View Full Version : Why are "Educated" people so pompus?

05-20-2005, 10:50 AM
I have a decent Job, I'm a Senior Project Engineer, on the turbine engine for the new Joint Strike Fighter. I've gotten where I am based off of experience and little schooling, I do not have a degree of any kind. My experience came through the Marine Corps where I was a Helicopter Mechanic on the Presidents Helicopter (Clinton) from 94-97. I've been involved in the repair and design of turbine engines since then.

I'm sitting in my cubicle where 3 other "College" Educated Engineers are and there's two of them looking at pics that one of them took on Wed. at Camp Lejuene N.C. I quess the Marines were training, doing simulated mob control, and urban assault stuff, which included Harrier and Helicopter movements. His reason for being there was obviously to see the environment the new joint strike fighter will be involved in. So they're sitting there talking about how the Marine mechanics that are performing the maintenance on these aircraft, are 18 years old and don't know anything, they're talking about the environment that the aircraft are being repaired in, being so dusty and dirty. WTF why are people so dead. There was a saying that we used to use out on the flight line after a pilot would F up one of the helicopters, it goes, "Why does it take a college education to fly it, but a high school diploma to fix it".
Are people just this stupid, do they not know what we "Military Enlisted Personnel" have to endure to get the job done. They can't wait for good weather to roll in, they can't wait until it stops snowing, the shit has to be done now, dust blowing, raining, 100 degree sun beating down. There is no choice. And these "Smart" engineers sitting in there air conditioned offices complain about the way the 18 year olds don't know what the hell they're doing. uuuuuuuggggggghhhhhh. pisses me off. I'll take any aircraft maintained and built by military enlisted over any lame ass degreed engineer. Please all you college educated members please stop and think before you open your mouth and say something stupid. As I have proven to many here and in the past actual work experience counts for a lot more than your college diploma nailed to your wall. Get your hands dirty and your feet wet before you start running your mouth. Think about who may be around.

Sorry for the ramble, I had to get it off my chest, and what better place.

05-20-2005, 11:14 AM
I have a decent Job, I'm a Senior Project Engineer, on the turbine engine for the new Joint Strike Fighter. I've gotten where I am based off of experience and little schooling, I do not have a degree of any kind. My experience came through the Marine Corps where I was a Helicopter Mechanic on the Presidents Helicopter (Clinton) from 94-97. I've been involved in the repair and design of turbine engines since then.

I'm sitting in my cubicle where 3 other "College" Educated Engineers are and there's two of them looking at pics that one of them took on Wed. at Camp Lejuene N.C. I quess the Marines were training, doing simulated mob control, and urban assault stuff, which included Harrier and Helicopter movements. His reason for being there was obviously to see the environment the new joint strike fighter will be involved in. So they're sitting there talking about how the Marine mechanics that are performing the maintenance on these aircraft, are 18 years old and don't know anything, they're talking about the environment that the aircraft are being repaired in, being so dusty and dirty. WTF why are people so dead. There was a saying that we used to use out on the flight line after a pilot would F up one of the helicopters, it goes, "Why does it take a college education to fly it, but a high school diploma to fix it".
Are people just this stupid, do they not know what we "Military Enlisted Personnel" have to endure to get the job done. They can't wait for good weather to roll in, they can't wait until it stops snowing, the shit has to be done now, dust blowing, raining, 100 degree sun beating down. There is no choice. And these "Smart" engineers sitting in there air conditioned offices complain about the way the 18 year olds don't know what the hell they're doing. uuuuuuuggggggghhhhhh. pisses me off. I'll take any aircraft maintained and built by military enlisted over any lame ass degreed engineer. Please all you college educated members please stop and think before you open your mouth and say something stupid. As I have proven to many here and in the past actual work experience counts for a lot more than your college diploma nailed to your wall. Get your hands dirty and your feet wet before you start running your mouth. Think about who may be around.

Sorry for the ramble, I had to get it off my chest, and what better place.
You're a senior project engineer for the X-35?

05-20-2005, 12:12 PM
Don't let it bug ya 93......real life is that ability to do your job under pressure and get things done when they need to get done, having a college diploma doesn't mean that you are smarter than anyone else nor more educated in a specific area. The human brain learns more by seeing, not reading, experience in a job site will always have more benefit to an individual than reading a text book about the same operation.

The marines, Army etc use people that are younger because they have fresh minds and are easier to train than someone who has a college degree etc because they always want to say "well this is how I learned to do it".....I would have someone from the Army, Aircorps, Marines etc work on an airplane or helicopter long before I trusted some person right out of college with a nice piece of paper saying someone has said "he knows how to do it" but not that he has done it.....Some people are just arrogant assholes, and when they screw up, just be their to rub it in their face :)

05-20-2005, 12:19 PM
You're a senior project engineer for the X-35?

Not the X-35

The F135, the Turbine Engine for the X-35. Why? Is that surprising?

05-20-2005, 12:36 PM
I'm an engineer bish, and yes I am better then you :p

*just kiddin* lol

05-20-2005, 12:42 PM
penis envy

05-20-2005, 12:49 PM
penis envy

By the looks of some of these geeks, I would say they don't have a penis. Or to say it better they don't want a penis.

05-20-2005, 04:02 PM
Not the X-35

The F135, the Turbine Engine for the X-35. Why? Is that surprising?
It's not surprizing, it's badass... i know a lil bit bout the x-35... and to be a senior project engineer for anything that.... complex... is quite impressive.

good job :)

05-20-2005, 04:12 PM
It's not surprizing, it's badass... i know a lil bit bout the x-35... and to be a senior project engineer for anything that.... complex... is quite impressive.

good job :)

Thanks, I'm just glad I didn't get it like these guy's, they don't look at the whole picture the way that a "simple minded" mechanic looks at it. I saved the F-135 Program quite a bit of money last week, when one of the design engineers had taken a feature out of a component because it was "No Longer Needed", The engineers are the simple minded, if I did'nt catch that he was removing the feature, the engine could have been put together in the wrong way and it would have flamed out most likely.

05-20-2005, 04:14 PM
Thanks, I'm just glad I didn't get it like these guy's, they don't look at the whole picture the way that a "simple minded" mechanic looks at it. I saved the F-135 Program quite a bit of money last week, when one of the design engineers had taken a feature out of a component because it was "No Longer Needed", The engineers are the simple minded, if I did'nt catch that he was removing the feature, the engine could have been put together in the wrong way and it would have flamed out most likely.
i've heard this thing is gonna fly @ m2.5

that true?

how much are these things gonna cost?

05-20-2005, 04:15 PM
penis envy

05-20-2005, 04:21 PM
It's funny you should mention your experience with engineers. I grew up in the nuclear navy. Now I work at a power plant with a bunch of those very same engineers running around.

A college degree typically means you are trainable. 12 years of success doing the job means I'm already highy trained. I don't know why that piece of paper makes someone feel important or superior. I've earned a bachelors of science just through my training and experience (plus a couple of courses that weren't covered, so I guess I did do some college). I know for a fact that the things I know, the things I have learned, cannot be taught in a classroom. I'd gladly put my analytical skills up against any electrical or mechanical engineer right out of college.

The comments I love to hear are "I'm a mechanical engineer, so I'm not too worried about doing a cylinder head swap" Brother, those are the guys who need to worry the most!

05-20-2005, 09:33 PM
penis envy
I'm begining to think you have penis on the brain

05-20-2005, 10:19 PM
Some people are lucky or privelaged enough to go to school for four years only to get out into the real world and find the shock of there lives. I joined the Army straight out of HS and spent 10 years in before getting out and going into the reserves. I understand everything you are talking about and agree with you 100%. Since getting out of the Army i have found it very difficult to find a good job. I have a job but not what i would like to be doing. I have found so many job listings but because i do not have a diploma, I am imediately disqualified. The reason employers are using a degree as criteria for obtaining employment with them is because jobs are scarce and there are more then enough qualified people to fill the position. The diploma is used in the process of elimination and narrows down the number of people in the application process for a position. No longer is the best qualified person getting hired. It sucks but thats how it is.

Your college educated co workers havent walked a mile in our shoes and do not know what its like in the military. We have to do a job under any circumstance in order to accomplish the mission because everything is about the mission no matter how hard or simple it may be. They do not understand this because they are use to working under ideal conditions and have not experienced first hand the role we play in our nations defense or what is required to accomplish a mission.


05-20-2005, 11:14 PM
You know what's a disgrace in my eyes? I work with a guy who spent twenty years in the army and was discharged with honors at a E-8 rank.He has spent the last ten years at my work as a dependible hard working person and the college educated dick heads that now pretend to run the place (that we call the puzzle pallace because of the lack of common sense!) treat him with no respect at all.There was a day when I couldn't stand what I was hearing out of there mouths anymore and I told them flat out " it's pretty gut renching to stand here and listen to you bad mouth a man who afforded you the luxury of fredom to go to college only to end up becoming nothing more than a ungreatfull pompus shit bags who bellows out orders that wouldn't even make sense to a retard and as far as I'm concerned you have failed him and every other military personel out there" Needless to say that didn't go over very well but who cares they got the point. I don't have a thing against anyone learning and educating themselfs, just the ones who have and then believe thay have just moved up on the food chain only to look down upon everyone else.

05-20-2005, 11:31 PM
I'm begining to think you have penis on the brain

i think youre gonna get one in your mouth :lol:

05-21-2005, 05:24 AM
i think youre gonna get one in your mouth :lol:

Yep You dif. have a prob. Let me quess your going to college riding on the shoulders of mommy and daddy, so you feel you have the right to do and say what ever you please. I'm quessing that what your meaning by "Penis Envy" is that I'm envious of them. Lets get this straight, I wouldn't want to be you, or these guys that I'm talking about, see because unfortunately for them, I've worked my way with great experience to get were they are with a college education and we are around the same age, and the differeance in pay is not very much. I can get a diploma, they cannot afford to get what I have, nor can you.

Obviously you like penis a little to much to be wanting to put yours in another guy's mouth. Please leave me out of your little fantasy.

Joe Friday
05-21-2005, 06:51 AM
It takes hard work and dedication to earn a degree, not that it dosen't take the same work to become trained in a certian area, but having a degree means you're going to be more versaital in a working enviroment. So they put in some years at college to become well rounded people, I'd let them flaunt it a little.. but like he said, make sure you're there to rub it in thier face when they mess up :D

05-21-2005, 09:04 AM
I used to work with a pompus ass at my old job. He didn't have a college education, but claimed he had Microsoft certification.

He would continuously throw in our faces (the other techs who were there longer than he) that he was an MCSE and knew what he was talking about. He was even arguing with a guy on the other end of the phone that had a degree in information technology (but have to wonder if the customer had said such degree why is he calling tech support?).

Needless to say that ass was fired after we are finding out that he lied about being certified.

I only have some college and an MCP. That stuff is not worth the paper it is printed on without experience. I spent 3 years working the crap shift on telephone technical support and then found the job I have now. I ran into 1 incident where I was asked if I felt threatened that my supervisor did not have a certification and I did. Well hell...I have only been there a short time and he has wads of experience. Of course he would have that position. I don't care if he doesn't have certs. As long as he does his job, then I'm ok. That's what I look at....do your damn job....don't whine about it. Earn your pay. I guess I just like everyone around me to have the same work ethic as I do. Doesn't happen in this world.

05-21-2005, 09:19 AM
MCSE means absolutely nothing.. my 13 year old brother can get one.... thats a joke. Its possible to not have a degree and have a MS cert.. thats how sad it is.... now a CCNA... thats a big deal :)

05-21-2005, 04:22 PM
Yep You dif. have a prob. Let me quess your going to college riding on the shoulders of mommy and daddy, so you feel you have the right to do and say what ever you please. I'm quessing that what your meaning by "Penis Envy" is that I'm envious of them. Lets get this straight, I wouldn't want to be you, or these guys that I'm talking about, see because unfortunately for them, I've worked my way with great experience to get were they are with a college education and we are around the same age, and the differeance in pay is not very much. I can get a diploma, they cannot afford to get what I have, nor can you.

Obviously you like penis a little to much to be wanting to put yours in another guy's mouth. Please leave me out of your little fantasy.

take a joke loser. Im seeing why they talk crap about you. I think in fact you are the pompous jackass who thinks hes right about everything because your a big tough army man. Thats why its so fun to say crap to you. But anyway, GI Joe, i am in college, but its not on mommy and daddys shoulders. I go to school 5 days a week, then work 10 hour shifts on the weekend. Now its summer and im working 40 hours a week to pay for school next year. So yea i work my ass off and i have been since i was about 12 when i worked 5-7 days a week in the summer, some times working over a month without a day off. Thats what bought me my car, and clothes, and pays for my gas and insurance. My parents barely buy me anything except the essentials like food when im back home, so i dont have it easy.

In conclusion, take a fucking joke and stop thinkin ur the man cuz you work on some helicopter. Its shitty and makes you look like an ass. And if you dont, maybe ill give you a discount when i see you in my office in a couple years :lol:

05-21-2005, 07:04 PM
In conclusion, take a fucking joke and stop thinkin ur the man cuz you work on some helicopter. Its shitty and makes you look like an ass. And if you dont, maybe ill give you a discount when i see you in my office in a couple years :lol:

Office? Are you inheriting a business? What's that all about?

05-21-2005, 08:18 PM
no, i plan on being a psychiatrist. And i have a feeling i will be seeing 93ramvert very regularly.

05-22-2005, 06:56 AM
no, i plan on being a psychiatrist. And i have a feeling i will be seeing 93ramvert very regularly.

First off, It's Marine Corps. Get it right. Second, They wern't talking shit about me, they were talking shit about 18 year old high school grads. that didn't go to college, who are putting they're lives on the line, so that an ass like you can spew your shit. I believe you look more like an ass than anyone on this site. For two threads now you've been downing me, so who's the ass?
If you read back I rolled with you on the first penis envy thing, then you did it again, It's not a joke the third time around. You my freind will be the one needing a Psychiatrist, you seem like you have many things to work out.

How many people do you know that have worked directly for the President of the United States, actually worked on something he flys in daily? Ya I think I'm the man.

05-22-2005, 05:11 PM
penis envy

05-22-2005, 05:36 PM
penis envy

Like I said Penis on the brain, You'll be fine once you graduate out of pre-shool. I can tell your 20, and spoiled like a little bitch.

05-22-2005, 05:51 PM

05-22-2005, 09:18 PM

Uggh! :lockit:

05-22-2005, 09:19 PM
:lockit: :lockit: :closed: