View Full Version : Have a good weekend!
Hope everyone has a good weekend. Be safe.
04-22-2005, 03:51 PM
thanks J, if the weather holds off, may be headed to the dragstrip
04-22-2005, 03:53 PM
oh yeah, im gonna have an awesome weekend! first off i have a four day weekend, saturday and sunday i am goin to Barbers Motorsports Park to watch the sport bike, aka crotch rocket races, we got free weekend passes, its gonna be sweet :thumpupn:
04-22-2005, 03:57 PM
Transformation time tomorrow for the Mustang.
Going to the base Auto Hobby Shop and install the Xenon Body kit, then applying the tint kit to the tail lights. Before someone asks Vinyl
04-22-2005, 05:06 PM
Gonna be sucky here in MA, Rain.... Yuck.... not vert this weekend. No soccer game tomorrow either, I hope. nothing like standing out the cold ass rain, watching ten year olds who can't play, slipp n slide in the mud. Any way have a good one, I've got to get some work done on blown93features RepliCaRide.
04-22-2005, 09:15 PM
Thanks j ,right back to ya! The weather isn't going to be cooperative this weekend, so no hunt pics or drag strips in other words I will be forced into helping charlie fix his shit box again :nya: I don't have any excuses to hide behind :silly: See ya sunday chas :fu: mother nature >owned<
04-23-2005, 12:00 AM
Hope everyone has a good weekend. Be safe.
You too J! Thanks!
I'm headed for East Tennessee in the morning. Will be back late Sunday!
See ya then!
Jim :cool:
04-23-2005, 02:19 AM hoping the weather holds out have my first car show with the stang sunday that and i hop i win some thing but we will see and pics will be on my web page sunday night come and check them out then later and have a good weekend everyone
My Cobra
04-23-2005, 11:20 PM
Well i guess i missed this one. LOL Hope everybodys weekend is going good.
04-24-2005, 12:29 AM
I just got off work, its 1030 I was supposed to be off at 930....Not only that but I spent 20 min helping this rude ass bitch at work who wouldnt have known the truth if it smacked her in the face....Not only that but after being sworn at by this lady for 20 min over something she was guilty of after the 20 min of yelling, she backs into my car in the parking lot then tries to leave after making sure her PIECE OF SHIT minivan is alright......I am really tired of dumbass fuckin people who do not know how to drive but even more agrivated by dumbass drivers who dont know how to drive and lie to get out of it....My alarm is going off, small blemish on the bumper thank god cause I could have killed this lady, and her reply is "Im not sure why your alarm is going off, it just started for no reason" :wow: :cussing: :fu: :censored:
So after inspecting my car and going through the whole process of looking it over, she tries to pull off the fact that my car was sticking out of the parking space....YEA BULLSHIT, and says it was my fault :ranting: now im at the point where im ready to grab the bat out of the trunk and go to town on the minivan from shitville but restrain myself and just simply say....FUCK IT, go home I'll take care of the car myself, I really don't have time to deal with childish people like yourself at the moment who cant even admit that they made a mistake and take blame for the incident.....She pulls the "oh you are so nice, thank you very much, im really sorry I didnt even see the car"......Not only that but the freakin computers were acting up at work and I came up 20 over on my till, so tomorrow morning I get to go screw with that all again because of this lady backing into my car.....I swear, I hate people with minivans, all minivans should be put into a big garage and set ablaze :cussing: :diss:
Hope everyone else is having a better weekend, and not to mention it was 70 degrees here today and sunny all day....I walk out the door and it starts raining :fu:
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