View Full Version : Busted...

04-18-2005, 07:59 PM
by an offduty cop...

So today i decided to take my car for a drive, so i go down by the boat landing. At the intersection i look down, and see two guys on crotch rockets talking to each other. So i decided to give them a show. So i drop the clutch and do a nice smokey doughnut in the intersection. Scared some old ladies, impressed some other ppl. But anyway so i start goin down this pretty secluded street...and i look in my rearview and see a grey truck. And it just keeps gaining and gaining on me. I was going speed limit (30) so he had to be going as least 50 to gain on me that quick. Now i dont know if you guys have had this happen, but ever since i got a mustang people have tailgated me and tried to punk me into races. This happens at least once per week. So i sped up a little bit (about 40). Then i go over the train tracks...and pull onto the highway and i just gun it. And i look back i see the truck turn to...so i floored it to about 110 to get away.

I figured i was home free. But a couple hours ago another cop came to my house and said i need to call the other cop back tomorrow. I dont know how he got my plates...but im pretty pissed because the cop was offduty. Also mad that he was too much of a coward to come talk to me himself. Ive had problems with this cop before. Mostly because he hates my last name. My cousins used to beat him up in highschool, so he takes it out on me by being a fucking asshole to me, my brothers, and my cousins.

04-18-2005, 08:03 PM
Thats an easy one. Just say you werent driving it. Please tell you who was driving it.. It was taken from you for at least 3 hours and the guy just gave it back!!

04-18-2005, 08:27 PM
Don't believe they're allowed to do that off duty. He can talk to you, but give you a ticket not. When I had a cop do that, somebody told me it was against the law so I neglected to contact him. Nothing happened. )@#%&*@#)& cops.

04-18-2005, 08:46 PM
he cant do anything...you don't have to talk to him either...like J said, you let someone borrow the truck :beerchug: If you are not handed a ticket at the scene then you cannot be ticket for a violation that was witnessed by a police officer :)

04-18-2005, 08:50 PM
yep that is not legal. I would talk to him to keep yourself off of his shit list, and if he tickets you, take it to court. either you will get the ticket dropped, or even get the guys badge for ticketing you off duty.

04-18-2005, 09:04 PM
i didnt get the ticket yet...because he didnt catch me. And im already on his shit list because of my last name. I wish joe friday would get on here so i could hear what he has to say...this pisses me off that i even have to go through with this crap.

04-18-2005, 09:31 PM
file a report of harrassment with the department.....Its the best thing you can do because then it is in writing on paper and no longer here say.....If the officer continues to harass you file report son each occasion...after several have been fired take it to the cheif of police in your area or threaten a lawsuite against the officer and the department for failure to comply with harrassment laws.

And you actually committing an offense such as a traffic violation and being stopped by this officer does not qualify as harrassment, its just him doing his job.....

But him following you around, pulling you over to simply chat or argue over not having a garbage bag in your car falls under harrassment especially if it is continuous and over an extended period of time