View Full Version : WHAT A S****Y DAY, NEED SUM ADVISE

05-25-2005, 09:36 PM
well to start off i drop my cell phone in the water while i'm fishing and it's shot. then i'm coming home from dinner and get a ticket for 73 in a 35, yup 38 over!!!! it's mandatory that i go to court so what should i expect???? any LEO'S in here????

05-25-2005, 09:40 PM
sorry to here that... im a virgo

05-25-2005, 10:00 PM
LOL Sorry to here that I'm a Virgo TOO

05-25-2005, 10:04 PM
yeah it sucks someone on svtperformance said that i should get a lawyer

05-25-2005, 10:10 PM
I am a leo

05-25-2005, 10:11 PM
very funny but i'm talking about COPS (law enforcement officials)

05-25-2005, 10:23 PM
you gonna lose yo license. Better get a moped.

05-25-2005, 11:25 PM
lawyer and an MP LOL.. If you know anyone in military take an MP with you.. he will make judge feel stupid and throw it out... i did for window tint law, my buddy (MP) said law states officer cant see person inside vehicle with 20% or lower tint... he said when officer stoped him and rolled window down officer saw him... IT WORKED!!! LOL always loop hole. :w00t:

05-25-2005, 11:53 PM
wow!!! i did 107 in a 55 and my insurance sky rocketed........ i suggest u hire a lawyer.

05-26-2005, 04:14 AM
I hope you don't loose your privilage to drive, but 78 in a 35 is a pretty bad offence and depending if the judge hasn't been laid for a while..he'll probably considered it reckless driving and just pull your license at the arraingment.I would say you lost more than your phone in the drink like the paddles too because your going upstream without them!
I would call around for a good lawyer just incase you need to retain one and fill them in. They might be able to get it reduced to a lesser charge for instance reducing the speed at which you are being charged with so it gets it out of the driving to endanger or reckless perameters.
Good luck from the virgo :thumpupn:

05-26-2005, 06:08 AM
you should have said you had a medical emergency at the time and that was why you were speeding ;)

I would DEF hire a lawyer for that one....IF nothing else they will at least be able to get it lowered through the court and you may be able to plead out to community service, traffic school and a restriction on your license...for that amount over the limit I'm really surprised the officer didnt impound your car and throw you in jail....

05-26-2005, 07:38 AM
Get a lawyer, money well spent and they could possibly get it off your record and it won't go against your insurance.

05-26-2005, 08:35 AM
well to start off i drop my cell phone in the water while i'm fishing and it's shot. then i'm coming home from dinner and get a ticket for 73 in a 35, yup 38 over!!!! it's mandatory that i go to court so what should i expect???? any LEO'S in here????

What the hell were you thinking. If your gonna be doing those speeds you need to hook up with some local cops. Do you know anyone that knows any?
I was doing 40 in a 35 here in MA I got bagged, luckily my dad has many state tropper buddys, they got ahold of the ticket and oops lost it. I got off with buying a case of beer.

But damn, 73 in 35, are you thinking of kids? Your lucky your license may be all you lose. I've been in more confrontations with people on my street because of the speeds they drive.

Man I wish you luck, cuz I know if I could'nt drive my stang I'd be going crazy, Just slow down a bit.

05-26-2005, 09:16 AM
Get a lawyer.... make him bring up some good points... you need your car for work or school... hopefully your past isnt to bad... bring that up too.... if this is your first ticket in a long time you shouldnt have a problem.

My Cobra
05-26-2005, 10:03 AM
Get a PJC and watch your ass for the next year or so. I am saving mine for something huge. you only get one. Check out SVTperformance they will tell you more about how to get out of stuff. but most the time getting out of it is just not going to happen and you need to just try to get the charge as low as you can. like two counts of wreckless driving or something that does not take your license away. Some insruance companies will drop you also so keep that in mind that wreckless driving would be the way to go from what i understand.

05-26-2005, 11:55 AM
man i love what i'm hearing!!!! dood this sucks. my g/f works at a cell phone store and A LOT of cops of business with them so i might have a bit of luck there.

the thing is, i know it's still a thirty five zone, but it's a major road in town that's has a bunch of fast food places and grocery store. one thing that doesn't make since is where he clocked me and where i saw him and when he pulled over.

on a brighter note: i smoked the doors off a cocky little civic YEAH BIATCHES!!!!
so i'm glad he didn't give me a ticket for racing

05-26-2005, 12:10 PM
on a brighter note: i smoked the doors off a cocky little civic YEAH BIATCHES!!!!
so i'm glad he didn't give me a ticket for racing

not worth ruining ur driving record for a stupid civic.............. keep racing where it's safe......... THE TRACK

05-26-2005, 12:32 PM
not worth ruining ur driving record for a stupid civic.............. keep racing where it's safe......... THE TRACK

05-26-2005, 12:59 PM
Get a PJC and watch your ass for the next year or so. I am saving mine for something huge. you only get one. Check out SVTperformance they will tell you more about how to get out of stuff. but most the time getting out of it is just not going to happen and you need to just try to get the charge as low as you can. like two counts of wreckless driving or something that does not take your license away. Some insruance companies will drop you also so keep that in mind that wreckless driving would be the way to go from what i understand.

what the hell is a PJC?

05-26-2005, 02:05 PM

05-26-2005, 02:13 PM
Try asking for deferred adjudication will cost a little more but might be worth it.

05-26-2005, 04:32 PM
Try asking for deferred adjudication will cost a little more but might be worth it.

ok . . . what is that???

05-26-2005, 04:35 PM
ok . . . what is that???
Down here it is basically being but on probation for your ticket and if you dont get another one for I think 3 months it does not get put on your record. Alot of people do that when they are over the limit and cant take defensive driving. You pay the ticket plus a little extra that they call a deferred fee.

05-26-2005, 06:22 PM
All this advice blows. Just go in and tell the judge where he can shove the ticket, then piss on the officer that gave you the ticket. that always works for me.

05-26-2005, 06:46 PM
I probably wouldn't take stalker's advice (no offence). We all wish we could do that but that will probably get you the worse charge ;). SVTP usually has the best advice on this stuff.

05-29-2005, 09:36 PM
im currently on probation for a speeding ticket...(deffered ticket)....basically it means that you can defer the ticket which means that you are not found guilty nor innocent but the ticket is "on hold" for 1 year...if within that 1 year probation time you do not receive a ticket then the one you deferred is dropped even if you were guilty in the first place....The catch is you can only do this ONCE ever 7 years but I think this would be a good situation to use it....The other catch is that if you do get another moving violation ticket in the next year and you are found guilty of that one then you cannot contest this ticket (the one you deferred) and you will be found guilty of BOTH tickets and be forced to pay the full amount of your deferred ticket plus any other consequences resulting from it....They will also both go to your insurance company at the same time and your drivers license will be docked points at the exact same time...

I have till August on my deferred ticket....Ive learned that its really not worth the hastle of speeding or what not to get there a few minutes earlier or race a snobby kid who revs his fart can at the stoplight....

You are EXTREMELY LUCKY he did not get you for racing...Most cities and states will inpound your vehicle PERMANENTLY and sell it at auction, give you a couple of grand in fines, a few weeks to a month in prison, revoke your drivers license, etc.....

I would really think weather or not its smart to be bombing around town with a car that looks the way that it does ;)

05-30-2005, 05:11 PM
tru tru, well we'll see whats gonna happen tomm. my g/f has talked to a cop to see what he can do (she works at a cell phone store and cops come in there all the time and end up buddy buddy with them). keep ya updated once tommorrow rolls around

07-08-2005, 10:13 AM
well went to court this morning. ended up pretty good, considering that every LEO i talked to said they were going to throw the book at me.
i ended up with a reduced ticket, judge reduced it to 23 over (58 mph) and two months probation(only to pay off the fine, which will be pay off in one month) and i get to keep my license.
to start off with i get up there at first and he says, "so mr. davis you got a ticket for speeding" . . . i reply "yes sir", well wait a second you weren't speeding you were flying low!" i thought that was pretty humorious (sp) on his part.

07-08-2005, 10:18 AM
you lucked out.. you get a good judge like that you should feel blessed

07-08-2005, 08:37 PM
i'm a fish.......