View Full Version : Do I have a target on my car ????

05-02-2005, 09:32 PM
Man I have had one BAD day !!
Well to recap a little----some little Jeep driving jerk hits my car and I am blamed for it.
The little terd throws on his left signal light , pulls over into a turning lane and just as I go around him he decides to turn right.
He had no damage what so ever but my drivers door was trashed and the kit around the bottom was just shredded.
To make matters worse the kid did have insurance but his tag on his car was for a differnt car and the jeep was not registered so at least he got slammed with two big fines. But in the state of NC the cops do this thing called no fault and the insurance companies determine who was at fault. SO I got a call from the pricks insurance company saying it was my fault because it was a two lane street and I shouldn't have went around him. OF course I cleverly pointed out to the b___ch that the prick was in a turning lane and that he hit me in my door not at the front of the car and if I had of just went around like they claim then I would have had to went off the road and down a HUGE ditch and the tire marks on the road proved my point. BUTTTTTT do you think they cared----NOOOOOO-----so guess who's insurance is going up this month by 30% !!!!!!

THENNNNNN today my wind shield was shattered by two rocks thrown up into it because my stupid butt didn't see all the crap a rock truck was dumping behind him on the freeway.

I AM SO ILLLLLLL !!! Does anyone have a lucky rabbit's foot I can borrow for awhile cause I seem to have lost mine :silly:

05-02-2005, 09:38 PM
im sorry I feel your pain i have no tail light on my right side and i have a huge crack in my windshield!

05-02-2005, 09:40 PM
Damn girl... I kinda been there... was driving along... all of a sudden the van infront of me kicked up a big piece of dirt/rusty car part.... and I slowly watched it hit my windshield..... 178$ later... its all good... lol Keep yer head up something will turn up!

05-02-2005, 09:44 PM
Maybe see if your insurance company will fight it for you.

05-02-2005, 09:44 PM
well I guess I could have been worse----at least it can be repaired and I am sleeping with a body shop owner---haha

hey but on the bright side I did win some cool prizes this morning on the radio.
which includes two tickets to see Gary Allen at Coyote Joes this Friday night and backstage passes. WOOOOO HOOOOOO !!!!!!


05-02-2005, 10:42 PM
Damn...sounds like you have had a bad on today. Sorry to hear.


05-02-2005, 10:56 PM
it always works out.. had a guy rear-end my car some years back. I was pissed, but it worked out. got the Cobra embossed rear bumber i wanted instead of the 94 cobra bumber wich said mustang. all at his insur expense.