View Full Version : Fake/Insufficient Claims Question

05-04-2005, 07:40 PM
So to be a true claim, you must get 20 votes for, but if you get only 10 votes against, then you are out. So that if you get 19 for and 10 against, too bad! Thoughts on this? Should it be 20 either way?

05-04-2005, 07:47 PM
I asked this question after the votes changed from 10 to 20 and was told it was 20 to be a fake claim. I thought I was the only one that noticed that.

05-04-2005, 08:10 PM
Nah it has to be 10. Go look in the fake claims section. :(

05-05-2005, 08:09 PM
Yup its 10 for fake and 20 for real. I was 1 away from being voted real on my hideous rice claim and some asshole fucked me out of that claim. I guess i should have used my daughters POS nissan sentra. that thing is ugly and it has no mods or nothing on it.


05-05-2005, 08:51 PM
yea, why is there always someone who still votes fake on just about every claim? Most of which clearly look real.

05-05-2005, 09:05 PM
yea, why is there always someone who still votes fake on just about every claim? Most of which clearly look real.

just to be an asshole i guess. or maybe they dont want that person to sucseed with there claim. who knows its suppose to be for fun.


05-22-2005, 05:34 PM
So is it really 10 to be fake, 20 to be validated? That stinks! We have half the chance we used to under the 20 rule. I thought my 'restored gas pump' one was really creative but I am scared now I am going to lose it! :( :( :(

05-26-2005, 12:27 PM
yea, why is there always someone who still votes fake on just about every claim? Most of which clearly look real.

I vote no ocassionally.. I'm sure it's been on claims that most would vote 'real' on. I believe in democracy and feel the 'no' vote is as important as the real vote.
Yesterday I voted 'no' on a claim of 'your stang in a traffic jam.' The reason I voted no was because, cars at a red light is not a traffic jam! lol I believe was the only 'no' vote on it. If that makes me an asshole, I'm okay with it.

I voted 'no' on wendy's 'stang next to a tour bus' because a book mobile isn't a tour bus..lol EVEN if it IS a bus!
I'm not afraid to step forward and say why I vote no at times. I think the 'fake/insufficient' vote SHOULD have a reason box next to it. BUT I also think it might cause more tension between members than it's worth. I assure you, my 'no' votes are never for reasons of spite..
Yesterday there was a picture posted for the 'stang next to a Harley Davidson' and it was a stang parked out in front of a Harley dealer. I let that one slide, but I shouldn't have. A Ford GT or a Lamborgini parked in a showroom behind your stang makes obvious sence, but Harleys are everywhere.. HAD I voted no on that one, most of y'all would've thought it was someone being an asshole, but I think folks need to try a little harder with these claims.
I get 'no' votes on my claims all the time and I'm sure the people who voted no have their reasons for doing so, and I'm good with that. :)
My whole point here is, I don't think it's one spiteful person voting 'no' all the time. I think it's lots of members voting 'no' ocassionally. It's our right! :D