becoming an architect after he finished his military career in a year, his mother said.
She said she last talked to her son Saturday when he called home.
“He basically said what he always does. That he was fine. Not very often did he talk about the dangers,” Diane Bossert said. “He was honorable, dedicated to his country and believed in what he was doing.”
05-31-2005, 12:09 AM
That guy needs to be hurt.
02 GT Chick
06-01-2005, 06:21 PM
that guy is a fucking moron.
Both myself and my husband are in the military, if I ever find this guy I will absolutely go postal.
The pay in the military is not as great as he makes it sound. Most people who get off post housing are families that need more room than can be afforded with the military apartments on post.
My husband has already been over there he just got back less than 6 months ago, and we are scheduled to go back in August. If that guy could last more than one minute in Iraq I would be surprised. No amount of money can take away the feelings that you experience. Every freaking car could be a bomb on wheels, constant mortoring, IED's go off and there is NOBODY to shoot at around. NO AMOUNT OF MONEY IS ENOUGH. But people do it because we love our country, we all volunteered to enlist, there hasn't been a draft in decades. It just goes to show that some poeple should be stranded on a desert island and left to starve or be eaten by sharks or some shit.
Let that son of a bitch go over to Iraq and see shit like this and then see if he thinks that we are still overpaid and overly compensated for the shit we see and do.
I'll stop ranting now. I just (obviously) feel passionately about this subject.
06-01-2005, 07:08 PM
that pic is rather disturbing.
What a A$$ clown...I spent 8 yrs in the ARMY. The INFANTRY. This moron is uuuuhhhhh...Clueless & a.... :loser:
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