View Full Version : T.G.I.F.

05-27-2005, 09:01 AM
Yeah!!! 3 day weekend...!!!

Any plans for the weekend???

Tonite:play softball...

Tomorrow:out to the wrecking yard to search
for lost treasures....wax the stang,mow the lawn
take my son to go see Star Wars

Sunday:Get the stang out and take the family on
a road trip for the day...eat dinner somewhere

Monday...go over to mom in law's house to BBQ,take
my son mountain biking back in the woods,relax,
have a few beers and reflect on life.... :beerchug:

Hope you all have a great weekend.

05-27-2005, 09:07 AM
i can't wait this weekend is gonna be the best.

Tonite my cousin is graduating from high school so party tonite and then gonna go watch "The Longest Yard" with some friends of mine.

Tomorrow wash and wax the stang and get her ready for a road trip to the beach.

Sunday take the stang out to cruise around town.

05-27-2005, 10:05 AM
Tonight Hanging out with cobra94, drinking and cheering him the hell up, he' been a bit bitchy lately,

Sat. off to see Madegascar with the family, just hanging out and then hopefully getting pretty close to finishing off Blown93features model replica.

Sunday getting together with cobra94 again, should be doing his brakes, and I'm going to get him to put some fog lights in mine, maybe even have him throw my amp and equalizer in. Ohh and did I mention Drinking

Monday it's supposed to finally be nice here in soggy MA so I'm just gonna take in the rays and the 70 degree weather.

05-27-2005, 10:09 AM
Work for me tomorrow, im off Sunday and i work Monday. dont have any plans yet.
