View Full Version : Questions for all Liberal's, Please help me understand!!!

05-17-2005, 08:35 AM
O.K. here’s the question why do liberals believe that it is best for America to rely on foreign countries to determine how America should do business?

And why do you always side for the criminals and the terrorists? Why does the Victim always loose the rights and the criminals and the terrorist gain all of theirs and more? Illegal Aliens ;“Crimaliens” or “Guest Aliens” as the PCr’s now want to call them gain all the rights of an American Citizen when they are arrested, Why. Can anyone explain this, and at least help me make sense out of it. Help me understand why American’s lives should be put at risk to so that we don’t hurt the feelings of other countries, or religions. It seems to me as of late the only religion that can be discriminated against is the Christian Religion. I don’t practice any specific religion, I have my own beliefs that tend towards the Christian faith but I do not agree 100% with all that is.

I don’t believe I’ll ever agree with any of it, but I would like to know why these thoughts and beliefs are out there. We broke away from England in the Revolutionary War, because we didn’t agree with their beliefs. Why now are some Americans trying to go back in time to enter into a union were other countries will have the right to tell America how to handle business. I’m scared of what the future holds, for me and my children. We could treat the Islamist’s like gold, and give them diamonds and money and we could let them do what they want when they want, where they want. They will still hate Americans. Does anyone one else see this. America pussy foots around because PCr’s are afraid of offending someone. We are America gad dammit, we support the world, without us there would be no islam, no Japan, no Germany, no France, no F’n Mexico, so why are we afraid of offending anyone? They all will still hate us, and they all will keep depending on us for our aid.

05-17-2005, 08:54 AM
Damn dont go getting all political on us.....LOL sorry cant help you with an answer. The only thing i know liberals to be good for is the economy.


05-17-2005, 09:11 AM
Damn dont go getting all political on us.....LOL sorry cant help you with an answer. The only thing i know liberals to be good for is the economy.


No no I'm not getting political, I know that, that's the one thing that can ruin a good thing. I just want to see if I can get some help understanding the reasons why.

05-17-2005, 11:24 AM
I can't believe that everyone is being so quiet..... This is not normal

05-17-2005, 11:28 AM
Liberals good for the economy? Now that's funny.

05-17-2005, 11:45 AM
I'm staying out of this one.

05-17-2005, 11:56 AM
I'm staying out of this one.

No don't stay out, I'm not looking for a bitching match, I just want to see how they see it as being good for America.

05-17-2005, 11:59 AM
Well, I would help you out, but I'm so conservative right-wing that I could only guess. lol.

05-17-2005, 12:12 PM
I can't believe that everyone is being so quiet..... This is not normal

Hmmm...there's no understanding,trying to figure it out will only
drive you crazy...I guess the thing to do is to voice your
opinion to people,to your congressman,senator,governor..to whom
that will listen...write letters,post editorials in the newspaper,making
sure that you use your right to vote..get on your soap box and demand
to be heard..people will listen..eventually..It will be a lot of hard work....

I too think America and the world for that matter is heading in the
wrong direction....granted..you are only one person...but the revolution
has to start somewhere.....


I'm through...I'll get off my soapbox now.....hmmm,maybe before I fall off.

Hope this helps :thumbup:

05-17-2005, 01:40 PM
in short, PC will kill this counrty. we are getting to soft/to sensitive. just 40 yrs ago did we care who feelings we hurt? hell no. we used 2 atom bombs in WWII. but today if we say handicapped instead of disabled person we get all kinds of whinners bitching.

i invoke my 1st addmendment right to say whatever the F i want! and the 2nd addmendment to back it up!

05-17-2005, 01:48 PM
Its like the animal activists.. they bitch and whine about it.. and then goto mcdonalds for some beef.

05-17-2005, 02:10 PM
what exactly is your question?

05-17-2005, 02:24 PM
what exactly is your question?

oooh ohhh ohhhh maybe I have a liberal here.

Question #1 O.K. here’s the question why do liberals believe that it is best for America to rely on foreign countries to determine how America should do business?

Question #2 And why do you always side for the criminals and the terrorists?

Question #3 Why does the Victim always loose the rights and the criminals and the terrorist gain all of theirs and more?

Ranting Below goes with question #3
Illegal Aliens ;“Crimaliens” or “Guest Aliens” as the PCr’s now want to call them, gain all the rights of an American Citizen when they are arrested, Why. Can anyone explain this, and at least help me make sense out of it.

Basically Question #4 Help me understand why American’s lives should be put at risk so that we don’t hurt the feelings of other countries, or religions.

This here below is ranting an ravving Maybe a hypothetical question or two don't worry about answering these. Unless you really want to.
It seems to me as of late the only religion that can be discriminated against is the Christian Religion. I don’t practice any specific religion, I have my own beliefs that tend towards the Christian faith but I do not agree 100% with all that is.

I don’t believe I’ll ever agree with any of it, but I would like to know why these thoughts and beliefs are out there. We broke away from England in the Revolutionary War, because we didn’t agree with their beliefs. Why now are some Americans trying to go back in time to enter into a union were other countries will have the right to tell America how to handle business. I’m scared of what the future holds, for me and my children. We could treat the Islamist’s like gold, and give them diamonds and money and we could let them do what they want when they want, where they want. They will still hate Americans. Does anyone one else see this. America pussy foots around because PCr’s are afraid of offending someone. We are America gad dammit, we support the world, without us there would be no islam, no Japan, no Germany, no France, no F’n Mexico, so why are we afraid of offending anyone? They all will still hate us, and they all will keep depending on us for our aid.

Clinteastwood I hope this helps out can you shine any type of light on any of these subjects. As I said I will never agree with them, but I really want to know where this is coming from.

05-17-2005, 02:57 PM
political corretness is really gay...
when i went to mass. for a summer there were a lot of politically correct people...
they didnt like me because i killed a pigeon that i thought was attacking me...

05-17-2005, 03:07 PM
political corretness is really gay...
when i went to mass. for a summer there were a lot of politically correct people...
they didnt like me because i killed a pigeon that i thought was attacking me...
LOL, So it was or wasnt attacking you?

05-17-2005, 03:14 PM
#1 : We dont, If im correct, the democrats and John Kerry wanted to limit the outsourcing of American jobs to other countries. Kind of ironic that the red blooded american republicans are the business owners giving jobs to other countries. Mostly because repubs are driven by profit for them at all costs. Bush actually gives tax cuts and benefits to companys that outsource, so you have it backwards.

#2 WTF??? When have we ever supported terrorists?? Thats just funny. It proves how uneducated you must be on liberal beliefs.

#3 Again, WTF! Democrats were never for giving these people rights. Didnt Bush want to give illegal aliens drivers licenses?? LOL Whos on their side now?????

#4 ARE YOU KIDDING ME. Where have you been for the past 5 years??? We are at war right now!!! Americans lives are at risk for a country that isnt our own! Who was in office and pushed for a war? Why a republican of course, president george bush!

As for your rant, it just makes you look like an idiot. You are giving in to everything you are told. Ever watch Bush make a speech? It makes me want to throw up. He trys to defend his tax cuts to the wealthy by saying "they pay the most so they deserve the most back". No they dont, the poor people break their fucking backs laboring, and still struggle to put food on the table for their family. While the rich ppl sit in the mansion lighting their cigars with $100 bills. What do they need a tax cut for?? To buy another Bentley? Give me a break....


Jealousy.....they wish they were living here, they wish they were us. And....we do kind of rub it in their face a little bit, but tough cookies.

05-17-2005, 05:13 PM
Its like the animal activists.. they bitch and whine about it.. and then goto mcdonalds for some beef.

You know the sad part of this is? It's kangaroo meat and if you noticed in all the years of mcy slease they never promoted %100 beef.

05-17-2005, 05:16 PM
actually i bought a McD hamburger yesterday, and it says 100% beef on the wrapper now......

05-17-2005, 06:40 PM
Can't help you out on this one, I am as far right as you can get. But, one thing that is happening is the liberal media is turning more and more of the country's youth into left wing tree hugging democrats. MTV is the biggest one of these to blame. But just my opinion, who am I to say, only 35% of my income goes to the illegal aliens and lazy people who don't want to work.

05-17-2005, 08:32 PM
#1 : We dont, If im correct, the democrats and John Kerry wanted to limit the outsourcing of American jobs to other countries. Kind of ironic that the red blooded american republicans are the business owners giving jobs to other countries. Mostly because repubs are driven by profit for them at all costs. Bush actually gives tax cuts and benefits to companys that outsource, so you have it backwards.

#2 WTF??? When have we ever supported terrorists?? Thats just funny. It proves how uneducated you must be on liberal beliefs.

#3 Again, WTF! Democrats were never for giving these people rights. Didnt Bush want to give illegal aliens drivers licenses?? LOL Whos on their side now?????

#4 ARE YOU KIDDING ME. Where have you been for the past 5 years??? We are at war right now!!! Americans lives are at risk for a country that isnt our own! Who was in office and pushed for a war? Why a republican of course, president george bush!

As for your rant, it just makes you look like an idiot. You are giving in to everything you are told. Ever watch Bush make a speech? It makes me want to throw up. He trys to defend his tax cuts to the wealthy by saying "they pay the most so they deserve the most back". No they dont, the poor people break their fucking backs laboring, and still struggle to put food on the table for their family. While the rich ppl sit in the mansion lighting their cigars with $100 bills. What do they need a tax cut for?? To buy another Bentley? Give me a break....


Jealousy.....they wish they were living here, they wish they were us. And....we do kind of rub it in their face a little bit, but tough cookies.

First let me thank you for reminding me why I am an independent.

The first question was based off of a criminal basis. Kerry has criticized the Bush administration for not supporting the International Criminal Court, Why, do we need them to decide what happens within our criminal system.

#2 I did'nt say support, I said side. Criminal / terrorists rights, why should they get more than the victims?

#3 John Kerry supports efforts to restore benefits to legal immigrants. The 1996 welfare reform law made most legal immigrants, including those already in the United States, ineligible for welfare, health care and other essential programs. In the years since, some of these benefits have been restored and John Kerry remains committed to fighting for the full restoration of benefits for legal immigrants.
Source: Campaign website, JohnKerry.com, "Issues" Mar 21, 2004
Now this isn't necessarily a terrorist/criminal thing but you did bring up the illegal alien thing in your response.
Why do we have to tippy toe around criminals and terrorists, so that they don't cry that they've been mis-treated, who the hell cares if they've been mistreated they should lose every god-damn right. 1 case I just heard of was an inmate who sued because he could'nt vote anymore. He won the case and now all inmates in the state can vote. WTF.

#4 Yep your right Bush had the nuts to take care of going in, said F the U.N. which should have been done long ago. What I mean here is we should be fighting to our capibilities and not the low life rag head scums. Drop the bomb, no we can't cuz it's not fair. That's what I mean, I support the war, I don't support not using the Real Power we are capable of.

I'll leave your "idiot" comment alone. Cuz I know I'll go off and I'll regret what I say. So I'm not a College Educated Suit, and I'm not giving in to anything. I look at everything, like I said I'm independent, all I wanted was some explanation, I wasn't downing anything, I was seriously asking for some help. Thanks for you BS remarks.

I'm sure I'll have more to say after I mull this all over.

05-17-2005, 09:09 PM
:censored: We have one thing to say for Liberals :fu: they Should all be exported to Iraq or Afghanistan permanently.

05-17-2005, 09:37 PM
actually i bought a McD hamburger yesterday, and it says 100% beef on the wrapper now......100% beef? cow = beef & beef = cow. so 100% beef... what part of the beef or cow? the part no real resturant wants, but McChoke-and-Puke wants. :vomit:

damn thing is, i still find myself going threw the drive thru to get some of that 100% beef.

sorry Tom, thread high-jack. you know how i feel!

05-17-2005, 10:06 PM
:censored: We have one thing to say for Liberals :fu: they Should all be exported to Iraq or Afghanistan permanently.

haha, yea good idea. Then youd be really mad when we make their economy and quality of life better than Americas. :thumpupn:

05-17-2005, 10:30 PM
LOL, So it was or wasnt attacking you?
im not at liberty to discuss that answer...the government may be watching...

all i can say is...that morning i was thinking...
"damn, it would be cool to kick a pigeon"

05-18-2005, 04:24 AM
The politics of this country have gotten out of control and I believe there is a percentage of politicians that are ruining it for the democratic society we live in.
The fact is, this country better get it's head out of it's ass if we want to succede as a nation because we are heading to hell in a hand basket fast.

This may seem to be a very stupid statement to make against toms original post, but I just don't want to get caught up in this political firestorm that usually ends up shedding bad blood.Tom I hope you find your answer I don't believe you will because judging from the answers that you have gotten thus far, it basicly reflects the the way things are run in the "puzzle palace"(commonly refered to as our goverment)

Your friend, Joey.

05-18-2005, 06:20 AM
I can't agree with you more Blown93 and Clint just on small comment to you about how you guys would make a better country ? Maybe but the America would rid of all of the Extreme Liberals and Anti-Americans We would all be Americans and Americans only but anyways Blown93 hit it on the nose we all need to get our head out of our ass and look @ the real picture this country is going to hell in a handbasket weather you a Liberal or Conservative or an Independent, We all need to have faith that God will prevail over it all, one day the Eastern sky will open and it will all be over :w00t: . God Bless us All.

05-18-2005, 08:19 AM
The politics of this country have gotten out of control and I believe there is a percentage of politicians that are ruining it for the democratic society we live in.
The fact is, this country better get it's head out of it's ass if we want to succede as a nation because we are heading to hell in a hand basket fast.

This may seem to be a very stupid statement to make against toms original post, but I just don't want to get caught up in this political firestorm that usually ends up shedding bad blood.Tom I hope you find your answer I don't believe you will because judging from the answers that you have gotten thus far, it basicly reflects the the way things are run in the "puzzle palace"(commonly refered to as our goverment)

Your friend, Joey.

I agree Joey, the problem for me I quess is that both sides have issues. and I agree the country needs to get it's head out of it's ass. What needs to happen is do away with the two politcal partys all together, intertwine the two to make it more agreeable. I know that there are Dems. who think to the right and there are some Rep. that think towards the left. but both sides are afraid to show it for fear of pissing off there party and loosing credability within their party. The only one that has not been afraid to do this is John Mcain. That's in my opinion, maybe more have sso mr Clint don't go gettin all huffy.

05-18-2005, 08:38 AM
haha, yea good idea. Then youd be really mad when we make their economy and quality of life better than Americas. :thumpupn:

Now this is a lame ass statement. First off, the Afghanies wouldn't have you, because they hate Americans , Liberal, Conservitive, Rich, Poor, they hate us. Second, we all now communism/socialism doesn't work except for in favor of the rich (But then again you'd all be rich so you say, so ya your right maybe it would work). Third you'd get your asses handed to you in a war to be overthrown because your too afraid to protect yourself for fear of upsetting someone, besides the fact you would have put little to no money into a Defense System (I know first hand I served under Clinton, so I'm not buckling to what I hear).

I didn't post this thread to start shit, I posted this thread so I could be enlightend. If I came of as offense in the first post I apologize. I wasn't trying to down anyone, it was simply questions about things I've heard, some of them I've seen as fact (Not to have been falling for what people are saying). I don't believe everything I hear, I'm not as naive as you might think Clinteastwood. So you can keep downing me if you wish, you look like the moron. I don't think I came out swinging, I'll have to go back and read it again. But I don't think I did. I admit I may even have made some statements that were not 100% backed up, but I knew that I could get evidence to. I know both sides could fight that. But I don't think I came out swinging with the negative remarks like you did Clinteastwood.

My Cobra
05-18-2005, 09:29 AM
See this is what the government do not want us to do. now stop thinking. Just go along with it. you are an american you are allowed to think what you want as long as it does not make the "Man" look bad. ha ha

05-18-2005, 11:52 AM
ughhhh!!!! Whenever i have a political discussion with a repub. i just get called a pussy or that im scared to fight for my country...nah not quite. I just decided i didnt want to get shot in the face for something i didnt care about. Anyway I had a cousin killed in Iraq at a checkpoint by a suicide bomber. Being liberal does not make you against war. But were definitely against this war, because it is pointless. It doesnt benefit us in any way, and that will be proven in a couple years when the new democracy over there is overthrown. You must be blind if you cant see the trouble that this administration has caused, from this pointless war, to the economy(yes it is Bush's fault), to the job losses. Theres also a stereotype that the democrats want to take away guns, WE DONT. I think thats the reason the many people are republicans, because they love their guns. Well guess what, i own and love guns, and i hunt. And im a small town citizen from a middle class working family and i like to drink beer. I fit the republican steretype to a T. Hell in the 2000 election i would have voted for Bush. But in the past couple years as he has been in office i have seen the crap he has caused. Ive seen my dad ( a UAW worker for John Deere) lose benefits...we have to now see different doctors, and it takes months to get simple appointments because insurance only pays to go to certain hospitals now. All this happened during the Bush reign. Its crap.

Its pointless to argue anymore, Im done with this thread.

05-18-2005, 01:17 PM
....And that's the way it was..May 18,2005

Thank you and Goodnight

05-18-2005, 01:23 PM
ughhhh!!!! Whenever i have a political discussion with a repub. i just get called a pussy or that im scared to fight for my country...nah not quite. I just decided i didnt want to get shot in the face for something i didnt care about. Anyway I had a cousin killed in Iraq at a checkpoint by a suicide bomber. Being liberal does not make you against war. But were definitely against this war, because it is pointless. It doesnt benefit us in any way, and that will be proven in a couple years when the new democracy over there is overthrown. You must be blind if you cant see the trouble that this administration has caused, from this pointless war, to the economy(yes it is Bush's fault), to the job losses. Theres also a stereotype that the democrats want to take away guns, WE DONT. I think thats the reason the many people are republicans, because they love their guns. Well guess what, i own and love guns, and i hunt. And im a small town citizen from a middle class working family and i like to drink beer. I fit the republican steretype to a T. Hell in the 2000 election i would have voted for Bush. But in the past couple years as he has been in office i have seen the crap he has caused. Ive seen my dad ( a UAW worker for John Deere) lose benefits...we have to now see different doctors, and it takes months to get simple appointments because insurance only pays to go to certain hospitals now. All this happened during the Bush reign. Its crap.

Its pointless to argue anymore, Im done with this thread.

I quess you did'nt read anything I said. I AM A REGISTERED INDEPENDENT Hell I voted Clinton the first time around. I didn't call you a pussy, lets look back, "Third you'd get your asses handed to you in a war to be overthrown because your too afraid to protect yourself for fear of upsetting someone, besides the fact you would have put little to no money into a Defense System (I know first hand I served under Clinton, so I'm not buckling to what I hear)". Nope I didn't call you a pussy, I didn't think I did. It's the truth the Dem.s will not put the needed money into the Defense. Then there's the typical finger pointing of the jobless claims, when did shit start falling apart, soon after Bush took office the first time. Hello how can he be held accountable for all of it. 9/11 killed a lot of those jobs as well, whether you care to admit it or not. I'm in the Aerospace Industry and it took a hard hit, which in turn hit many other industrys that support it. WWHHHHAAAAAA. Sorry a union worker can't get his way. Life isn't a Union you take what you get and you work with it. And don't start on the I don't know what Union is because my father was in one as well, he made out quite well, after 30 yrs he's taking home 90% of his income and doesn't pay an ounce for health care.
Ya know what I hated my health insurance provider, but I had no choice because that's what my employer gave me. I deal with it, it all works out in the wash, it just may not be as convenient for you. Shit I lost benefits and I'm not in a union I had 100% paid health now I'm at 30% so whatever, that was before Bush, so now what did I blame Clinton No.

The only reason this war is pointless now to anyone is because no WMD's were found. If we didn't go and Saddam had used what he had to kill Americans that would have been Bushes fault too. If we had founf WMD's it would have been credited to the Dems for backing Bush. The blame is always pushed t the other side, your blind if you can't see that.

Its pointless to argue anymore, Im done with this thread.
Thanks for your insight, I wasn't looking for what you had to offer. I was hoping for some real input. I said that in my last post, and you still come back swinging. It's o.k. you can come down now.

05-18-2005, 09:41 PM
LoL looks like we got a Show down here lol and like I said God Bless us all :woohoo: Anyways I do have one thing to say about Job loss and benefit loss. For one I am a Union worker Local 126 IAM and we can thank most of all of our job lose to NAFTA and that was started years ago and both parties back it and it is the main reason for jobs being lost in America to other countries and all 9/11 had to do with it was is reductions. Most of the job loss is because of NAFTA look it up and the benifit loss is becaoue the rich want to get richer and not to mention the rising cost of health care. Just put this into prospective. With all of the bogus law suits going on today the health insurance is on the increase and the rich keep getting richer and the poor getting poorer and think about this look at all of the money going into cancer and aids research among many others. If they have found a cure do you thing they would let us little people know? NO!!! like I said the rich keep getting richer, if they found a cure for cancer they would not let it out because, all of the reasearch monies and jobs would be lost and the cure would fix everyone and look at all of them job losses. Now thats food for thought. :nailbite:

05-18-2005, 10:13 PM
ughhhh!!!! Whenever i have a political discussion with a repub. i just get called a pussy or that im scared to fight for my country...nah not quite. I just decided i didnt want to get shot in the face for something i didnt care about. Anyway I had a cousin killed in Iraq at a checkpoint by a suicide bomber. Being liberal does not make you against war. But were definitely against this war, because it is pointless. It doesnt benefit us in any way, and that will be proven in a couple years when the new democracy over there is overthrown. You must be blind if you cant see the trouble that this administration has caused, from this pointless war, to the economy(yes it is Bush's fault), to the job losses. Theres also a stereotype that the democrats want to take away guns, WE DONT. I think thats the reason the many people are republicans, because they love their guns. Well guess what, i own and love guns, and i hunt. And im a small town citizen from a middle class working family and i like to drink beer. I fit the republican steretype to a T. Hell in the 2000 election i would have voted for Bush. But in the past couple years as he has been in office i have seen the crap he has caused. Ive seen my dad ( a UAW worker for John Deere) lose benefits...we have to now see different doctors, and it takes months to get simple appointments because insurance only pays to go to certain hospitals now. All this happened during the Bush reign. Its crap.

Its pointless to argue anymore, Im done with this thread.

Don't be done...

The economy was well on the way out before Bush took office.

Bill and Hillary were supposed to "fix" our healthcare system, remember?

I'm not a union member, but I'm covered by the IBEW. I won't give them a red cent. Nothing chaps my ass more than lazy ass faggots spouting the "what the contract says" instead of getting some work done to support the company that signs my paycheck.

The declining medical coverage/benefit isn't the President's fault. It isn't necessarily corporate's fault. My company has been very generous to pick up the tab in the face of exponentially rising healthcare costs. Those costs are a direct result of the greed of the hospitals and care providers. Have you looked at an itemized hospital bill lately? The charges are insane, impossible to comprehend at times.

If you can't see how stability in the Middle East benefits us directly, then imagine what $5 a gallon will feel like at the pump.

I think the liberal or conservative stance is as simple as Ford or chevy. What ideals you were exposed to through your formative years likely forged your position. If your liberal Dad came home praising his union (who support democrats exclusively) and their great deeds despite the efforts of the bumbling idiot Republicans, then I'd say you were more likely to lean that way.

05-18-2005, 10:16 PM
my dad isnt liberal, hes conservative, but a democrat.

Oh yea, i pick chevy.

05-18-2005, 10:19 PM
A conservative democrat, is that the same as a liberal Republican? :)

05-18-2005, 10:25 PM
i dunno, thats just what he told me. He votes democrat all the way, as do i. But he considers himself conservative.

05-19-2005, 06:27 AM
i dunno, thats just what he told me. He votes democrat all the way, as do i. But he considers himself conservative.

LOL you just told us there Clint LOL "He votes democrat all the way" Thats is a Liberal Democrat all they way not being open minded to vote for who is best for the job rather it be any party. I'm a registured Republican but If a Democrat or Independent I felt was better for the job I would vote for them. This is where we all need to get our heads out of our asses and look at the real picture and quit having tunnel vision. And as stated brefore may God Bless us All Amen.

05-19-2005, 08:00 AM
LOL you just told us there Clint LOL "He votes democrat all the way" Thats is a Liberal Democrat all they way not being open minded to vote for who is best for the job rather it be any party. I'm a registured Republican but If a Democrat or Independent I felt was better for the job I would vote for them. This is where we all need to get our heads out of our asses and look at the real picture and quit having tunnel vision. And as stated brefore may God Bless us All Amen.

I knew I liked you for a reason. :lol: I'm with you. Whoever's best for the job. Clint seems to be falling into John Kerry's syndrome "Flip Flop" in one post it's

Hell in the 2000 election i would have voted for Bush.
and in the next he's saying,
Originally Posted by ClintEastwood
i dunno, thats just what he told me. He votes democrat all the way, as do i.
He can't make up his mind. He flip flops like Kerry, see another sign of this below

Its pointless to argue anymore, Im done with this thread.
But he's still continuing on with the thread. :lol:

NoSlo5.0 Thanks for backing my original statement, You said it better, You most be college eddumacated. :lol:

05-19-2005, 06:25 PM
A conservative democrat, is that the same as a liberal Republican? :)
That definantly puts a new meaning to oxymoron :looney:

05-19-2005, 08:58 PM
you guys are fucking pricks....im buyin a camaro now.

05-19-2005, 09:06 PM
you guys are fucking pricks....im buyin a camaro now.

Well there it is a true Liberal site of things I'm sorry Clint I never sweared at you The most offensive thing I said to you is may God Bless us all and Thats not offensive in my book and with that attitude we all see how a new country ran by liberals would be. There would be no civilization or rationalization on any subject they all just blow off just like you did. But all I can say is the truth hurts dosn't it >owned<

05-19-2005, 11:16 PM
wow im gonna kill myself in about 2 seconds....can we :lockit: already? Id really hate to sell my stang with the fresh gotstang? running horse decals.


05-20-2005, 06:36 AM
Can't we all just...get along?http://www.planetsmilies.com/smilies/sad/2/sad54.gif

05-20-2005, 08:21 AM
[QUOTE=ClintEastwood]wow im gonna kill myself in about 2 seconds....can we :lockit: already? Id really hate to sell my stang with the fresh gotstang? running horse decals.

I'm leaving this one alone, J/K. Don't kill yourself or sell the Mustang because of a thread. Geez.
Why :lockit:. It's "Healthy Discussion" that will keep the country moving forward, if everyone just backed out of debates. P/C at it's best someones feeling may get hurt so let's close it.

Just one more question tho, has every democrat been hoping that the War in Iraq would be a failure? It's seems that you all just love the fact that it didn't go smoothly.