View Full Version : Can someone explain?

05-19-2005, 09:52 PM
Why am I getting so many votes against me? I mean how much more clear can 'your stang with a lawnmower' or 'your stang with the doors, hood, and trunk open' be? I guess even though I was featured stang once, the pics don't say much (they were just cute with my cat - yeah I posted the wrong ones), I did give the links! Can someone explain this?

05-20-2005, 08:51 AM
Nobody likes you :lol: J/K

I don't know, this happens all the time, it makes no sense, I know a lot of members are complaining about the claims getting lame. Maybe that has something to do with it.

05-20-2005, 09:25 AM
I cant submit a claim w/o a couple people voting for it fake. I dont know why. Maybe they are to lazy to open up the full size pic and see it and are just trying to judge weather it is real or fake by the little thumbnail pic. I ve given up questioning it cause . I ve only had one claim actually denied and that was my ricer neighbors yellow rice parked in his drive way next to our stangs when we had them all out. I guess yellow rice isnt hideous or since there was so much yellow in the pic, they couldnt see it in the little thumbnail. Oh well who cares, its just a game. Very few claims are fake though. usually just a matter of someone uploading the wrong pic.


05-20-2005, 09:33 AM
Nobody likes you

I think you're right. I have lost the last 8 out of 9 face offs or so also! lol. When I first got here I would win a few of them!

05-20-2005, 09:43 AM
I think you're right. I have lost the last 8 out of 9 face offs or so also! lol. When I first got here I would win a few of them!

Damn talk about paranoid or something. Unless youve done something here to piss someone off, i dont see why someone wouldnt like you. The stuff your talking about happens to everyone here so its not just an isolated incident so dont take all this to seriously.


05-20-2005, 09:44 AM
I think you're right. I have lost the last 8 out of 9 face offs or so also! lol. When I first got here I would win a few of them!

I was only kidding Wendy. And you've only lost the last 5, Look at me I've got like 3 wins total out of about 15-20 face-offs. Actually I don't remember seeing you around lately, maybe you've been to quiet. :lol:

05-20-2005, 09:45 AM
Maybe it was because you were friends with that dude blackacid lol

05-20-2005, 09:46 AM
oh btw.. I am tracking all no votes now... maybe I should display who voted no.. haha

05-20-2005, 10:14 AM
Maybe it was because you were friends with that dude blackacid lol

That would do it.....:rofl:

I was on AIM one day and got an IM from a guy who had the screen name the same or very similiar to his AIM name. Im 100% sure it was him though. Anyway that fuck had the nerve to IM me out of nowhere and say who the hell are you and why are you on my buddy list. I told him i didnt know who he was and had no idea why i was on his buddy list, then i relized the spelling of his name with the |3| crap and said something along the lines of do you know wendy from the forums and he said some mopar forum and i said no got stang and then he was quiet and didnt say anything else. I was like WTF? so he is permanently banned on my AIM.

05-20-2005, 10:14 AM
1. Ryan, lighten up. I was kidding with ramvert. Besides, this is a weird deal, sometimes I used to beat really great cars that I shouldn't have, sometimes a car I wouldn't consider that great would beat me. Now I'm not beating any of them. Relax.
2. J, define 'friends' lmao!!!!
3. Ramvert, sometimes Wendy being quiet is a good thing. lol And yeah, you have a harder time than me in face offs too. Maybe it's that we are getting (forgive me) old. ;P

I meant our cars. ;)

I haven't been around much because the real world seems better than the internet right now. I'm sure I'll be back. :)

05-20-2005, 11:27 AM
1. Ryan, lighten up. I was kidding with ramvert. Besides, this is a weird deal, sometimes I used to beat really great cars that I shouldn't have, sometimes a car I wouldn't consider that great would beat me. Now I'm not beating any of them. Relax.
2. J, define 'friends' lmao!!!!
3. Ramvert, sometimes Wendy being quiet is a good thing. lol And yeah, you have a harder time than me in face offs too. Maybe it's that we are getting (forgive me) old. ;P

I meant our cars. ;)

I haven't been around much because the real world seems better than the internet right now. I'm sure I'll be back. :)

Hey my car's only 12 years old, it's not even a teen yet :lol:

Why are we blaming Wendy for shit Blackasshole did :rofl: sorry I cracked myself up. anyway :rofl: no really I did. Look I'm best friends with Cobra94 and it doesn't seem to be hurting me. ohhhhhhhh wait conspiracy theory. look at my losses, maybe it is. That rat bastard. :rofl:

05-20-2005, 01:20 PM
I don't really care about the face offs but geez can't people vote right on hunt claims? I mean when you provide evidence? That is what seems weird.

05-20-2005, 01:56 PM
I don't really care about the face offs but geez can't people vote right on hunt claims? I mean when you provide evidence? That is what seems weird.

We all know you photoshoped that lawnmower into that pic....:rofl: j/k


05-20-2005, 02:24 PM
Ramvert, I want to challenge you to a face off, maybe 'who is the WEAKEST LINK!' lol

I would really like to know who the two people are that voted against my claim for 'featured stang on another site' when the links are right there....

05-20-2005, 02:36 PM
Ramvert, I want to challenge you to a face off, maybe 'who is the WEAKEST LINK!' lol

I would really like to know who the two people are that voted against my claim for 'featured stang on another site' when the links are right there....

93ramvert :weakestli :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :

Sorry I'm wasting all the applause on myself I really should leave some for someone else. :lol:

05-20-2005, 03:13 PM
Sorry Wendy I just had to vote fake on the cereal box hunt claim cause I don't like Special K, it gave me the runs in Boot Camp :lol:

O.k. that was gross, I voted yes, no fake votes on that one yet.

05-20-2005, 04:32 PM
I don't like Special K, it gave me the runs in Boot Camp :lol:

WAAAAAAAYYYY to much info!

BTW, J, I think it would be ok to give out who voted no, but I think there should be a place where they can enter the reason...

Derk 2k3 M1
05-23-2005, 10:34 PM
To be honest I seen the red car in a few and thought you might have been with someone else and took pictures of there cars with the claims because you were out and about in there stang.

Then I found out you got a new car. I only voted fake on a couple. Sorry about that. :j:

05-24-2005, 05:18 PM
No prob. I was worried that might happen so I put it on the front page of my website. I know a bunch of us don't always look there regularly though! The hunts have been a great opportunity for me to go run around in it though! :D

05-25-2005, 02:21 PM
oh btw.. I am tracking all no votes now... maybe I should display who voted no.. haha

I've said this before, but maybe it fell on deaf ears...

WHY have a no vote if one can't vote no?? Just make it you get points for ANYTHING you send in!!!! For GOD sakes people!
The point is, if someone feels the claim is fake or insufficient they should have the right to vote no without being dragged down mainstreet naked!
I vote no if I feel the angle is the same, if it's too dark to tell, if I think someone is taking advantage of the claim..etc. That's why the no vote is THERE!
I think y'all are too worried about how folks vote and not worried enough about getting more claims up there!!! THAT's the unfair part in my opinion. I enter claim ideas all the time and it's like shouting into the dark..lol
Who IS the claims guy anyway? Let's drag HIM down mainstreet naked!
The Statue Of Liberty??? Apparently the one who came up with that has never stood on the banks of the Hudson and looked out at the statue. You can hardley see it. In a picture taken of your stang with the statue in the background the statue would look like this-------> .

I feel better now..thank you for letting me vent.

05-25-2005, 04:15 PM
I have pretty much stopped the hunts and really am not caring for face-offs too. Might even kill my web site soon too.

Just haven't been feeling well lately and don't really care.

05-26-2005, 12:23 PM
I have pretty much stopped the hunts and really am not caring for face-offs too. Might even kill my web site soon too.

Just haven't been feeling well lately and don't really care.

:smack: Wake up!!!!!! are you back yet? :lol:

05-26-2005, 12:30 PM
#1 If someone feels the claim is fake or insufficient they should have the right to vote no without being dragged down mainstreet naked!

#2 Let's drag HIM down mainstreet naked.

Answer to #1 Have you seen some of the female members on the site. Hello I'm sure some of us would'nt mind seeing them dragged anywhere naked :drool:

Answer to #2 Again have you seen some of the "HIM"S" on this site, I'm sure a lot of us included many of the female type wouldn't want to see them naked. :rofl:

05-26-2005, 01:43 PM
Answer to #1 Have you seen some of the female members on the site. Hello I'm sure some of us would'nt mind seeing them dragged anywhere naked :drool:

Answer to #2 Again have you seen some of the "HIM"S" on this site, I'm sure a lot of us included many of the female type wouldn't want to see them naked. :rofl:


Not to mention all the members that might actually love being dragged down mainstreet naked! But Tom, THAT opens up a whole OTHER can of worms! :wow:

05-26-2005, 02:19 PM

Not to mention all the members that might actually love being dragged down mainstreet naked! But Tom, THAT opens up a whole OTHER can of worms! :wow:

You ain't kidding. Let's leave that for a thread opened by Hmong. :lol: