View Full Version : Beware when battleing Yellow Stangs

04-19-2005, 01:40 AM
Anyone ever notice that when you battle a Yellow Mustang, you normally get slaughtered. Its not just any Yellow Mustang though, it's a Yellow Mustang Club member. Now, don't get me wrong, I have nothing against them as a club, what eats my ass is the vote tactics. Yes I have been known to ask for votes when signing someones guestbook, but at least they were online when I did it. Ok, heres the scenerio: you challenge or get challenged by a YMR member you are doing good, even in the lead once or twice, then Bamm, you look at the members online and to your amazement 15 to 20 people have just logged on. You think, wow, good day for GotStang. Then you go back to your Faceoff battle and see, also to your amasement that you have just gone 20 points behind. You are thinking, sunspots? No. Tsunami? No. Glitch in the Matrix, not even.

Then it hits you, Someone has used the telephone to call some buddies to sign on and drop votes. Illegal, nah. Violates the Geneva Convention, nope. Poor sportsmanship, DINGDINGDINGDINGDING.

I go to the Forums today and see a member of YMR stating how he didnt know that he had been challenged, at work, servers were down and that he didnt get to vote, getting beat by one vote, yada yada yada. And how he wanted it redone a rematch or whatever. Hell me server was down too. if you ask me, that was a fair battle and should have stood. So, what it boils down too, this YMR member in question was upset because he didnt get to place any, what i like to call "vote calls", to his buddies that were not online. Below is a transcript of a conversation in reference this situation.

Originally Posted by *Name undisclosed*
Between having a busy day at work, and having the server go down, I missed out on my own face-off.
I went to vote, and it was already over, and I lost by one vote.

Sooooo, I'm going for a 24 hour rematch.

Thanks J, I was wondering why it ended so quickly. I thought there should have been more time remaining. Anyways, with the first one still going, there is no need for the second face-off (#777). We'll just let the first face-off,#774, decide it. Thanks for clarifying that for me, and for fixing the problem.
*name undisclosed*
Turbocharged/Intercooled 2001 Mustang GT Convertible
STD Dyno Results: 408.28 rwhp and 436.54 rwtq (13 psi)
1/8th mile: 7.93@92.75 mph - 1.92 60' (14psi of boost, on Nitto Drag Radials)

*name undisclosed*
Apr 18th,05 @ 11:31 PM Delete | | | | | | Reply


Private: Yeah, I woke up a few buds in the YMR and told them to get their butts over here to vote. They were slacking off today, I guess. For what it's worth, I've got your back in any other face-off, so long as you aren't going against me. Ryan PS - what happened to the close-up avatar I made you?


Apr 18th,05 @ 11:54 PM Delete | | | | | | Reply


I didn't put anything in anyone's guestbook asking for votes. I sent a few IMs to personal friends of mine and asked them to stop in and vote if they had time. There's nothing wrong with doing that.


Apr 19th,05 @ 12:09 AM | | | | |


you are right, nothing wrong with thet, however, you said that you called them.


Apr 18th,05 @ 11:50 PM | | | | |


dude, i think that calling up peeps was low, especially on a rematch or whatever it was. I didnt even rev guestbooks for votes today. As a matter of fact, i ask them to vote on the sweet stangs. Not just on mine.


Apr 18th,05 @ 11:41 PM | | | | |


you dont mind if i post that in a thread do you, cause i think its just a bit jacked up to call up buddies for that.

*name undisclosed*
Apr 18th,05 @ 11:48 PM | | | | |


Do what you want to do. I don't mind.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++
In Closing:
Be careful when going into a face off with a Yellow Stang.
Battles, no matter what the outcome because of interuption, power outage or rapture, should stand. If and auto rematch is gonna be done, then both parties should agree to the rematch. Take a look at the wins and loses by Yellow stangs, also notice the spreads. NOTE: When I ask the admin about this, he blocked me from seeing that he was online and did not respond. How do I know this, because about 6 other peeps tells me that "no, the admin is online, cause he is showing up on my list". hmmmmmmmmm Maybe what they say is true.

04-19-2005, 02:07 AM
If you read J's response, you would notice the the original face-off ended less than four hours after it started. You challenged me for 12 hours sometime around 2pm EST. At 5pm, the faceoff was over. That's why I started a second face-off. When J changed the server over, the time got messed up. He went back and reopened the original face-off and deleted the "rematch" when he realized the timing error was made. The face-off went until around 2am, like it should have.

Did I ask yellow mustang owners to vote for me? Yes.
But it's funny that you mentioned NOT fishing for votes in guestbooks...

dude, i think that calling up peeps was low, especially on a rematch or whatever it was. I didnt even rev guestbooks for votes today. As a matter of fact, i ask them to vote on the sweet stangs. Not just on mine.


Apr 18th,05 @ 11:41 PM | | | | |

Didn't you post a "request" in OneBad95's guestbook asking for help in your face off at 10:34 pm, about an hour before you told me that you hadn't posted anything in anyone's guestbook asking for help?

:hmmm: How odd.

04-19-2005, 02:25 AM
You are absolutly right i did, after I found out what you were doing, hell yeah i started revving

04-19-2005, 02:28 AM
And as I said in my Thread, there is nothing wrong with that, but when you call them on the phone to log on and vote, thats different. At least the peeps i revved was online at the time.

and the times are all jacked up anyway, for example

Apr 19th,05 @ 5:00 AM Delete | | | | | | Reply


Private: I challenged you for a Face-off entitled 'rematch '. Good Luck! Click HERE to view the faceoff. (this is an automated message)

I know you didnt get he rematch at 5:00 AM

04-19-2005, 06:53 AM
I really dont have much to say here.. but this is exactly what happens at carshows.... lol... Nobody ever votes for the best car... its whoevers car is more popular.

As far as the face-off being reset... it was due to the server time problem.. so it ended early.. as soon as the server came up.. and I apologize for this...

I guess the question is.. what can we do ?

04-19-2005, 07:09 AM
I think this has the makings for a UFO. I like both these car's and hate to see people upset, so let's take it to the UFO Ring.


04-19-2005, 07:23 AM
I say "enough said" lets play ball!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please close the thread but don't delete it.

04-19-2005, 10:19 AM
Well some ideas have been brought up...

How about NOT allowing new users to vote until 48 hours after they register...

OR... Maybe have an option that says nobody in the same club as them (as they set on gotstang) can vote....

Just things to think about...

Or even.. You cannot vote in a face-off if your registration date/time is after the start date/time of the face-off

04-19-2005, 10:40 AM
What ever makes it better, we are all family here, I realize that the rant was probably uncalled for but had some good points, Ryan and the rest of YMR, (group hug) :beerchug:

04-19-2005, 10:42 AM
oh yeah something else, Newbs that dont even have a car pic up or a website, shouldnt be able to challenge or get challenged.

04-19-2005, 11:22 AM
oh yeah something else, Newbs that dont even have a car pic up or a website, shouldnt be able to challenge or get challenged.
Thats an automatic loss anyways..

04-19-2005, 11:27 AM
While that is true, it prevents us from being tied up for 12 hours on a battle that the outcome is already known.

Nuclear Banana
04-19-2005, 11:28 AM
If all my yellow buddies were helping me then I would have killed you but if seems that I lost to you Stangit to hell and I am not crying about it I mean come on its just in fun its like when a black mustang is up there the BMC is going to vote for there car not a yellow one or a silver one...take it as it is and just be done with it....

04-19-2005, 11:32 AM
Aight lets try and bring this thread to end...

Nuclear Banana
04-19-2005, 11:38 AM
I am with you on this one J let just drop it if you lose then you lose......

04-19-2005, 12:14 PM
if you had read back Nuc, you would have seen that it was already brought to an end, and i actually said lets move on and play ball.

04-19-2005, 12:32 PM
I think this has the makings for a UFO. I like both these car's and hate to see people upset, so let's take it to the UFO Ring.

I think everyone involved can agree that it isn't necessary to throw this into an Ultimate Face-Off at this point. There are no hard feelings here. Let's get back to having fun, shall we?

04-19-2005, 12:40 PM
I didn't know there were two threads, I guess I posted on the wrong one...day late & dollar short...I'll wait on that hug man...maybe when I get a chance to meet ya in person after I figger out how to relocate myself to NC....Ohh...yeah, I forgot I used a differnt SN here than carolinarides, though people might think I was tryin funny stuff if I used my usual sn (electricgreen)....

04-19-2005, 05:37 PM