View Full Version : car wont start ( fixed it)

04-01-2005, 02:39 PM
Yeah sorry but if i put it in the v6 section i know this would most likely not get read and i need it to run. i just installed my cold air intake and udp and now the car wont start. it used to just kinda run for about 4 seconds but now it wont even fire off. I think it might be the maf sensor but i dont know. has anyone ever had this problem? also is there a way to check to see if the maf works corectly without taking it to the shop. Thanks

I now have pics on page 4 of my website. please look at them and tell me if anything looks wrong

04-01-2005, 02:57 PM
one of your sensors is unplugged etc....got to MustangWorld.com and in the "HOW TO" section it gives a picture walkthrough of everything that you need to keep from the stock setup in order to make the car run.....I would start there ;)

04-01-2005, 03:01 PM
are you just talking about the intake install or something else because i installed the intake correct by that and other install write ups and i checked everything over with the connections and things.

04-01-2005, 03:01 PM

mine worked fine and I have never had any problems.....It might be the UD pullies, did you double check that you reinstalled everything in the right way? Also make sure the MAF is fully plugged in and nothing is in the way....other than that im not sure what could be going on other then you didnt fully seal the tubing with the gromets and have an air leak somewhere :hmmm:

04-01-2005, 03:04 PM
yeah thats the one i used and i did everything correct i think i might have broken the maf sensor. how hard is it to break. i also checked to see if the pulleys are corect

04-01-2005, 03:09 PM
Im not sure how hard it is to break...Ive never broken one...although mine went back in really easily and just clicked in..so if you had to muscle it in you may want to call up Ford for a replacement one

04-01-2005, 03:38 PM
my check engine light came on after i put my CAI in....i dont think its a big deal though.

I forgot to plug in my MAF but it started up, and just ran really rough. Rocked the car back and forth actually, kinda cool. Plugged it back in and it runs fine now. So i dont know.

My Cobra
04-01-2005, 03:53 PM
does it make a clicking sound and just nothing at all? Did you diss connect the battery?

Ok first off hook it up to a multi meter. check to make sure your battery is good.

Next you might want to hook back up the original intake tube and see if it starts with that.

My Cobra
04-01-2005, 03:55 PM
If the MAF is bad it will not matter. It will still start up. Sounds liek a charging system. The hp you gain from those damn pullies is not worth the worry of your car starting or not. at least for me. I would rather have one i know will start than one i wonder about and has 10 more hp (At least on a cobra about 8)

04-01-2005, 03:55 PM
how about taking a couple under-hood pics, and let us see if we notice anything?

04-01-2005, 04:34 PM
well, if by chance you did not plug in the breather line for the valve cover you might get that problem. I know that when mine disconnected after I replaced it with a stainless one, it acted similar to what you are describing.

04-01-2005, 04:52 PM
I can tell ya that it isn't anything to do with the underdrive's. I believe you need to reset the computer. The system knows when it has had an interuption I.E; maf. disconect. If you have made sure that all lines are hooked up especialy vacum and you hooked your Maf senser currectly than you should try disconnecting the battery and wait for 5 minutes or so. The other thing to be careful of is to not get any debris on the trigger wires inside the MAF and don't touch them with your fingers.
The other thing is did you disconnet the tps for any reason?
Do you have a check engine light that didn't go out when the car did run for that short time and even if the car doesn't run the check engine should go out if you just leave the ignition in the on position if I'm not mistaken

My Cobra
04-01-2005, 09:08 PM
Well if the under drive pullies are smaller than the stock pullies in order to create more hp then your alternator (Driven by the same belt) will not be getting the same charge it woudl with the stock pullie system on there so you are going to sacrafise some voltage. If it is enuff to matter i am not sure but i know that i have had a few people tell me that the battery was not getting a good charge. But check the battery that is the last thing i woudl suspect is the pullies.

04-02-2005, 10:47 AM
:nya: An Alt is not like and old gernator usta be all you have to do is spin it fast enuff to kick the ruglator on i know meny people have pu ud pullys on and had carging problems with the older gt alts if i wold check the battery to see if there is a dead cell if the is this is a good time to go to optima and sick it in the trunk all you have to do for that is mount a secure it some how run the hot all the way back to the seinoid and the ground to the frame also check to see if the alt is putting ou any thing at idal you may have to bump you idal up or keep the old pully on to keep it runn at its minimal rpm but it sound to me you have a biger problem then chargin i would see if any one you know has a scaner and knows how to read it other then the basics like how the fuel trims are ackting and so on

04-02-2005, 01:12 PM
my mass air flow sensor went when i put my cold air intake in and my car didnt want to start and it also made my fuel pump go also! When i took it to Ford my dads frend told me the mass air flow went and the fuel pump becuase of the cai i put in!

04-02-2005, 03:18 PM
:nya: An Alt is not like and old gernator usta be all you have to do is spin it fast enuff to kick the ruglator on i know meny people have pu ud pullys on and had carging problems with the older gt alts if i wold check the battery to see if there is a dead cell if the is this is a good time to go to optima and sick it in the trunk all you have to do for that is mount a secure it some how run the hot all the way back to the seinoid and the ground to the frame also check to see if the alt is putting ou any thing at idal you may have to bump you idal up or keep the old pully on to keep it runn at its minimal rpm but it sound to me you have a biger problem then chargin i would see if any one you know has a scaner and knows how to read it other then the basics like how the fuel trims are ackting and so on

holy shit go to english class!

04-02-2005, 07:05 PM
:nya: An Alt is not like and old gernator usta be all you have to do is spin it fast enuff to kick the ruglator on i know meny people have pu ud pullys on and had carging problems with the older gt alts if i wold check the battery to see if there is a dead cell if the is this is a good time to go to optima and sick it in the trunk all you have to do for that is mount a secure it some how run the hot all the way back to the seinoid and the ground to the frame also check to see if the alt is putting ou any thing at idal you may have to bump you idal up or keep the old pully on to keep it runn at its minimal rpm but it sound to me you have a biger problem then chargin i would see if any one you know has a scaner and knows how to read it other then the basics like how the fuel trims are ackting and so on

:wow:longest run-on sentence in history, congrats

04-02-2005, 07:36 PM
iv probubly done one longer what prize do i get

My Cobra
04-02-2005, 09:41 PM
a kick in the nuts ha ha ha.

04-03-2005, 12:57 PM
i dont know if you read the top but if you have not i now have pics on page 4 on my website. thanks. http://gotstang.com/profile.php?stangman190&page=4

04-03-2005, 02:18 PM
well, if by chance you did not plug in the breather line for the valve cover you might get that problem. I know that when mine disconnected after I replaced it with a stainless one, it acted similar to what you are describing.

looks like thats the problem

04-03-2005, 03:06 PM
looks like thats the problem
what are you talking about. the part of the tube that i had to buy because the stock one couldnt reach or it just isnt plugged in. i have a pic of it plugged into the valve cover now. thanks

My Cobra
04-03-2005, 05:41 PM
I woudl check the charging system and the cables on the battery. I do not see how the car will not even try to turn over if those are the problems the computer has to have power to make a reading like that. Just my .02

04-03-2005, 06:01 PM
i did the engine diagnostic thing where you gauge whats going on and i did not get any codes. My Cobra the battery part said it was at 154 but i dont know what that means, maybe you do?

My Cobra
04-03-2005, 11:54 PM
Also the tester in the guages is not that good to use on somethign like this. Go to auto zone or some place like this see if they will let you borrow a tester or if your buddy has one. can you jump start the car?

thats where it should be. did you test just the battery terminal to terminal? or did you run it from one terminal to one cap that goes on a terminal that will tell you if its a wire.

04-04-2005, 06:11 PM
Ok guys (and girls if any) thanks for all yalls help but i got the car fixed. when we were putting in the pulley my dad bent one of the teeth of the balancer and the crank sensor was not letting it turn over. So yeah it runs great

My Cobra
04-05-2005, 01:51 AM
Hmmm pully. Good still worth the money or what?