View Full Version : Dammit!

Stang Gurl
04-18-2005, 06:10 PM
Between having a busy day at work, and having the server go down, I missed out on my own face-off. :(
I went to vote, and it was already over, and I lost by one vote. :censored:

Sooooo, I'm going for a 24 hour rematch. ;)

Well ya wooped my ass if it makes ya feel any better lol... good face off, congrats my good man :w00t:

04-18-2005, 06:33 PM
This had to do with the time problem on the server.. the server time was 12 hours off.... my bad :( you should be all set now.

04-18-2005, 07:00 PM
This had to do with the time problem on the server.. the server time was 12 hours off.... my bad :( you should be all set now.
Thanks J, I was wondering why it ended so quickly. I thought there should have been more time remaining. Anyways, with the first one still going, there is no need for the second face-off (#777). We'll just let the first face-off,#774 (http://www.gotstang.com/faceoffs.php?faceoffid=774), decide it. Thanks for clarifying that for me, and for fixing the problem.

04-19-2005, 05:08 AM
Between having a busy day at work, and having the server go down, I missed out on my own face-off. :(
I went to vote, and it was already over, and I lost by one vote. :censored:

Sooooo, I'm going for a 24 hour rematch. ;)
