View Full Version : Need Help Writing A Resume..

04-09-2005, 07:15 PM
well.. i just got laid off from the contracint business was working for.

and since i got the hook up on that job because it was i was hired by my friends uncle. :|

now i need to find a new job, and i need to write a resume.. and im lost...

can anybody help me out??

email ~ blackacidz@gmail.com
AIM ~ elblackacid


04-09-2005, 08:16 PM
microsoft word has templates, are you looking for pointers, references, what?

04-09-2005, 08:17 PM
i need one to get a job. hence i have no clue wtf im doing :|

04-09-2005, 08:48 PM
what type of job are you looking for?

04-09-2005, 11:32 PM
well something that will pay atleast 2000$ a month

04-10-2005, 06:59 AM
do you currently have anything down on paper and is thier a paticular field you are trying to get into

04-10-2005, 10:29 AM
Well this is what i know i dont want to do,

Flipping burgers, out of the question. no way in hell i would make enough money to pay my truck if i worked there.

i wouldnt mind workin at a hard ware store, but like home depot, that kinda store is alright. workin as a cashier.

also where i live there is a bunch of winery's. i was lookin in the newspaper and they are hireing lots of "janitors" for like 700/ week. i wouldnt mind that since my friend works at a winery and all he does is clean up around the winery, usualy grapes and stuff like that need to be cleaned up. washin bins, washin stuff mostly. that would be cool.

delivery boy?.. eh idk how much that pays but, id hate to use my truck.

04-10-2005, 01:15 PM
You are talkinga bout jobs that don't require a resume. What kind of skills previous work do you have?

My Cobra
04-10-2005, 04:18 PM
Did you get fired or were they cutting people off and you were at the bottom of the chain? Also most of those jobs you will not need to make anything like that. You need to just go fill out and application.

04-10-2005, 04:31 PM
in my previous job was pretty much paper work for a contracting. mostly just entering data and calculating stuff..

i got laid off because the company did not have any work for me.

also i went to www.caljobs.ca.gov and most of the jobs that im interested say "send resume" with listed phone numbers and email were to send/fax it ..

04-10-2005, 09:44 PM
Resume templates will help you some. Don't be a dumbass like some guy that applied where I work with a resume written entirely in the first person. Go to Don Hite snd associates headhunter website and download resume writing tips, that'll help you a bit too. Sorry I don't have the link, but any search engine should get you there.

04-11-2005, 12:09 AM
a resume is a brag sheet about u. (the one time yr aloud to brag about yrself) talk about positve things you have accomplished. i.e. :"number cruncher of the month". back all of it with brief expliantions. ALWAYS! provide dates of the work history. any gaps in work history MUST be explained some how.

a resume that shows job to job hoping within the same field of work is far better than one that show different types of jobs. I.E "manager at Home depot" then "book keeper at a buisness", these dont show a continuity in career.
most employeers ( not the Mikey D's or homeDepot) looking to hire, want a stable career minded person.
references cant hurt either. and the same is true for letters of recommendations

Good Luck job hunting.

04-11-2005, 08:01 AM
Keep it as short and concise as you can, avoid using more then one page if you can. You want things like:

contact info
job history
education history
past honors/scholarship
maybe interests that you have if you still have room left on the one page.

and I agree, stay away from writing in first person. Never say "I" on a resume.

Don't use a bunch of different fonts, maybe bold headings here and there and use bullets for your lists.

Like I said before, you want to keep it simple. The employer doesn't want to be distracted by something fancy, they will probably look at each resume for a minute or two so they won't want to spend much time figuring it out.

04-11-2005, 09:44 AM
ahh got it.

but .. any interests... i usualy get stuck on that since i usually am lost to what to put there..

04-11-2005, 11:06 AM
you don't have to put those in there if you don't want. It's just one of those things that helps them get an idea of what sort of person you are.

04-11-2005, 11:06 AM
I put things like: fishing, camping, hunting, golf... any clubs you may be in

04-12-2005, 04:17 PM
I am in the same boat right now. Resume that shines will help single you out from the crowd. Definatly highlight your strength.

04-12-2005, 05:25 PM
Writing a resume for the kind of job you'd be willing to do is useless. Most stores like that (chains) won't even accept walk-ins, and refer you to either a website or will hand you an application.

Also, unless you get full time and the "hook ups", most of the jobs you mention won't pay 2000/month (at least not as steady income, it may vary per month depending on hours worked).

Don't focus too much on what you've done in the past (work history) and think about what kind of stuff you'd like to get into, and also what you're good at (your strengths combined with interests). It doesn't sound like you have a substancial work history (at least from the fact that you're asking in an online car forum for help on writing a resume), so it may not be necessary to elaborate too much on something you haven't done for too long or gained much experience from.