View Full Version : Iraqi Kids *WW*

03-23-2005, 05:23 PM
GotStang.com (GotStang?) => terrorist[1].wmv (http://www.gotstang.net/download.php?2148)

03-23-2005, 05:25 PM
Another one Bites the DUST...

And another one gone, and another one gone...

Another one bites the dust!!

03-23-2005, 05:25 PM
thats so 2 months ago J:lol:

03-23-2005, 06:06 PM
how could you thats terrible i dont care if he is the Bad guy thats just wrong

03-23-2005, 06:20 PM
how could you thats terrible i dont care if he is the Bad guy thats just wrong

With all due respect, Someone shoots at you, you shoot back!

Yes he had a Mommy, and a Daddy, and probably brothers and sisters. He had friends too. But guess what, war SUCKS BIG TIME! He made some wrong decisions.

Have I been shot at...YEP... DOES IT SUCK... YEP. Have I killed someone? YEP. The problem today is that we NOW get the virtue of the death in almost real time, whereas in the olden day, it was painted by Mathew Brady.

I have a lot of friends in the AOR, and let me tell you, they the insurgents will kill innocent babies and children, and take hostages for their ends.

Is it wrong to celebrate a TERRORIST death. NO.

I respect you very much and can understand your feelings.

03-23-2005, 06:54 PM
Well said Computerguy, a lot of people may not understand the thought of a warrior. Hell I was a Helicopter mech but as any Marine will tell you your a rifleman first.

Go to hell Iragi scum

03-23-2005, 08:32 PM

They are doing the same thing to our troops so I in no way feel remorse for that dirty fuck. Two weeks ago an Army Sargeant from my hometown was killed by a suicide car bomber, do you think they cared about his death?

03-23-2005, 08:34 PM
Well said Computerguy, a lot of people may not understand the thought of a warrior. Hell I was a Helicopter mech but as any Marine will tell you your a rifleman first.

Go to hell Iragi scum
You Have no idea how much I know Two of my good friends were over there and one got shot! Doesnt mean that I dont have remorse... I dont believe in an eye for an eye

03-23-2005, 09:16 PM
the guy had a rocket launcher, and he was aiming it....its not an eye for an eye, its taking out a threat, its their job.

Did you see the shot to his temple? That was sweet.

03-24-2005, 12:16 PM
Is it wrong to celebrate a TERRORIST death. NO.

I respect you very much and can understand your feelings.How do you know that guy was a terrorist? If our country was invaded, our armed forces diminished, and our civilians decided to form independent millitias to counter attack, that would not make us terrorists.

It is wrong to celebrate anyone's death, specially one that belonged to someone you judge based on assumption and your brainwashed imprinted ideals.

I'm not against war. I think it can be necessary at times, but it is so clear and obvious that the war we've chosen this time is all for the wrong reasons.

It's not for the "freedom" of Iraq. It's for the financial freedom of a few greedy mother fuckers that shall one day rot in hell (if hell exists).

03-24-2005, 12:59 PM
It's easy to talk about morality when all you know about war is what you see on CNN. I would never deprive anyone of their opinion, but knowing someone who went to war does not make you an expert. Please don't get me wrong, I know that our friends and families in the rear go through hell when we are gone. I am not belittling their sacrifice.
Nevertheless, until you know what it sounds like when a bullet just misses your head, let's not second guess the actions of our Armed Forces. That insurgent clearly meant to fire on a group of America's Sons and Daughters. Would you take away a Soldier's/Marine's right to defend themselves because you think killing is wrong? If killing is wrong, was that insurgent playing by the same rules? There is only one possible outcome when you wage war against the United States, and we just saw it in slow motion.
Having said that, I agree that the person who edited that video may have some serious issues.

03-24-2005, 02:46 PM
that was hot

03-24-2005, 03:39 PM
It's easy to talk about morality when all you know about war is what you see on CNN. I would never deprive anyone of their opinion, but knowing someone who went to war does not make you an expert. Please don't get me wrong, I know that our friends and families in the rear go through hell when we are gone. I am not belittling their sacrifice.
Nevertheless, until you know what it sounds like when a bullet just misses your head, let's not second guess the actions of our Armed Forces. That insurgent clearly meant to fire on a group of America's Sons and Daughters. Would you take away a Soldier's/Marine's right to defend themselves because you think killing is wrong? If killing is wrong, was that insurgent playing by the same rules? There is only one possible outcome when you wage war against the United States, and we just saw it in slow motion.
Having said that, I agree that the person who edited that video may have some serious issues.I see your point of view, and agree with it to an extent. Where I draw the line is identiying this war as being waged upon us. If you look back, the only evidence is of us waging it against them.

Also, there are various ways in which a person can experience a dramatic act of violence or hatred towards themselves or their people (be it their family, friends, ethnic group, city, country, etc.) Just because some have not experienced war and the "bullets flying by your head" does not disqualify them from knowing what it's like to have to choose to defend themselves or the ones they care about through violent means. It is all relative, and only differenced by the scale and not the emotions.

One thing's for sure, whether I agree with the war on Iraq or not, I much rather see that our soldiers are able to defend themselves with more success than the other way around. It's only obvious, they are my people, and their primary intention is to defend our country, but my arguement is spawned by the reality that, dispite their intentions, the tru reason for this war being is one of selfishness.

These are not Nazzi's we're talking about. These are people with strong religious believes (probably stronger than most Americans to speak the truth) who we, as a nation, do not want to accept as they are. When the 9/11 incident occurred, the easiest way to feed our need for vengance was to believe and trust the specific government and intelligence officials' decision to pin the responsibility on a specific entity. An entire country was chosen to carry this blame.

A damn shame.

03-24-2005, 06:07 PM
I see your point of view, and agree with it to an extent. Where I draw the line is identiying this war as being waged upon us. If you look back, the only evidence is of us waging it against them.

Also, there are various ways in which a person can experience a dramatic act of violence or hatred towards themselves or their people (be it their family, friends, ethnic group, city, country, etc.) Just because some have not experienced war and the "bullets flying by your head" does not disqualify them from knowing what it's like to have to choose to defend themselves or the ones they care about through violent means. It is all relative, and only differenced by the scale and not the emotions.

One thing's for sure, whether I agree with the war on Iraq or not, I much rather see that our soldiers are able to defend themselves with more success than the other way around. It's only obvious, they are my people, and their primary intention is to defend our country, but my arguement is spawned by the reality that, dispite their intentions, the tru reason for this war being is one of selfishness.

These are not Nazzi's we're talking about. These are people with strong religious believes (probably stronger than most Americans to speak the truth) who we, as a nation, do not want to accept as they are. When the 9/11 incident occurred, the easiest way to feed our need for vengance was to believe and trust the specific government and intelligence officials' decision to pin the responsibility on a specific entity. An entire country was chosen to carry this blame.

A damn shame.

God are you for real. Who said we're pinning 9/11 on a on a country. 9/11 is not the reason we're in Iraq. 9/11 is being pinned on the scum bag Osama. The reason the US is in Iraq was to disarm a crazy fuck who killed millions of his own people and would'nt think twice of killing you. There was evidence of WMD's. Yeah Yeah I know we did'nt find any. And I'm sure if your flying down the highway doing 100 mph and you know that there is a cop up ahead your going to stay doing 100mph right past him. Not, your going to slow down to the speed limit. Saddam knew we were coming the weapons were moved, he'd be dumb not to. Saddam has been removed for just cause, Know we're fighting useless pieces of trash from countries other than Iraq. The terrorist's Yes they are terrorist's. we have to be proactive, if we wait for them to come here it's to late. Our soldiers can defend themselves better than anyone in the world, it's people like you who take offense at seeing the bad guy, YES the bad guy getting killed. Our soldiers shouldn't even be there, the country should be leveled, we have the weapons, you can't handle those weopons being used. You'd rather have our soldiers killed. We have to fight like them, because they can't compete otherwise. Since when is War fair. This is a touchy subject, but I had a close family friend die in one of the planes that struck the towers on 9/11, a Top Gun Fighter Pilot and Instructor. I'm a Marine and I am American, Fuck Political Correctness, Americans have been getting there asses kicked, because we're to nice, Bush just had the Balls to wake people up, well for a little while anyway. We need more people to stand up and put people in their places again. All the Fair weather americans have gone back to sleep. They'll all be pissin and moaning after another terrorist attack. I say fuck them too, go to Irag and live with the filthy fucks who are trying to kill real Americans. Those American's dying so you can spew your Bullshit comments. Ya we're being selfish protecting, We're protecting our Country. We were being proactive, so that something worse than 9/11 didn't happen. Why can't you people see that. They could just as easily be here fighting us. They could be fighting in the streets of Boston, New York, Florida, Is that when you want us to defend ourselves. It's to late to do it then. If that's being Selfish than oh fucking well. I guess I'm being selfish when I lock my doors and windows and set my alarm, I being selfish when I set my alarm on the Mustang, Somebody else may want it. Well fuck them and Fuck you to.

Sorry J, I swear alot when I'm pissed

03-24-2005, 06:41 PM
God are you for real. Who said we're pinning 9/11 on a on a country. 9/11 is not the reason we're in Iraq. 9/11 is being pinned on the scum bag Osama. The reason the US is in Iraq was to disarm a crazy fuck who killed millions of his own people and would'nt think twice of killing you. There was evidence of WMD's. Yeah Yeah I know we did'nt find any. And I'm sure if your flying down the highway doing 100 mph and you know that there is a cop up ahead your going to stay doing 100mph right past him. Not, your going to slow down to the speed limit. Saddam knew we were coming the weapons were moved, he'd be dumb not to. Saddam has been removed for just cause, Know we're fighting useless pieces of trash from countries other than Iraq. The terrorist's Yes they are terrorist's. we have to be proactive, if we wait for them to come here it's to late. Our soldiers can defend themselves better than anyone in the world, it's people like you who take offense at seeing the bad guy, YES the bad guy getting killed. Our soldiers shouldn't even be there, the country should be leveled, we have the weapons, you can't handle those weopons being used. You'd rather have our soldiers killed. We have to fight like them, because they can't compete otherwise. Since when is War fair. This is a touchy subject, but I had a close family friend die in one of the planes that struck the towers on 9/11, a Top Gun Fighter Pilot and Instructor. I'm a Marine and I am American, Fuck Political Correctness, Americans have been getting there asses kicked, because we're to nice, Bush just had the Balls to wake people up, well for a little while anyway. We need more people to stand up and put people in their places again. All the Fair weather americans have gone back to sleep. They'll all be pissin and moaning after another terrorist attack. I say fuck them too, go to Irag and live with the filthy fucks who are trying to kill real Americans. Those American's dying so you can spew your Bullshit comments. Ya we're being selfish protecting, We're protecting our Country. We were being proactive, so that something worse than 9/11 didn't happen. Why can't you people see that. They could just as easily be here fighting us. They could be fighting in the streets of Boston, New York, Florida, Is that when you want us to defend ourselves. It's to late to do it then. If that's being Selfish than oh fucking well. I guess I'm being selfish when I lock my doors and windows and set my alarm, I being selfish when I set my alarm on the Mustang, Somebody else may want it. Well fuck them and Fuck you to.

Sorry J, I swear alot when I'm pissed
You truly believe that Bush's administration was/is concerned with "weapons of mass destruction" in Iraq? It's funny how every person I know who is in the Army, AirForce, or Navy and has BEEN to Iraq comes back with a sour taste on their mouths regarding our governments intentions.

But the one's who I always listen to being all hard-core into using force and showing off power are always Marines.

You guys are just a bunch of brain-washed sheeps who are mentally trained to see the other people as "the enemy".

And, get your facts straight. Iraq WAS blamed for "funding" Al'Qeda, and therefor, helping with the events that lead to the 9/11 tragedy (for us). The search for weapons of mass destruction was the US's "justification" to go to war.

By the way, what exactly are you Marines always so damn proud of? The country you're "fighting" for? We have one of the most inefficient and fucked up economies in the Globe.

This country has a lot to work on internally before it can continue showing off empty pride.

03-24-2005, 07:03 PM
You really are a dick aren't you. Your Obviously A Dem. and there is no way I'll be able to talk to you. You'll just keep spewing your shit instead of looking at the whole picture. Ya your, right they funded Iraq, For me that's justification enough. Like I said are we suppossed to wait until they're at our backdoors. Well In your case you'd probably let them in. Sorry I'm not willing. I'm proud of the American Tradition that you are obviously to stupid to understand. Most inefficient and fucked up economies in the world. That's why we take care of the world right? I'm not brain washed at all, I'm sick of fucks like you trying to stand up and be all big and bad, when you don't have the balls to stand up and fight for that right. You take it for granted. It's owed to you right. Well It's not owed to you, and I don't respect you, and I'm sure there are other people here who don't respect you, whether they admit it or not. I'm sure there's fucked up things going on over there, I'm sure there is a background agenda of some sort's there always is. As I said there's nothing I can say that will even have you contimplate what I'm saying. All I can say is if you don't like the Country, if you think another country with A "Better Economy" is out there the go the fuck on, get the fuck out of here, there'll be one less fuck I'd have to worry about shooting me in the back when the terrorists come here when you get your way.

03-24-2005, 07:06 PM
I think that you could have put it much better without the language, but then again, sometimes to make a point, being bold is the answer.

I am not going to get into geo-political discussions, nor am I going to get into National Policy. Yes I did go to some of the military's finest schools that study such facts, and their effect on a nations nationalistic goals, etc.

A few of out nations strategic policy is safety from fear. Whether it be a fear from terrorist attack, economic attack (oil), or morale attack (UN) we as a nation vote in our strategic policy.

A policy of isolationism is a phalicy as demonstrated by the Wilson Doctrine of the 1900's.

A Policy of MAD as demonstrated by the REagan adminstration is not the answer either.

The point of the matter is that a BUNCH of people GOT TO SEE up close and personal the death of someone by our soldiers who were defending themselves. Interesting the video was shot by Al Jezera, whom exercises the same rights we do here but they pick and choose what they air? Interesting. Sorta like CNN!

When I saw that kid get waxed guess what? I cheered. Many of you are seeing the bad things that happen over there because the media deems it so. How many time have you seen the great job our folks are doing by building schools, rebuilding a crumbled infrastructor, keeping streets safe, improving lives.

I bet if that was a video of a shoot out in an American city and it involved the local police shooting a drug dealer, you opinions whould be much different.

Tonight, a bunch of my friends and fellow brothers in arms are going to bed at a barebase some where. They are going to bet in mummy bags with their boots strapped above them using rip cord to keep the scorpians out. They are either asleep right now or involved writing a letter home to their wife, mom, or kids, telling them what a great platoon they have, and that they can't wait to get home. Some are playing Spades, or Poker with each other too.

The night hopefully will bring some rest without someone trying to break the perimiter, or some kids lobbing mortars.

We send our youngest and brightest to go and do our deeds. So that we can be safe, and secure. As I type this I am really trying to be non emotional. I have since retired from the miltary, but the bonds are still very tight. The young troop that I knew as a Airman is now a Sergeant. He or she has taken my place in taking care of my kids. Now they are his/her kids.

I have lost many friends in my service. Samuel Cole, who died in Egypt, and a friend's son who played Paintball with us who died in Afghanistan. When I was ending my career in the military, I am going to be honest with this. I wanted to die on the field of battle. Does each person want this, I am sure they don't. But a majority will tell you that they would, to save a buddy or whatever.

There are many amongst us who wish to pass judgment on others based upon their own past. Unless you know what it feels like, Tastes like, how it get's into your own soul, makes you wake up in the middle of the night sweating, makes you cry, and even makes you sick to the point that all you want to be is alone and by yourself, and think.

Let's just let this entire thing die

03-25-2005, 12:19 AM
Well said brother :beerchug:

I agree that we should let this one die. You can't argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level and then beat you with stupidity.

03-25-2005, 12:22 AM
By the way, what exactly are you Marines always so damn proud of? The country you're "fighting" for? We have one of the most inefficient and fucked up economies in the Globe.

This country has a lot to work on internally before it can continue showing off empty pride.Eddie you and I have spoken, so don't crusifiy me here. Your opinion is just as valid as mine or anyone else. so hear me out.


For “one of the most inefficient and fucked up economies on the Globe” it seems to work for you. Hows that mustang doin for ya????

How quickly can u lose count of the hundreds of other countries where a house or even a hut would be nice to have, never mind OWN a car? Dude, do not shit on the country that has giving you a comfortable life. Yes Yes this country has its problems, as do ALL others.

Quote “By the way, what exactly are you Marines always so damn proud of?”

Answer: they are proud to serve! They are proud to be Americans! I don’t think you get it!

And DO NOT ! call me a sheep! And I say “me” because you grouped my opinion into one you disagree with. I am quite capable of thinking on my own, thanks.
(no hard feelings) just my opinion

The rest of this is meant as a general statement and not just to Eddie.

I won’t get into all kinds of detail as others have, but here’s my two cents.(what ever it’s worth.)

War on terrorism: I say fight it there not here! (if Iraq is “there” oh well at least its not Boston, New York, LA, etc)

Now why Iraq?: some say, just because, others.. bush wants to finish what daddy started, or, they funded terrorism… this is all conjecture..

Here’s what’s true, Iraq did NOT follow UN Resolution repeatedly, they DID use the food for oil program for Saddam’s benefit (not the people) they DID violate the no fly zone, they DID try to acquire uranium from Egypt. They killed thousands of their own people. I’m sure I could go on.

Should we or the world, let this dictator just ignore UN resolution? Should the world have continued to allow him to kill thousands of his own people? (we’ve found the mass graves)

Whatever proof about WMD’s weather true or false, the US and Britian were the only main countries with the balls to say – We have had enough! It’s time to force him out. Who F’in cares if there was, is, or never was WMD’s. That dictator had to go.

As for our friend in the video, Oh well, he was pointing a rocket launcher at OUR troops. Quoting a radio personality here in Boston “ 1 american troops life is worth a whole lot more than any Insurgent” I don’t care how religious they are.

Beside who the F would sit in MIDDLE of the road with no cover during a shoot out. He obviously wasn’t that smart. So I say he’s dumb, and wasn’t smart enough to pick the winning side.

03-25-2005, 01:03 AM
You really are a dick aren't you. Your Obviously A Dem. and there is no way I'll be able to talk to you. You'll just keep spewing your shit instead of looking at the whole picture. Ya your, right they funded Iraq, For me that's justification enough. Like I said are we suppossed to wait until they're at our backdoors. Well In your case you'd probably let them in. Sorry I'm not willing. I'm proud of the American Tradition that you are obviously to stupid to understand. Most inefficient and fucked up economies in the world. That's why we take care of the world right? I'm not brain washed at all, I'm sick of fucks like you trying to stand up and be all big and bad, when you don't have the balls to stand up and fight for that right. You take it for granted. It's owed to you right. Well It's not owed to you, and I don't respect you, and I'm sure there are other people here who don't respect you, whether they admit it or not. I'm sure there's fucked up things going on over there, I'm sure there is a background agenda of some sort's there always is. As I said there's nothing I can say that will even have you contimplate what I'm saying. All I can say is if you don't like the Country, if you think another country with A "Better Economy" is out there the go the fuck on, get the fuck out of here, there'll be one less fuck I'd have to worry about shooting me in the back when the terrorists come here when you get your way.
Normally this is the part where I would usually edit your comments and send you a warning on a PM, however, I realize that I deserve most of what you just said, and I think it's fair to leave it as it is.

However, I do not hate our country. Expressing concerns and strong believes against some of our decisions IS NOT betrayal or contributing to terrorism. It's freedom of speech. The same right that allows you to insult me back (I started it, so I deserve your response).

With that said, insulting Marines was definitely uncalled for and a very poor choice of expression. I apologize for that.

You're right about one thing though, certain aspects of your ideals you won't be able to convince me about, and vice versa. But, for what it's worth, your response did made me realize that, regardless of what our points of views are in this matter, I should be thankful and grateful for the people who do go out there and defend our country bravely. It would be convenient for me to be able to say "I've done that, but still am against the situation", but that isn't the case. For that I admire those who can honestly claim to the experience.

Dispite popular believe in this thread, I'm no idiot. My apology above was not for my believes but for me losing sight of the efforts of those who fight to keep me and my people safe.

03-25-2005, 01:18 AM
Normally this is the part where I would usually edit your comments and send you a warning on a PM, however, I realize that I deserve most of what you just said, and I think it's fair to leave it as it is.

However, I do not hate our country. Expressing concerns and strong believes against some of our decisions IS NOT betrayal or contributing to terrorism. It's freedom of speech. The same right that allows you to insult me back (I started it, so I deserve your response).

With that said, insulting Marines was definitely uncalled for and a very poor choice of expression. I apologize for that.

You're right about one thing though, certain aspects of your ideals you won't be able to convince me about, and vice versa. But, for what it's worth, your response did made me realize that, regardless of what our points of views are in this matter, I should be thankful and grateful for the people who do go out there and defend our country bravely. It would be convenient for me to be able to say "I've done that, but still am against the situation", but that isn't the case. For that I admire those who can honestly claim to the experience.

Dispite popular believe in this thread, I'm no idiot. My apology above was not for my believes but for me losing sight of the efforts of those who fight to keep me and my people safe.there you go Eddie. apologizing is hard to do. just understanding one's opinion without judgement can be hard as well.

I suggest :closed:

03-25-2005, 08:17 AM
There you go Eddie, you've taken your first step to becoming an independent. Seriously though I get worked up over stuff Like this, I'm very pationate when it comes to defending this country and nay sayers against it. Enuff Said. :closed:

I apoligize for being so up front and rude and I aprreciate the fact that you allowed me to express my opinion without editing it Eddie. We both took our punches now, lets go get :beerchug:

03-28-2005, 11:31 AM
There you go Eddie, you've taken your first step to becoming an independent. Seriously though I get worked up over stuff Like this, I'm very pationate when it comes to defending this country and nay sayers against it. Enuff Said. :closed:

I apoligize for being so up front and rude and I aprreciate the fact that you allowed me to express my opinion without editing it Eddie. We both took our punches now, lets go get :beerchug:

Sorry for the late response, but I won't get my cable service installed at home until tomorrow so I had to wait the whole weekend 'til I got to work to check GS.com.