05-13-2005, 07:17 AM
I just got my car back last week from the body shop , did my usual running around then come to wash it and low and behold F#$@%^G scratch marks down one side. made by what i think is a shopping trolly!!!!.
some people can be such idiots it realy pi$$ me off . now i never take my car to the shops i use my wifes.

some people just cant appreciate a nice car can they. :cussing:

05-13-2005, 07:25 AM
they would have to push a cart about a 1/4 mile to get to mine, lol

05-13-2005, 07:28 AM
yes its that way with me now suppose i learnt my lesson

05-13-2005, 08:04 AM
i always park well out away from the store.

05-13-2005, 09:26 AM
they would have to push a cart about a 1/4 mile to get to mine, lol

Ha-ha...so do I...the wife used to bitch about parking so
far away...I would say the exercise is good for you.....
she doesn't say anything now :lol:

But even then sometimes...when you park out in the back forty,some
idiot will still park next to you even though the rest of the lot is empty. :ranting:

My Cobra
05-13-2005, 09:33 AM
I parked at the end of the parking lot at the very last spot there were about 20 empty between my car and the next group of cars i had a lady park right beside me get out and fling her door open hit my car door i got out asked her what her problem was she kept walking off. So i left her a nasty note and let some air out of one of her tires. ha ha

05-13-2005, 09:54 AM
I parked at the end of the parking lot at the very last spot there were about 20 empty between my car and the next group of cars i had a lady park right beside me get out and fling her door open hit my car door i got out asked her what her problem was she kept walking off. So i left her a nasty note and let some air out of one of her tires. ha ha

Thats great I love it.
I park way out as well. My wife drives the Pontiac GTP, which when we bought it was pretty much scratch/dentless, she doesn't get this concept, and the thing has more dings and scratches now. Luckily it's like a silver pearl so they don't show up very much, but I still get steamed when I'm washing it.

I do think some people target cars like this though, especially when someone parks it sideways and takes up two spots. I know I think to myself look at this dick parking sideways. I would never do anything to the car, but I still think that's a bit pompus. That for me is putting the car more at risk.

05-13-2005, 10:02 AM
Our 05 was hit by another car door or or a shopping cart at a walmart a couple weeks ago. The hit the vinyl pony on the drivers side and put a dime size gouge in the vinyl and also managed to hit the crease and put a dent in the door. This probably would have not happened if my wife would have parked in the back. I always park in the back as far away as i can.


05-13-2005, 10:28 AM
here where i live people are also so inconciderate of our cars. At the movie theaters my friend has is cobra emblems stolen, my friend Eric in his C5 vette had his corvette emblem from the back get stolen and another friend of mine Charlie had is WS6 emblem from the back also get stolen from the mall in braud daylight too.

I tell you if you guys ever come to McAllen don't park your cars in places where there's a huge parking lot where you car can't be watched. I don't want you guys to think that McAllen is a bad town or anything. It's just that people don't respect other people property all for what $15-30 for the emblem at a pawn shop.

05-13-2005, 11:13 AM
I do think some people target cars like this though, especially when someone parks it sideways and takes up two spots. I know I think to myself look at this dick parking sideways.

Oh thanks....calling me names now,and you don't even know me....j/k :lol:
I used to do this years ago....but it would be at the furthest corner of
the lot..where nobody ever parks...what steams me is someone who
parks up next to the store and takes two spots.

05-13-2005, 04:19 PM
I parked way out in the bouneys one time and there were tons of spots around...who parks next to me but some POS rusted out buick and the crack head lady gets out and bashes her door into my drivers door then looks at my car, looks at hers, brushes hers off and walks away :cussing: :fu:

I really hate stupid people...but I hate poor stupid people even more cause they don;t give a crap about anyone who has earned what they have/drive....

I still have the dent in my door....and the ladies car was eventually towed from the lot after she was unable to afford a tow truck to tow it home and she was unable to afford the 4 flat tires that someone all popped at the same time when she was in the store >owned<

05-13-2005, 04:55 PM
We got another car for all the crap. If it is unavoidable, then way back in the back 40!

I hate it though when people park next to me too. Anf they park so close that you know the fat ass couldn't even get out of their car without hitting mine

05-13-2005, 05:55 PM
I try to park next to other stangs or far away, especially since some jerk opened their door into my passenger door and from the looks of the dent hit it repeatedly, and my car was only 3 months old. :cussing: