View Full Version : Spread the Word About Denzel Washington

04-29-2005, 07:33 AM
Denzel Washington was visiting BAMC (Brook Army Medical Center, in San
Antonio,Texas) the other day. This is where soldiers that have been
evacuated from Germany come to be hospitalized in the States, especially
burn victims. They have buildings there called Fisher Houses. The Fisher
House is a hotel that soldiers' families can stay at, for little or no
charge, while their soldier is staying in the hospital. BAMC has quite a
few of these houses on base, but as you can imagine, they are almost
filled to the brim most of the time. While Denzel Washington was
visiting BAMC, they gave him a tour of one of the Fisher Houses. He
asked how much one of them would cost to build. He got his check book
out and wrote a check out for the full amount right there on the spot.
The soldiers overseas were amazed to hear this story and want to get the
word out to the American public, because it warmed their hearts to hear
it. I hope you will spread this story.

Washington has a son who is a Marine in Iraq.

04-29-2005, 07:48 AM
Wow that is awesome. :thumpupn:

04-29-2005, 09:41 AM
Please use www.snopes.com (http://www.snopes.com) before posting anything like this. It makes it easier for us to weed out what is true and not true.


04-29-2005, 11:20 AM
Please use www.snopes.com (http://www.snopes.com) before posting anything like this. It makes it easier for us to weed out what is true and not true.


I and everyone else posting in the forums will be sure to run everything thru the snopes web page from now on. Even if he did'nt whip out his check book right there he still deserves props and as a veteran I'll give it to him all day long. Any little bit of extra to the families in the military goes a long way. As an enlisted person I know this to be more then true. He still deserves the props. just like Jane Fonda deserves to get bigger wads of chew in her face.

04-29-2005, 01:16 PM
denzel is the best actor alive


04-29-2005, 10:03 PM
Please use www.snopes.com (http://www.snopes.com/) before posting anything like this. It makes it easier for us to weed out what is true and not true.

THANK YOU!!!!! Jeez Louise!

04-29-2005, 11:46 PM
I and everyone else posting in the forums will be sure to run everything thru the snopes web page from now on. Even if he did'nt whip out his check book right there he still deserves props and as a veteran I'll give it to him all day long. Any little bit of extra to the families in the military goes a long way. As an enlisted person I know this to be more then true. He still deserves the props. just like Jane Fonda deserves to get bigger wads of chew in her face.

I didn't say anything about not giving veteran's respect or anything of that sort, I simply said that (in quite a less amount of words) we all get 300 spam emails/forwards from everyone else every day, and 99% of them get thown out onto forums like this as actual truth. Most people reading that would sit back and think that Denzel did this superb deed which isn't true. Just like the whole Target is a French owned company that won't donate to Veteran's. That one was huge, and got big enough that Target had to make a part of their website to show that the rumor wasn't true. I hate forwarded emails, so I usually always check if something like this gets posted and seems a little too far fetched to be true. I didn't mean to attack you, but more-so educate you on where to look. Sorry that it came accross that way. Every Veteran deserves props, and it bothers me when only one gets it. Take for example that pro football player that died in Iraq. Why does the Media make so much of what he did? He did the same thing that all our boys over there are doing, yet the Media wants to make a fan-fair of one mans death, and forget to point out the "unsung heros". Bah, this country's media and entire perception of pretty much everything is so skewed it's not even funny. As for Jane Fonda, don't get me started on her. I would have shot her on site if I had the chance.

My Cobra
04-30-2005, 01:32 PM
who cares when he worte the check or for how much the point is that the man took time away from his things and went somewhere and gave SOME money. that shows more than most other actors. I give the man some credit for giving when he did not have to.

04-30-2005, 09:30 PM
who cares when he worte the check or for how much the point is that the man took time away from his things and went somewhere and gave SOME money. that shows more than most other actors. I give the man some credit for giving when he did not have to.

That Was Kinda my point. I guess I won't post anything like this again. God forbid everything isn't posted with I's dotted and T's CROSSED.