View Full Version : Color Animosity...

04-25-2005, 08:29 PM
I've read a lot of hearsay about the colors being thrown around on the Face-Offs... For the record I'd like to defend my voting and let everyone know that I don't vote based on color alone. My votes stem from one of two ways, either someone asks me for their vote nicely, (and is the first of the two), or I check out the first page of the website. I'm just lazy and typically don't like going for the other pages unless the title catches my eye.

Down in our area with the local car clubs, I don't condone or tolerate club bashing or destructive rivalries. Yes friendly rivalries at shows and whatnot are allowed because that's all in good fun. However we don't gang up on people that judge here and tell them to vote one way or another.

Anywho what I'm trying to say in a longwinded version, is that if everyone will just start voting for which car you think is better built, styled, or whatever, there will be less hostility on the boards. I do have to say I've voted against a few yellows at times because after looking at the pictures, I really thought the other car appealed to me more. But I'm still going to vote for my own car in a Face-off.... :thumpupn:

04-25-2005, 09:54 PM
I say.. vote for whoever you want for whatever reason. If people dont like me because I vote for a certain color that day... oh well.. lol

04-26-2005, 09:02 AM
I vote for the best car if it's a fair fight, whether its yellow, pink, green, black, or blue.

As far as club bashing, I've been to the YMR forums, and most of what I've seen in the first Forum "Official Gotstang Voting Forum" Whatever it's close, there seems to be some bashing against the members on this site. Saying that the members here without the Yellow Cars are just like members in other forums and that this site is just as bad as the others and that the YMR are the classy bunch. I went there because I had heard some rumors from other members on this forum talking about it. So I figured I check it out. As a whole I think this site is the best that I've seen, including all the members, Ya we all may disagree at some point, but in another thread the same people who were just disagreeing are now sticking up for eachother, and color doesn't matter. Yeah there is some yellow bashing going on in the forums, I think mainly because of the way the YMR has represented itself coming in here. This site is about individual cars not Clubs, but the YMR wants to be the top in everything, It says so right in thier forums. As far as I'm concerened the YMR is no classier than any other bunch out there, they're doing the same thing they're bitching about.

Personally I vote for a yellow because it is the better car, not because it's yellow.

My .02

04-26-2005, 09:16 AM
Yeah, it made me feel bad to see that thread because there are some people on it discussing that they vote only yellow and that way if there are enough of them, they can just beat us all. Ruined the fun here to be honest. The funny thing is J was in the thread. :(

04-26-2005, 11:25 AM
........ I think mainly because of the way the YMR has represented itself coming in here...........
great quote, and very true. I welcome every member, no matter the color. I think the problem with YMR was the aggresive style of coming to GS, but that has pretty much subsided. So, lets get back to enjoying the site. AND welcome to all our YMR members.

04-26-2005, 11:32 AM
Yeah, it made me feel bad to see that thread because there are some people on it discussing that they vote only yellow and that way if there are enough of them, they can just beat us all. Ruined the fun here to be honest. The funny thing is J was in the thread. :(
If nothing else Wendy, explain this to me. Why is it wrong for our MUSTANG-owning friends to vote for us, when you had BlackAcid (A dodge truck owner/proud mustang hater) here only to vote for you? Please explain this to me. It seems to me you have no right to be complaining about friends voting for friends instead of "the best car."

Thread: http://forums.gotstang.com/showthread.php?t=2759
Post: http://forums.gotstang.com/showpost.php?p=29012&postcount=23

04-26-2005, 01:31 PM
i just love the fun of it , the friendship even when i dont know them from adam . i vote for the one that hits my eye no matter if its 04 cobra or 1968 vert its my choice . there should be no color predudice its what we think of the cars that are having a friendly match . lets keep it fun

04-26-2005, 04:09 PM
i vote for what i think is the better car.I have to admit I am partial to v8s though :nya:

04-26-2005, 09:35 PM

04-26-2005, 09:49 PM
Hmmmmm interesting......I will say this personally I'm here to enjoy Mustangs....not much because of everything on my plate but really.......I think when you get down to it it's a popularity vote not really about the cars......otherwise there wouldn't be the controversy. Yes I think the YMR showed up here 50 % to support our members.....50% to meet some new folks. If any BMC folks are here they can tell you that there was a shakey start there too becuase of misunderstandings. Look people will think what they want but honestly from me If you don't like my car it's O.K. I might not like yours........But I will always respect that it's a Mustang and it's special to you and I would never ever put your pride and joy down.

Thanks for your time and lets get back to being a "Mustang Family" :thumpupn:

Pappy :drool:
thanks pappy..... oh and by the way... i don't like your car... :lol:

just kidding buddy...

04-26-2005, 10:00 PM

04-26-2005, 10:42 PM
i vote for what i think is the better car.I have to admit I am partial to v8s though :nya:
hater :lol: