05-04-2005, 11:50 AM
poker challenge and black jack Challenge
basically you go about it in a similiar way to the hunt. you get pics of mustangs together. your stang doesnt have to be in the pic.
The point system would be based off of the model of the stang. For instance a high end stang (Saleen, Roush) or a rare classic might be an ace a cobra might be counted as a king, a GT would be a queen....etc etc etc.... You get the point though.
You wouldnt actually be playing against anyone and would only need one pic for each of your "hands" in order to state your claim. Your car, if used can be a joker or its actual assigned point value
examples of hands:
a pair: ( could be two mustangs, same year or same color or same model or combination
2 pair: 2 GT's and two cobras, 2 red and 2 blue, etc
3 of a kind: 3 same year or same color or same model
straight: 5 models of consecutive year 01,02,03,04, and 05
Flush: 5 of consecutive year and color
Full house: 3 of a kind and a pair maybe
four of a kind:4 same year, same model,
straight flush: 5 of same model, same color and same year
Royal Flush: Saleen, Roush, Cobra, GT, V6
Let me know what you think
basically you go about it in a similiar way to the hunt. you get pics of mustangs together. your stang doesnt have to be in the pic.
The point system would be based off of the model of the stang. For instance a high end stang (Saleen, Roush) or a rare classic might be an ace a cobra might be counted as a king, a GT would be a queen....etc etc etc.... You get the point though.
You wouldnt actually be playing against anyone and would only need one pic for each of your "hands" in order to state your claim. Your car, if used can be a joker or its actual assigned point value
examples of hands:
a pair: ( could be two mustangs, same year or same color or same model or combination
2 pair: 2 GT's and two cobras, 2 red and 2 blue, etc
3 of a kind: 3 same year or same color or same model
straight: 5 models of consecutive year 01,02,03,04, and 05
Flush: 5 of consecutive year and color
Full house: 3 of a kind and a pair maybe
four of a kind:4 same year, same model,
straight flush: 5 of same model, same color and same year
Royal Flush: Saleen, Roush, Cobra, GT, V6
Let me know what you think