View Full Version : 08 Presedential Nominies...

04-05-2005, 02:44 PM
meh id guess we get some discussion out of dis one...

wha i want to see is Hillery Vrs Rice, and yes i know both have denied they want to run for it..

wha u think?

04-05-2005, 02:50 PM
I think you should attend English class more often.....this is how people who cant spell get elected to the presidency......

I would choose Clinton....as it is right now Rice goes everywhere with Bush and basically has her own say in his political choices...she even has her own room at his ranch in Texas and never leaves his side....

04-05-2005, 02:54 PM
I'm voting for perot

04-05-2005, 03:19 PM
i would vote for hillery

04-05-2005, 05:04 PM
I'm voting for perot

If only he would.

04-05-2005, 05:26 PM
no more oil men in office! Gas has only become more expensive since he has been in.

04-05-2005, 05:39 PM
meh id guess we get some discussion out of dis one...

wha i want to see is Hillery Vrs Rice, and yes i know both have denied they want to run for it..

wha u think?

i say i would blow my fucking brains out if either of them were President.

Russ Feingold in '08!!!

04-05-2005, 06:12 PM
i vote for this chick for president

http://keyra.hans-wurst.de/ WW

04-06-2005, 02:26 PM
I kinda wonder if Cheney will run, despite his denial.

04-06-2005, 02:52 PM
Hillary would be a horrible president. If you want to have big brother government sticking it's nose deep into your personal lives then go ahead and vote for a liberal.

04-06-2005, 03:07 PM
We could always vote Quayle

04-06-2005, 03:50 PM
no more oil men in office! Gas has only become more expensive since he has been in.

Please think before posting rhetoric about something that you don't know. Gas prices aren't the Presidents fault. The reason for gas price increases is the following.

1. Peak Oil is within an estimated 40 year range... What does that mean to you as the consumer. Well, if you knew water was going to run out and there would be a very very very small supply if any after that, would you lower your price on water, or raise it? That's what's happening here. Add to it this:

2. China is acting like a black hole for oil. China's use of oil is surpassing any and all estimated numbers by massive amounts. When demand's high, guess what else happens??? Prices go up. Common economics. Add to that this last thing:

3. We haven't built ONE new refinery in 20 years. Do you think consumption of oil in the US has increased or decreased in the last 20 years? Exactly, if it's increased, and we don't have the proper means to fill the demand you can guess what will happen to the prices.

Now of those three main factors, which one is the President's fault? Should the President step in and take care of the prices? Well, he certainly could, but I guarantee you that just like in the 80's, you won't be driving any high powered cars anymore. Remember the Mustang II??? Exactly. a bastard child of the gas crisis. We can ration our gas, and lower the prices, but I bet your car eats more gas than you will be rationed. If you want to bitch about gas prices, move to anywhere else in the world... start paying 5$ a gallon. I bet 2.50 for premium doesn't look as bad now. /rant off

04-06-2005, 08:53 PM
I sense a debate coming on. But seriously....the President doesn't have that much affect on the oil prices. I voted for him, but I also consider the fact that he does benefit from oil. He's still a good prez.

04-06-2005, 10:34 PM
Yes, gas prices may be high (very high), but we are still alive to talk about the gas prices, you put some liberal like Clinton in office and you may see something like 9/11 all over again. I say Arnold in 08' j/k.

04-06-2005, 11:30 PM
a conservative was in office when 9/11 happened.....

04-06-2005, 11:57 PM
republican party was hijacked when bush got in somehow, twice. he said he inherrited a recession, but cliton did too and by 96 (beggining of his second term), things were looking good. we've been turning the corner for a while now.

04-07-2005, 03:30 AM
Bush finally got his proposal passed the house and senate for drilling in Northern Alaska...and from his own report they estimate only several billion barels can come out of the are after drilling in it....The US economy goes through several hundred million barels a day....So by sacrificing hundreds of miles of the Alaskan tundra, we can have oil for an extra month...yea that seems real logical right there

Maybe his gamble with social security in the stock market in his "private accounts" will pay off......sorry, I'll have to stop laughing to type more on this subject

04-07-2005, 08:33 AM
id say lets make this war For oil now..

04-07-2005, 11:23 AM
Please think before posting rhetoric about something that you don't know. Gas prices aren't the Presidents fault. The reason for gas price increases is the following.

1. Peak Oil is within an estimated 40 year range... What does that mean to you as the consumer. Well, if you knew water was going to run out and there would be a very very very small supply if any after that, would you lower your price on water, or raise it? That's what's happening here. Add to it this:

2. China is acting like a black hole for oil. China's use of oil is surpassing any and all estimated numbers by massive amounts. When demand's high, guess what else happens??? Prices go up. Common economics. Add to that this last thing:

3. We haven't built ONE new refinery in 20 years. Do you think consumption of oil in the US has increased or decreased in the last 20 years? Exactly, if it's increased, and we don't have the proper means to fill the demand you can guess what will happen to the prices.

Now of those three main factors, which one is the President's fault? Should the President step in and take care of the prices? Well, he certainly could, but I guarantee you that just like in the 80's, you won't be driving any high powered cars anymore. Remember the Mustang II??? Exactly. a bastard child of the gas crisis. We can ration our gas, and lower the prices, but I bet your car eats more gas than you will be rationed. If you want to bitch about gas prices, move to anywhere else in the world... start paying 5$ a gallon. I bet 2.50 for premium doesn't look as bad now. /rant off

Let's just say he created a mess in IRaq. I'm not saying that Saddam should still be in, but his old regime is running around creating havoc, and other terrorists as well. It has turned into another Vietnam. This country will never stablize, while there is a US military presence there. I'm not a polictical mind, and will never claim to be, but I know my quality of life has not improved, since George has been in office.

Yes! I want my $1.00/gallon gas back! Don't you?

04-07-2005, 12:07 PM
Bush finally got his proposal passed the house and senate for drilling in Northern Alaska...and from his own report they estimate only several billion barels can come out of the are after drilling in it....The US economy goes through several hundred million barels a day....So by sacrificing hundreds of miles of the Alaskan tundra, we can have oil for an extra month...yea that seems real logical right there

Well we would use that oil to supplement the oil we already have, we wouldnt use that supply exclusively. But yea i agree that its a horrible idea to fuck up our environment for such a small amount of oil.

04-07-2005, 12:13 PM
It won't mess up the environment anyway. That's just a bunch more shrill rhetoric from the left.

04-07-2005, 12:50 PM
drilling out toxic materials doesnt hurt the environment? Ever hear of an oil spill?? I suppose you dont believe that the ozone is depleted either?

04-07-2005, 04:01 PM
drilling out toxic materials doesnt hurt the environment? Ever hear of an oil spill?? I suppose you dont believe that the ozone is depleted either?

I think global warming is the biggest crock of shit ever, but that's me. As for toxic materials, I don't understand what you're saying? They aren't attaching a hose to a spicket and turning it on and watering the lawns up there with oil. It's being pumped directly into a controlled environment where it's then shipped out. Sure, spills can and will happen, but if that's what you're worried about, then let's stop running our cars because we could get in an accident, and the ensuing explosion will put harmfull toxins into the air. We also should stop making anything militarily, stop making electricity etc... this is where I have a problem with the left/environmentalist. yes, we do have a responsibility to the environment, but our responsibility isn't exclusive. The environment is here for us to enjoy, but also to sustain us.

04-07-2005, 04:37 PM
I think global warming is the biggest crock of shit ever, but that's me. As for toxic materials, I don't understand what you're saying? They aren't attaching a hose to a spicket and turning it on and watering the lawns up there with oil. It's being pumped directly into a controlled environment where it's then shipped out. Sure, spills can and will happen, but if that's what you're worried about, then let's stop running our cars because we could get in an accident, and the ensuing explosion will put harmfull toxins into the air. We also should stop making anything militarily, stop making electricity etc... this is where I have a problem with the left/environmentalist. yes, we do have a responsibility to the environment, but our responsibility isn't exclusive. The environment is here for us to enjoy, but also to sustain us.
By building refineries in the area its damaging enough to the animals and ecosystem that is Alaska. Simply by having human presence in that are and the network of piping that will be needed to get the oil from the drilling platforms to the ships is enough to damage the environment....Sure there may not be a spill, but what if there is? Is it really worth risking the next 20 yrs to recover (because thats how long it takes usually for an ecosystem to recover from a spill, that is moderate not heavy either) just for a couple billions of barels? Its kinda like putting a bandaid on a gunshot wound for our oil problem isnt it?

As for the Ozone depleting it is a fact and can be proven. The El Nino's over the past 15 yrs have steadily been getting more severe and causing major flooding problems in South America and drought problems here in the western US. Hell, WA is already issued a drought emergency and we just hit Spring. We will be lucky to get 50% on our reservoirs so im looking forward to stealing water from Cali again this year :w00t:

The facts show, if any of you have taken a Oceanography or Environmental science class at the college level, that the earth is heating up and its more from the greenhouse gas effect. Now most greenhouse gasses are not bad for the environment and actually help aid it in creating our weather. But some damaging types of Greenhouse gasses or excess amounts of CO2 are causing our ozone to deplete and causing the annual temperature in most locations to rise. It is 1.8 degrees hotter on average per year at the equater than it was 15 years ago. That may not seem like much but when you put it into perspective its a huge jump from previous numbers of previous years. Its not that CO2 is completely bad for the environment, hell, a lot of natural things produce CO2, its the extra amount that we are creating that is damaging the environment. Does this mean a big ol hole is going to open up and we will all burn to death like ants? probably not :rofl: ...Does this mean that you could see more acid rain that will fuck over that nice paint job and hours you spent waxing the stang the last weekend.....possibly :wow:

04-07-2005, 04:46 PM
Did someone say $1 / gal gas!?