View Full Version : WTF This degrading face-off BS

05-13-2005, 09:01 AM
I'm calling out Crawling302, He challenges me to a faceoff for "Crappier Car" for 5 points no less. Are you for F'n real? What kind of shit punk ass move is that. Crappier Car, thats a low F'n blow putting me up next to your car, in F'n primer black. I've got fox body with 10,000 original miles on it, original paint, original battery, and original F'n tires. Ya so I'm F'n winning, so F'n what.

You put me and my car down, your an F'n dick :fu: . this is what I had to say about your car, this was in your questbook.
Qoute: Nice work on the fox. Looks great. Ranked you, come by and check out my 93 vert.

Ya so I didn't say I loved the primer black, but I appreciated the time you put into it.

People check out the face-off

I'm I wrong here. do I not have a right to be pissed about this BS title and him downing my car. Crappier Car :fu:

05-13-2005, 09:20 AM
I'm calling out Crawling302, He challenges me to a faceoff for "Crappier Car" for 5 points no less. Are you for F'n real? What kind of shit punk ass move is that. Crappier Car, thats a low F'n blow putting me up next to your car, in F'n primer black. I've got fox body with 10,000 original miles on it, original paint, original battery, and original F'n tires. Ya so I'm F'n winning, so F'n what.

You put me and my car down, your an F'n dick :fu: . this is what I had to say about your car, this was in your questbook.
Qoute: Nice work on the fox. Looks great. Ranked you, come by and check out my 93 vert.

Ya so I didn't say I loved the primer black, but I appreciated the time you put into it.

People check out the face-off

I'm I wrong here. do I not have a right to be pissed about this BS title and him downing my car. Crappier Car :fu:
i think your taking it a little too serious. i think what he was trying to do was to get everyone to vote on him because he does have a crappier car.i think that was his point. relax your fox is sweet. :beerchug:

05-13-2005, 09:30 AM
i think your taking it a little too serious. i think what he was trying to do was to get everyone to vote on him because he does have a crappier car.i think that was his point. relax your fox is sweet. :beerchug:

If he wanted the votes for himself why only the 5 points?

05-13-2005, 09:58 AM
If he wanted the votes for himself why only the 5 points?
he knew he would lose anyway :thumpupn:

05-13-2005, 10:17 AM
Im sorry your winning. I dont know what that guy was thinking when he decided on that challenge title. you have an awesome stang. His has the potential to be pretty nice too. So it was a hard call when i cast my vote because by no means is any of the two stangs crappy. My dilema though was this. if i vote on your car and you win, i would be saying that your car was crappy when in fact its nowhere near that. So when i checked out his site, i saw that his was under construction and relized that was why he was challenging you so i voted for the other guy. It makes no difference cause apparently people dont read the title for the face off, they just look at the avatar and read the description and then choose based on what ever is better to them. Sorry your winning a face off with a title like that. I would re challenge him afterwards for a 75pt face off and try to come up with a creative title for the face off.
The best title i think so far was last weeks ultimate face off "Roush Girl or Roush Girl" :rofl:


05-13-2005, 10:25 AM
I would re challenge him afterwards for a 75pt face off and try to come up with a creative title for the face off.


The problem is of course, He can turn me down because I have more than 100 points than him. And then I'd be doing what I've been bitching about evryone else doing going after the easy points. I'm not here to kick anyone in the nuts and run away with some points. An even face-off for me would be between Thunderbolt64 and I. If I lost to him I wouldn't mind. But if I win against Crawlin it makes me no better than the dude with an 03 GT Convert. challenging me.

He might have meant nothing by it, or he may not have been thinking about what he was doing "Well Obviously". But I still take this challenge as a kick in the nuts.