View Full Version : Alright anyone read the book 1984 by George Faggot Orwell?
11-17-2004, 12:30 AM
If you have I need help. I have to write an essay, of decent length, over the irony of all the ministries, (ministry of plenty, love, truth, etc.). Does anyone remember this part of the book? I know the irony of them, for example, ministery of plenty is ironic because that ministry deals with the economic crap and they dont have plenty they just lie and make the people believe it. Well i have to go into detail on all of these so could anyone give me any information please! Its already 1 day late because im a lazy ass!
11-17-2004, 12:56 AM
i read it about four years ago. but i suggest watching the movie, oh and he is not a faggot he is a very talented writer
11-17-2004, 01:02 AM
i read it about four years ago. but i suggest watching the movie, oh and he is not a faggot he is a very talented writer
If by talented you mean a one book celebrity..animal farm thats it...1984 is over rated...everyone admits its not as good as he made it out to be! Hes not a good writer
11-17-2004, 01:08 AM
1984, an animal farm are both great
11-17-2004, 04:43 AM
1984, an animal farm are both great
Well after a couple hours of spark notes and other sites and reading the chapters, ive bs'd my 300 word essay..its actually way over 300 lol...i havnt edited it for errors, i will in the morning lol im to tired here it is good night
Irony of the Ministries
At the beginning of the book, 1984, Winston Smith takes a look out the window of his flat. While continuing his stare, he begins to describe four Ministries who all, some more obvious then the others, have depictive meanings which lead to a sense of irony. These Ministries include Ministry of Peace, Truth, Plenty, and Love. Winston’s occupation is held in the three thousand roomed above ground Ministry of Truth. Here Winston works as a propaganda officer who alters historical records to match that of the Party’s official records. Although these Ministries play a significant role in the book 1984, it is slowly revealed that each Ministries, it its own, is indeed ironic.
The Ministry of Peace is the Ministry that wages war. Irony is showed here by the Ministry being named peace, yet really is about war. The war that this Ministry creates is either not happening or is being created for other purposes then what is being declared. The book suggests that the war is being waged by each ruling group against its own people in order to keep social intact. This is said to be true by the statement “the entire war is spurious and is either not happening or is being waged for purposes quite other than the declared ones,” and in the statement “war becomes literally continuous.”
The Ministry of Truth is the Ministry of lies. Irony is showed here by the Ministry being one of truth, yet is a disquise for thousands of lies. This Ministry keeps track of all the historical documents in order to have a defined history of the years. Although this Ministry, to the people, seems as if it has official documents of truthful history, the documents are merely nothing more than altered history from reality. Winston himself works as an officer to alter history documents in order to match the party’s official documents. In a sense, this Ministry sets up a whole new history of the world in which the people have no other way then to believe them. Sure people know what really happened in earlier years of the country, but there is no proof to their ideas (reality) that exist. As long as this Ministry has alter, fake documents to prove your memories are wrong, then they are wrong. The book describes huge printing shops which are used to fake photographs for their documents. It also describes actors who are specially chosen for their skill in imitating voices to act like other people. Hidden furnaces were used to destroy original copies of history in order to create a new history.
The Ministry of Plenty is the Ministry of economic shortages and starvation. This Ministry shows irony by supposedly being one of plenty, yet is built around shortages of any kind. The book suggests that this Ministry planned shortages by continuous warfare. “Goods must be produced, but they must not be distributed,” shows how this Ministry completed their task of creating shortages in the economy. This Ministry used the telescreens to give out statistics of the economy. These statistics are always positive and include how people are living longer and how education is improving. Despite all these statistics, the real world was decaying. The book shows that unfed people were moving to cities in which Winston lived. These cities had dinky apartments which smelled of cabbage and were patched up.
The Ministry of Love is the Ministry of loathsome activities or torture if you will. Irony is shown here by torture and evil being described as love. Winston describes this Ministry as “the really frightening one.” This Ministry carried out espionage and repression. The Ministry has no windows and is guarded by gorilla faced guards dressed in black. This is also ironic because Love is not kept concealed; love is a beautiful feeling which resembles red not black. Having no windows creates an environment of concealment when in reality love is open. The book suggests that people do not know what goes on in the Ministry but some have guesses. “Tortures, drugs, delicate instruments that registered your nervous reactions,” are the possible guesses of what goes on in the Ministry. Entrance into this Ministry could only be allowed if it was official business and there were hidden machine-gun nests also guarding it.
These four Ministries, Ministry of Peace, Truth, Plenty, and Love all create their own irony. All of the Ministries in sense are bad to the society and are covered by lies that bond the future, 1984, together.
11-17-2004, 01:46 PM
No one thought my essay was good? btw it has tons of errors in it! I secretly sneaked it into yesterdays work piles so it might not be late, haha i think he might have caught me though!
No one thought my essay was good? btw it has tons of errors in it! I secretly sneaked it into yesterdays work piles so it might not be late, haha i think he might have caught me though!
LOL you crack me up.... but => :weakestli
11-17-2004, 01:55 PM
LOL you crack me up.... but => :weakestli
i hope you dont mean that as a ban correct?
11-17-2004, 02:15 PM
Thats all you had to write and you failed to turn this in on time? wow.
BTW, your conclusion is weak.
11-17-2004, 02:18 PM
Thats all you had to write and you failed to turn this in on time? wow.
BTW, your conclusion is weak.
no shit its weak lol its supose to be a like 300 word 1 page essay so nothing big and i wrote 700 words...cant really go into detail on conclusion.. and no according to the teacher, i turned it in on time :lol:
11-17-2004, 02:29 PM
You're a complete idiot if you think Orwell is a bad writer, theres no hope for you.
11-17-2004, 02:32 PM
To be honest I really didn't care for 1984.
It deffinantly wasn't his best piece.
But I'm a guy who likes Tolkien.
11-17-2004, 02:34 PM
You're a complete idiot if you think Orwell is a bad writer, theres no hope for you.
I think he was a bad writer..then again i think all older literature is not that fascinating! Espicially old poems written by shakespeare, donne, etc. i think they are all crap!
11-17-2004, 02:35 PM
To be honest I really didn't care for 1984.
It deffinantly wasn't his best piece.
But I'm a guy who likes Tolkien.
See cody knows whats up!
11-17-2004, 02:59 PM
I think he was a bad writer..then again i think all older literature is not that fascinating! Espicially old poems written by shakespeare, donne, etc. i think they are all crap!
You don't have to enjoy older literature to understand what an excellent writer he was. Or maybe I'm just getting old.
11-17-2004, 03:10 PM
You don't have to enjoy older literature to understand what an excellent writer he was. Or maybe I'm just getting old.
He is a good writer, but it's his tone that gets to me. even when he is enphasising hope, he still has a negative tone. 1984 is a prime example of that. I just can't stand constant negativity in a book.
11-17-2004, 03:11 PM
You don't have to enjoy older literature to understand what an excellent writer he was. Or maybe I'm just getting old.
your getting old, then again im a teen mind, i need explosions, nudity to keep my mind entertained lol!
your getting old, then again im a teen mind, i need explosions, nudity to keep my mind entertained lol!
Sounds like you need a swift kick in the ass too! :diss:
11-17-2004, 03:14 PM
Sounds like you need a swift kick in the ass too! :diss:
Hahaha *kicks self in ass* there ya go J, sorry guys i lost my composure, orwell is a good writer!
11-17-2004, 03:19 PM
your getting old, then again im a teen mind, i need explosions, nudity to keep my mind entertained lol!
:wow: I'm only 20 :(
11-17-2004, 03:22 PM
:wow: I'm only 20 :(
god u grandpa do u want a senor citizens discount or what?
11-17-2004, 03:31 PM
Oh, well. I'm 18 and people always tell me that I look much older. :looney:
11-17-2004, 03:56 PM
i was born sept of 86 so thats before my time lol!
11-17-2004, 05:53 PM
:wow: I'm only 20 :(
me too, and i love older leterature.
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