View Full Version : A growing trend .... PLZ READ

04-25-2005, 10:36 PM
I'm probably going to ruffle some feathers here, but I'm doing so with good intentions. I've noticed that more and more, people are leaving private entries in guestbooks say nothing else but 'please vote for me in this face off'. I and many others I'm sure find this to be annoying and poor sportsmanship. If you are going to leave a guestbook entry then at least have something to say about they're car... after all it is the guest book featuring their car.

My feeling is that simply going through the member's list whoring for votes is wrong and should not be allowed. I know that many of you do this and that's your choice, but I don't want my guest book to be filled with private entries that have nothing to do with my car or my site. If we want to vote on a face off we know where to find them, and if you want to ask for support do so in the face off forum.... If you have to go around asking for votes it doesn't show much faith in your car and doesn't show much class either.

So, how about we show a little more class here and when we setup a face-off let the cars do the talking ... not the pm/guestbooks/phones??


04-25-2005, 11:11 PM
I find it annoying when people i have never talked to befoe do that but i don't mind if people i usually talk to ask me to check out their face off. Most people just ask you to look and pick your choice. The face offs are popularity contests anyway/

04-25-2005, 11:21 PM

04-25-2005, 11:36 PM
thx for the linky

stakerbabe said it best ... keep the vote for me's to the face off forum...

04-26-2005, 06:31 AM
Semi-guilty as charged.

Point taken & I'll stop although I've only done it once and only to advise people that there was a well matched challenge and to vote for the best car.

My intent was to try get away from the popularity contest and get back to voting for the best car. I'm not sure how many people that vote on just popularity come in here and read this forum. I suspect that it isn't very many.

I'll go on the record as being one of those people that check out the web site before voting on the best car.

04-26-2005, 08:46 AM
If you have to go around asking for votes it doesn't show much faith in your car and doesn't show much class either.

So, how about we show a little more class here and when we setup a face-off let the cars do the talking ... not the pm/guestbooks/phones??


Maybe your right, I do it, but usually to members I talk with regularly, and not because I don't have faith in my car or don't have any class. I usually don' t stand a chance when challenged by a New Age Mustang doing a "Just for Fun" face-off for 75 points. Who's whoreing points here. If it's "Just for Fun" wouldn't the points be set low. As far as I'm concenered that shows no class. I've said this way to many times, members on this site tend to vote New Age, and everyone know's it, so the New Age guy's go after the older cars to get easy points. I'll go on the record and say I'll vote against any "CHALLENGING" New Age Mustang going up against any car not in it's class.
For instance "A Friendly Face-off" for 75 Points, Challenger was a yellow 02 GT and the victim was an SVT Contour, What the hell is that, EASY POINTS. I rest my case. Sleazy

04-26-2005, 10:04 AM
Maybe your right, I do it, but usually to members I talk with regularly, and not because I don't have faith in my car or don't have any class. I usually don' t stand a chance when challenged by a New Age Mustang doing a "Just for Fun" face-off for 75 points. Who's whoreing points here. If it's "Just for Fun" wouldn't the points be set low. As far as I'm concenered that shows no class. I've said this way to many times, members on this site tend to vote New Age, and everyone know's it, so the New Age guy's go after the older cars to get easy points. I'll go on the record and say I'll vote against any "CHALLENGING" New Age Mustang going up against any car not in it's class.
For instance "A Friendly Face-off" for 75 Points, Challenger was a yellow 02 GT and the victim was an SVT Contour, What the hell is that, EASY POINTS. I rest my case. Sleazy

You may have a point here, but once its made to where you have to accept the challenges your arguement doesn't hold water. If someone chooses to participate in a face off they should (in my opinion) let their cars do the talking. Of course, vote how you like, my arguement has NOTHING to do with what cars to vote for ... I'm just tired of my guestbook being filled with vote for me's, If I want to vote on a particular face off ... I know where to find it. If someone wants to ask me for my vote, that's what this forum is here for. (not my guestbook/pm) :ranting:

04-26-2005, 10:57 AM
You may have a point here, but once its made to where you have to accept the challenges your arguement doesn't hold water. If someone chooses to participate in a face off they should (in my opinion) let their cars do the talking. :ranting:

Totally agreed, from there hopefully it will slow down.

04-26-2005, 10:41 PM
i used to whore votes also but it was only to people who asked me first! i stopped a while back b/c i realized that it wasnt the way i wanted to do it, so now every time im in a face off i start off winning by a good margin and then "wam" they take off by 10 to 20 points, i dunno if this is just a coincidence or just people whoring votes? i wish there was some way to stop this, i also dont vote for people just b/c they ask me to unless they really have the best car! anyways, maybe im just takin this a little to seriously :ugh2: