View Full Version : Got Stang Puppy Lost.

05-19-2005, 12:24 AM
I ran it through some really expensive genetic prediction software at work. Here's what I got:



May 18th. Jesse the Black Lab a.k.a one of the Got Stang Puppies, has passed today. Due to an arrogant speed demon who drives 60 + on a sharp S curve. No open wounds. Not much blood. She was 6 1/2 months old. Pure Bred, Show Quality. She had made a huge pile of sticks, branches, and other chunks of wood from the creek & around the property. Looked like as if the "blair witch" was here. She wandered up a small bank beside the kennel which was the road. She knew not to go there. She always stayed in front of the kennel on the concrete platform as a gaurd dog. instint to chase whomever came near her the front door. She was probably just looking for a stick to add to her collection. Last I saw her I gave her a few treats & kissed her on the head & said goodnight. Got the call from mom while at the orthodontist. Mom let her out 30 minutes early while she closed the kennel for the day. Blames herself.. Just a puppy. Two different neighbors saw her & ran to get mom. Broken neck. Family Friend came to take her & give her the proper burrial with our past dogs & his pets as well. Beautiful view on top of the mountain by his cabin. Gave him a stick & her favorite toy that she tore the crap out of yet still played with it to put with her. So hard especially when your family has been working with animals since-- hell ,before i was born. Been a long, hard day.

Sorry, Just thought I would feel better to tell.


The last few were going to be used in the Got Stang? Hunt

My Cobra
05-19-2005, 12:33 AM
It has been a hard day. :( Just remember what i said. Even though she was your dog i was there when you got her and when you lost her and for some of the times between. It was hard to see the look on your moms face and to feel the way you shivered with pain when you got the call. Some times i wish i could take the pain for you but i can't. All i can do is be here for you so that i am. Love you and just know that she is in a good place and is happy.

Rest in Peace....
http://www.gotstang.com/photodisplay.php?file=2706 http://www.gotstang.com/photodisplay.php?file=2707

05-19-2005, 01:24 AM
May 18th. Jesse the Black Lab a.k.a one of the Got Stang Puppies, has passed today. Due to an arrogant speed demon who drives 60 + on a sharp S curve.

I am so sorry to hear about Jesse.. I love animals so much and they're only with us a short time as it is... This is very sad news. I didn't know her, but I've seen her pictures on here, she was beautiful.

I'm sorry Stephani.

05-19-2005, 02:44 AM
that just sucks you guys. sorry!

05-19-2005, 04:12 AM
I'm truly sorry to hear of this senceless act of poor judgement that took your dogs life.I have a blacklab rotti mix that I can't imagine what I will feel like when he's gone let alone loosing him the way you did yours, so my heart goes out to you and your family.


05-19-2005, 06:49 AM
oh no! sorry hear about that :(

05-19-2005, 07:47 AM
Sorry to hear about your loss guy's.

05-19-2005, 07:54 AM

05-19-2005, 08:15 AM
WOW... I feel for you... keep yer chin up.

05-19-2005, 09:04 AM
I feel so bad for you.I couldn't imagine what I would do if something happened to my pup.I'm sure she's happy somewhere.:) Bourbon is gonna be heartbroken about losing his Gotstang? sister.:(


My Cobra
05-19-2005, 09:05 AM
Thanks for all the kind words here and the pm's shows a lot when you are part of something like this and people care for whats going on in each other lives. I have been to a lot of forums and sites about stangs and things like that and never had one that had as good of a group as here. Thanks.

05-19-2005, 09:34 AM
That's really sad, im really sorry that you lost your doggie...I don't know what id do, I love animals I swerve for anything when i'm driving, I hope she is having fun in heaven running around and playing with the other pups and building things with them, God Bless her and keep your head up for she is in good hands

05-19-2005, 10:24 AM
I'm heartbroken about your loss. Puppies are so carefree and bring so much love and life into ours. My first dog was a black lab named Molly. She was with us for 14 years. I have a 8 month old English Bulldog named Tucker. He means the world to my wife and me, and whenever we come home from work, we can always count on a hearty and joyful greeting from our loving pup. I don't know what we'd do if we lost Tucker. He is such an important part of our little family and he has so much personality. People without pets don't understand that. This is my wife's first dog, and that's the one thing that was most revealing to her. She thought doggies only answered commands. She didn't no they had so much personality.

Was it a hit and run? If it was, I hope that person will come to grips with his/her horrible crime and make reparations. Once again, I'm very sorry.


05-19-2005, 10:24 AM
Sorry to hear about your loss. It sounds like he made a great impact in his short life.
I will say a prayer for ya.

My Cobra
05-19-2005, 11:05 AM
It was a hit and run :( We will find out who did it one way or another. there are some kids that live up the road that have parties and drive all crazy. So if they have a dent in there bumper that was not there before and do not say they are sorry then that is just bad karma on them.

05-19-2005, 01:01 PM
Sorry to hear about your puppy dog. Hope you feel better soon.


05-19-2005, 01:05 PM
Thank you for all the kind words you guys. I appreciate it. I know some people on here who arent pet owners that do not quite understand the feeling. We've been with this pup since she was 5 weeks old. Watched her grow. fed her. play with her. She loved Nick (My Cobra) every time the cobra pulls up she'd run & sit & wait for him to come to her & she'd have a stick ready for him to throw to the creek. Jesse was weird around cars & strangers anyway. The way they found her she was postitioned as if she was going up the bank. wasnt in the road. no wounds. just a small amount of blood from her nose. nothing else. in the grass. It pisses me off how the person(s) could just hit an animal & leave. Every time I've seen a dog in the road wounded. I stopped to help it. I had to help a woman carry a yellow lab down the street into the back of her Jeep. She was the first to find her there & she took her to the vet. I stopped & had to deliever the bad news to a friend of mine one night home from work that his 1 yr old lab mix was in the road cold. Me & a friend witnessed a cocker spaniel in town we baby talked to & it left to go across the street & a PT cruiser came flyin thru doing at least 55-60 in a 45. The impact was horrible. It's hard for anybody to lose a pet. Mom cried herself to sleep blaming herself. Jesse never went to cars. or the road. it's just weird. Mom didnt hear anything she was right beside the kennel. No bark. no whine. no tire squeel. No impact. I miss her very much. Came home & the living area where she stayed was so different. No toys. No food bowl. No crate.

Sorry to keep up the subject. I just really appreciate everybody here.
Thanks for the section for her on the GS homepage too. Very Sweet.


05-19-2005, 01:08 PM
Thanks for the section for her on the GS homepage too. Very Sweet.

NP :(

05-19-2005, 02:12 PM
Sorry to hear about your loss. They are truly family to us.

05-19-2005, 02:24 PM
I'm sorry for your loss,We too had a black lab mix that looked almost
identical to your Jesse...He too was hit by a car and left...fortunately
he did have a long life,15 years with us...that was 4 years ago..I still
miss him...I know the empty feeling you are going through....:(

Take care

05-19-2005, 03:00 PM
Sorry about your loss you two. My thoughts are prayers tonight go out to you.


05-19-2005, 03:08 PM
I'm sorry to hear about your puppy. I had a terrior mix, that I got from the pound, she was the smartest dog, and so sweet,[ she looked like a giant red version of Benji] died of cancer at just 5 years old, cried for days. Our pets are with us for such a short time.

05-19-2005, 03:08 PM
I am sorry for your loss and I know what you are going threw I just lost my dog a month ago and I had her for 15 years she was my friend and my old puppy.so i am deeply sadind to hear about your loss jesse was a butiefull dog if you ever need to talk about it just im me on aol my aim screen name is in my profile again i am very sorry about your loss just remember that you are not alone

05-19-2005, 05:16 PM
my condolences to you guys....losing a pet is like losing a member of the family...just know that she is happy somewhere still gathering her sticks and watching over the family :(

I lost my golden retriever lucky of 12 years last Halloween, I know what its like to lose one of the family...

Did anyone see the person who hit her and I am really hoping that they stopped after the accident...if they didnt stop then they need to be found and prosecuted for animal cruelty, leaving the scene of an accident, wreckeless driving and hit and run.

We had a dog who was hit on our street and the kid just kept going so he wouldnt get in trouble, neighbor got his plates, description of car and driver...He was arrested and charged with hit and run, leaving the scene of an accident, wreckless driving, speeding on a residential street, improper use of a motor vehicle and plead guilty to 2 felonies for the incident...The judge had no leniancy on him and he was sentenced to 4000 hrs of community service and 2 months in jail and fines that topped 8K dollars.

I hope they catch the person who hit her... I can't imagine how any human being could leave a defenseless animal in a situation like that...regardless if they would get in trouble.

05-19-2005, 05:42 PM
i am so so sorry :ugh2: i read about what happened and it almost brung tears to my eyes, i cant imagine how you feel. i have two German Shepards that are two and three and if something ever happened to them i would be devastated! again i am so sorry.

05-19-2005, 09:16 PM
Sorry to hear about Jesse. Was a Beautiful Dog!!

05-20-2005, 05:21 PM
Sorry to hear that, it's never easy. My mom and dad's dog had to be put down a couple weeks ago. She was with us for 15years.