View Full Version : Jessica's Law ~ Please Read

03-22-2005, 06:41 AM
Please find in your hearts to sign this petition for the little girl that was killed. She lived about a half hour from where I live.

Petition (http://www.petitiononline.com/mod_perl/signed.cgi?jlaw)

Jessica Marie Lunsford Website (http://www.jessicamarielunsford.com/)


03-22-2005, 08:00 AM
I have signed the petition i feel bad for that familey if it was bailey id kill them man!!

03-22-2005, 08:28 AM
I signed it also, it's sad that there are people like that in the world...

03-22-2005, 09:55 AM
I signed!!!! You gotta be a real piece of work not to want something stronger in effect. I'm sorry, but if someone took my son or daughter, I'd hire a Private I to hunt his ass down, and then he better hope the cops find hime before I do, cause I wouldn't kill him. I'd make that bastard suffer, finger by finger, toes by toes, limb to limb, etc. This stuff gets me going. It's stuff like this that makes me a big believer in Public Stoning. Tie these bastards up every day to a post and just let people come by and throw stones at him all day. Not these big stones that would kill him, but these little enough stones that would bruise and batter him everyday until his tired, beaten down body can't take the abuse anymore and he dies. YA, now that is what I am talking about. JUSTICE FOR ALL!!!! YEE HAAAAW.....

Ok, I'm done....

03-22-2005, 10:22 AM
I signed!!!! You gotta be a real piece of work not to want something stronger in effect. I'm sorry, but if someone took my son or daughter, I'd hire a Private I to hunt his ass down, and then he better hope the cops find hime before I do, cause I wouldn't kill him. I'd make that bastard suffer, finger by finger, toes by toes, limb to limb, etc. This stuff gets me going. It's stuff like this that makes me a big believer in Public Stoning. Tie these bastards up every day to a post and just let people come by and throw stones at him all day. Not these big stones that would kill him, but these little enough stones that would bruise and batter him everyday until his tired, beaten down body can't take the abuse anymore and he dies. YA, now that is what I am talking about. JUSTICE FOR ALL!!!! YEE HAAAAW.....

Ok, I'm done....

Ahhh, a ditto for me...

03-22-2005, 11:56 AM

03-22-2005, 12:06 PM
I signed and had my wife sign too. I believe Eye for an Eye Stalker. Make the sicko Suffer.

03-22-2005, 12:39 PM
Jesus would disagree with an eye for an eye, but he probably never met someone who raped and killed helpless children. I am certain that I would have marched across the street and killed that guy myself, what's left to live for after someone takes your child like that? Unfortunately, a jury of my peers would likely still sentence me to death for that offense as well. Stupid ass mixed up America we live in at times.

Stang 38L
03-22-2005, 01:34 PM
Her family lives about 30 miles away from where I live... its been plastered on the local news. Sad, sad news.

03-22-2005, 01:53 PM
I say don't give the bastard the death penalty....putting this freakshow on death row is giving him a ticket to paradise compared to what the guys will do in the state prison to him....If I was on the jury I would give him life without the possibility of parol and sentence him to normal lockup.....his little 8x10 foot cell on death row in solitary would look pretty damn good after he spent about 3 days with the regular murderers and lifers in the state lock up.....sentence him to life, its the best redemption us as a society can get for sick assholes like this guy.....

If someone killed my wife, mom, sister or kids one day it wouldnt matter if the police caught him before I did...I would still find a way to get my hands on him and if I needed to give the guy a transfusion to keep him alive so I could make him suffer some more, then so be it....This guy will never get what he deserves while he is in this life, but he has to answer to a bigger power eventually...

I signed your petition

03-22-2005, 02:10 PM
I say don't give the bastard the death penalty....putting this freakshow on death row is giving him a ticket to paradise compared to what the guys will do in the state prison to him....If I was on the jury I would give him life without the possibility of parol and sentence him to normal lockup.....his little 8x10 foot cell on death row in solitary would look pretty damn good after he spent about 3 days with the regular murderers and lifers in the state lock up.....sentence him to life, its the best redemption us as a society can get for sick assholes like this guy.....

If someone killed my wife, mom, sister or kids one day it wouldnt matter if the police caught him before I did...I would still find a way to get my hands on him and if I needed to give the guy a transfusion to keep him alive so I could make him suffer some more, then so be it....This guy will never get what he deserves while he is in this life, but he has to answer to a bigger power eventually...

I signed your petition

YEE HAAAAAAW!!!!! :w00t:

Joe Friday
03-22-2005, 03:13 PM
We ask that some kind of electronic tracking system, either in the form of an implanted chip or bracelet, be used for real time tracking and monitoring of sexual offenders.

I hate to be the only kill joy, but I think this is the worst Idea ever. It is sad that this happoned and I hope it never happens again. But I think there are better ways of going about solving this issue than putting chips in people. I'd have to look up the sex offender laws in the state, but I know in Kentucky the guy has to go to every house in his neighborhood with an officer and introduce him self as a sex offender.

03-22-2005, 03:18 PM
I hate to be the only kill joy, but I think this is the worst Idea ever. It is sad that this happoned and I hope it never happens again. But I think there are better ways of going about solving this issue than putting chips in people. I'd have to look up the sex offender laws in the state, but I know in Kentucky the guy has to go to every house in his neighborhood with an officer and introduce him self as a sex offender.
and that helps yea right! they need to be shot dead!

Joe Friday
03-22-2005, 03:27 PM
and that helps yea right! they need to be shot dead!

I'm just saying. They claimed they were unaware that a sex offender moved into thier neighborhood. I know in kentucky there is a database and you can look up every sex offender by simpley entering your zip code and it will show you pics, thier crimes, and thier address. You have to understand these people are mentally incapable of controlling thier urges, they need to be insatutionalized not Killed. This isn't the nighteenth century, we don't kill people who are mentally ineffective anymore. I'm not saying this guy deserves some cush hospital room the rest of his life. I'm just saying that installing chips inside of people is not the answer. And if we let the goverment start with sex offenders, it will go to all convicts who are released, then one day everyone would have some sort of chip, and the whole big brother thing would be a reality. I don't know about you but I don't want someone knowing where I am 24/7. I hope the bastard gets locked away just as much as the rest of you. I just think the petition was written in a time of emotional distraught and wasen't really thought through. They really don't even offer any openions, just hey make it better.. .sorta... then everyone jumps on the bandwaggon because it's a horrible event and they want to express thier remorse amd amger that things of this nature happen.

EDIT: sorry about the spelling.. but you get the idea

03-22-2005, 03:45 PM
You can't give one Lunsford petition attention and not the others!! ;)

Lunsford Sexual Offender Petition (http://www.petitiononline.com/stop5555/petition.html) - This petition is for tougher laws and better tracking of sexual predators.

The Justice for Molested Children Petition (http://www.petitiononline.com/71310658/petition.html) - This petition is to give any convicted sexual predator death, maybe even life without parole.

03-22-2005, 03:58 PM
thanks webwitch.. I want these pigs to pay

03-22-2005, 04:04 PM
While I agree that the man needs to have his head blown off, I don't like the idea of chips in people. I'm far from a conspiracy theorist, but I don't know about you, I don't want the gov't knowing where I'm at all the time. I have nothing to hide, no crimes, Heck, I hardly ever drink. I have one of the cleanest pasts of the people I know. I just see the chips being MANDATORY in people as a violation of our freedoms and rights. We have the right to protect ourself, and the system is setup to the best of our knowledge without alienating anyone's rights. Every state is required to keep an online database of sexual offenders, so go to your states home page and search for sex offenders list or something of the sort. You'd be suprised what you see.

03-22-2005, 04:07 PM
by the way, I do realize that this law is for the sex offenders only, but I guarantee you that that wouldn't be the last of that type of rule. Soon, children would be born and implanted with the chip so that if one went missing, you could track it. Soon, everyone would have it, and if the gov't wanted to, they could track you down and follow your every move.

Joe Friday
03-22-2005, 04:08 PM
It's not that these people are not afraid to be sentenced to a legnthy prison term, They can not controll thier urges to commit these horrible crimes, they need to be under the care of someone trained to deal with these people, a doctor, not a correctional officer.

by the way, I do realize that this law is for the sex offenders only, but I guarantee you that that wouldn't be the last of that type of rule. Soon, children would be born and implanted with the chip so that if one went missing, you could track it. Soon, everyone would have it, and if the gov't wanted to, they could track you down and follow your every move.

Exactley, Hell is paved with good intentions. Whiel it could be good in the even tof a lost person, they potentional for misuse is too strong

03-22-2005, 04:29 PM
In this specific circumstance though... he was not at his residence. He was visiting for an extended stay at a relative's and never relayed that information to the proper Florida authorities as is mandatory per our sexual predator laws. Directly quoted from our state statutes:

The high level of threat that a sexual predator presents to the public safety, and the long-term effects suffered by victims of sex offenses, provide the state with sufficient justification to implement a strategy that includes:
1. Incarcerating sexual predators and maintaining adequate facilities to ensure that decisions to release sexual predators into the community are not made on the basis of inadequate space.

2. Providing for specialized supervision of sexual predators who are in the community by specially trained probation officers with low caseloads, as described in ss.947.1405 (http://www3.fdle.state.fl.us/DOCUME~1/HOLMES~1/LOCALS~1/Temp/FrontPageTempDir/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&Search_String=&URL=Ch0947/Sec1405.HTM)(7) and 948.03 (http://www3.fdle.state.fl.us/DOCUME~1/HOLMES~1/LOCALS~1/Temp/FrontPageTempDir/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&Search_String=&URL=Ch0948/Sec03.HTM)(5). The sexual predator is subject to specified terms and conditions implemented at sentencing or at the time of release from incarceration, with a requirement that those who are financially able must pay all or part of the costs of supervision.

3. Requiring the registration of sexual predators, with a requirement that complete and accurate information be maintained and accessible for use by law enforcement authorities, communities, and the public.

4. Providing for community and public notification concerning the presence of sexual predators.

5. Prohibiting sexual predators from working with children, either for compensation or as a volunteer.

I am sure that if the Lunsford's had been made aware that a sexual predator had made himself comfortable 150 yards from their front door, they might have been able to make informed decisions about the safety of their daughter.

03-22-2005, 04:36 PM
I honestly don't think it would have made a difference. I might be wrong, but 9 times out of 10, people think that it won't happen to me. That, or they just don't have the balls to take responsibility for their kids. Then it happens, and they blame everyone else. This man broke a law that is in place to keep something like this from happening. There's nothing that could have been done. Just because he has the chip in him doesn't mean that the state gov't can monitor movement of ALL offenders. There's no way that the chip would have prevented this.

Joe Friday
03-22-2005, 04:56 PM
why wernt her parrents watching her?

03-22-2005, 04:57 PM
unfortunately most of the time if the person does not report their residence they simply issue a warrant for the arrest of the person and on the state websites for sex offenders it simply says "where abouts unknown"

I'm sorry but I agree with Jessica on this subject...My gf was in foster care for over a year and before entering foster care her grandfather molested her one time and was backed up by her mother...so not only did my gf get abused, but her mom backed the abuser and still to this day tries to get her to see her grandfather and forgive him because he was "not in the right mind and you and your sister took up grandma (his wife's) time so he had to turn to someone for pleasure".....This guy got 50 hrs community service and told he couldnt be around kids...yea, that will teach the sick fuck a lesson.....

Once someone stoops to the level of these people they do not need to see the light of day again....Ok, so they commit a sexual crime and we "rehibilitate" them, then what, we release them to a neighborhood that is the guinea pig to see if these people have really changed? I'm sorry but that doesnt fly in my boat....Maybe this people do need help and have something mentally wrong with them but even so, that does not me we release them into society to "test" whether or not their so called "treatment of the disease" has worked.....Whether or not they do these crimes because they want to or because they can't control themselves these disgraces for human beings should not be allowed out from behind bars....Whether its a highly secure prison with other members of their kind or a highly secured hospital these individuals should never be allowed to return to society its as simple as that.....

People can be rehibilitated, but people who commit sex crimes such as these against minors or rapes should not be allowed back into society and forgiven for their mistakes in life.....Whether they knew what they were doing or it was urges, they are still unsafe to the hard working general public who were raised with better morals and are productive members of society......

The other thing is these sick people should not be living a life of paradise behind bars....I shouldn't pay taxes for a serial rapist or child molester to be able to watch his favorite TV program or look at art in prison because its his "constitutional right"....These assholes gave up that right when they decided to break the law! The only pleasure they should have is waking up on a cold floor every morning with a nice view of the inmate next to them....they should have thought about that before they committed their crimes, if they didn't, well then they learned a lesson in life....

King County here in WA had to spend $40,000 to put art in the new prison because some convicted murderer said that he "was being deprived of his right to learn and view art"....this money came from taxes that could have been spent to lower class sizes or benefit the productive members of society....

I'll never feel sorry for a convicted child molester, murderer, rapist or anyone else that has committed a crime against a productive member of society....Whether these people cannot find a job or are discriminated against because of their past crimes thats what they deserve for harming an innocent member of society....

Child molestors saying their "rights have been violated" by having to register and it being made available to the public is the biggest buch of BS I have heard in my life......Thats the least that should be happening to these sick people.....

End Rant

03-22-2005, 05:01 PM
and just for clarity its not a "chip" that is implanted its a device that is strapped to the persons leg similar to a "at home detention monitor".....it cannot be removed and monitors that a person cannot be 400 yards (example) from their residence

I think this is unnecesary, simply make it a 1 strike and your out law for child molestation...if you commit the crime, you have won a free lifetime trip to the state prison without parol (or for those deemed mentaly ill, a trip to a high security hospital for treatment and once treatment is over, a bus ticket to the state prison)

There is NO excuse for harming a child or putting your hands on a woman plain and simple

03-22-2005, 05:05 PM
why wernt her parrents watching her?

This sick freak CAME INTO THEIR RESIDENCE and took the child from her bedroom at night.....you cannot monitor someone 24/7 no matter how hard you try.....her parents did nothing wrong....should you be blamed if your wife is kidnapped out of your house and raped and murdered for not 'watching' her close enough? Of course not, that is why child molestors should be locked up indefinetely on their first offense, then there is no "what ifs" of the person reaffending

03-22-2005, 05:20 PM
why wernt her parrents watching her?
It was the middle of the night... they thought she was safe in bed! :smack:

03-22-2005, 05:26 PM
Unfortunately, it is known that without serious invasive treatment, sexual predators will always be sexual predators. They cannot be rehabilitated. They are much like serial killers... they are hardwired to do what they do and no amount of therapy will change that.

When convicted sexual predators are released back into society it is a waiting game to see when it will happen again. And it will.

Once someone stoops to the level of these people they do not need to see the light of day again....Ok, so they commit a sexual crime and we "rehibilitate" them, then what, we release them to a neighborhood that is the guinea pig to see if these people have really changed? I'm sorry but that doesnt fly in my boat....Maybe this people do need help and have something mentally wrong with them but even so, that does not me we release them into society to "test" whether or not their so called "treatment of the disease" has worked.....Whether or not they do these crimes because they want to or because they can't control themselves these disgraces for human beings should not be allowed out from behind bars....Whether its a highly secure prison with other members of their kind or a highly secured hospital these individuals should never be allowed to return to society its as simple as that.....

People can be rehibilitated, but people who commit sex crimes such as these against minors or rapes should not be allowed back into society and forgiven for their mistakes in life.....Whether they knew what they were doing or it was urges, they are still unsafe to the hard working general public who were raised with better morals and are productive members of society......

I'll never feel sorry for a convicted child molester, murderer, rapist or anyone else that has committed a crime against a productive member of society....Whether these people cannot find a job or are discriminated against because of their past crimes thats what they deserve for harming an innocent member of society....

Child molestors saying their "rights have been violated" by having to register and it being made available to the public is the biggest buch of BS I have heard in my life......Thats the least that should be happening to these sick people.....

End Rant

03-22-2005, 08:34 PM
they will kill him in prison........if theres one thing that the guys serving life sentences dont like, is child rapists/murderers....so he will last a couple months at the most.