View Full Version : So I got duped into a short challenge by a ricer
Anyone wanting to help me out on this one? ;)
He picks the shortest length and the most points just to he can pile them up real quick so I can't come back, thats real nice. :fu:
Stang Gurl
02-09-2005, 01:15 PM
Anyone wanting to help me out on this one? ;)
He picks the shortest length and the most points just to he can pile them up real quick so I can't come back, thats real nice. :fu:
Coopdog isnt a ricer, hes got one badass stang. He will win this me thinks. :devil:
V6 with naws that isnt even run and used at the track with lambo doors and gayness everywhere in the form of stickers isnt ricer? I guess that some people dont quite understand the term.
BTW I will race either of you at any time ;)
BTW Ricer = car that looks fast but isnt.
Stang Gurl
02-09-2005, 01:26 PM
V6 with naws that isnt even run and used at the track with lambo doors and gayness everywhere in the form of stickers isnt ricer? I guess that some people dont quite understand the term.
BTW I will race either of you at any time ;)
BTW Ricer = car that looks fast but isnt.
Even if coops car was the shittiest car on this site I would vote for him because your attitude SUCKS. :fu:
PS: I dont need to race you to know my cock is bigger >owned<
02-09-2005, 01:27 PM
V6 with naws that isnt even run and used at the track with lambo doors and gayness everywhere in the form of stickers isnt ricer? I guess that some people dont quite understand the term.
BTW I will race either of you at any time ;)
BTW Ricer = car that looks fast but isnt.
I choose to see it as someone who has actually put some major work into a nice car. Whether or not that work is seen as rice, is irrelevant.
Sorry to tell you this, but I would allways choose a modified car over a stock car, no matter which is faster.
I choose to see it as someone who has actually put some major work into a nice car. Whether or not that work is seen as rice, is irrelevant.
Sorry to tell you this, but I would allways choose a modified car over a stock car, no matter which is faster.
Mine is modded, I just dont have pictures of the new mods yet. ;)
Sorry just because you have a lot of mods doesnt mean they are tastefull.
Even if coops car was the shittiest car on this site I would vote for him because your attitude SUCKS. :fu:
PS: I dont need to race you to know my cock is bigger >owned<
I guess not because you would rather challenge me to a car show where you will show me up? :nailbite:
Stang Gurl
02-09-2005, 01:30 PM
Mine is modded, I just dont have pictures of the new mods yet. ;)
Sorry just because you have a lot of mods doesnt mean they are tastefull.
and just because you have a stock mach 1 doesnt make you better than everyone else on the site... get off your high horse and more people would vote for you.
02-09-2005, 01:31 PM
kay enough you to this isnt day care this is a freaking game my god.... grow up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
02-09-2005, 01:32 PM
Mine is modded, I just dont have pictures of the new mods yet. ;)
Sorry just because you have a lot of mods doesnt mean they are tastefull.
I was just taking that off of your site. All you had listed that I saw was a plan of a shifter.
Like I said, Whether or not one person thinks something is tasteful, doesn't really matter to me. I look at the effort not the result. And so you know, the graphics are handpainted, not decals.
Stang Gurl
02-09-2005, 01:33 PM
kay enough you to this isnt day care this is a freaking game my god.... grow up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There's more than two people here Jess, thanks.
02-09-2005, 01:37 PM
okay you too cody... i mean god if every one went around bitchin about other ppls cars there would be no one on this damn site so every one please enough drama!
02-09-2005, 01:37 PM
There's more than two people here Jess, thanks.
Be nice! :silly:
02-09-2005, 01:38 PM
okay you too cody... i mean god if every one went around bitchin about other ppls cars there would be no one on this damn site so every one please enough drama!
I've already addressed this issue in the staff forum, but no one seems to read there anymore. :ugh2:
Stang Gurl
02-09-2005, 01:38 PM
Be nice! :silly:
I am being nice, thanks. This "gentleman" trashed my guestbook with a whole 5 posts to his name and then wants to talk shit on coopdog... not happening. sorry.
02-09-2005, 01:40 PM
I am being nice, thanks. This "gentleman" trashed my guestbook with a whole 5 posts to his name and then wants to talk shit on coopdog... not happening. sorry.
Ah, have you brought this to J's attention yet? In other words, lets take it to PMs and be done with it. :beerchug:
Stang Gurl
02-09-2005, 01:42 PM
I am being nice, thanks. This "gentleman" trashed my guestbook with a whole 5 posts to his name and then wants to talk shit on coopdog... not happening. sorry.
Yes J already sent the guy a PM so I guess he decided to bring it to the public forum. I just cant stand when people throw the word "rice" around and act like they are better than everyone else... every post he has made on this site is a put down... refering to the fact that he doesnt see how "stock V6s" are ahead of him and what not... its rude. THere are a shit load of great cars on this site of all types... period.
Stang Gurl
02-09-2005, 01:43 PM
Im done ... hell with it... I guess I need to learn not to stick up for people or something.
02-09-2005, 01:44 PM
Yes J already sent the guy a PM so I guess he decided to bring it to the public forum. I just cant stand when people throw the word "rice" around and act like they are better than everyone else... every post he has made on this site is a put down... refering to the fact that he doesnt see how "stock V6s" are ahead of him and what not... its rude. THere are a shit load of great cars on this site of all types... period.
I know what you mean.
02-09-2005, 01:49 PM
I agree with Kane on one point. There are too many really flashy cars challenging mostly stock vehicles, some without pictures, in these face-offs. There is a group of about 5-6 people that are going for maximum points, in minimum time, against cars that they know are not comparable from a show standpoint. Coopdog21 and onebad95's cars are in a class all their own. Challenging anyone else is easy points for them. But there are others (and I won't name names, you can see it for yourself) that are just challenging nobodies to round up the EASY points quickly. This is silly.
There should at least be a way to keep people from getting 50 points every 12 hours. Maybe the points should be awarded based on the length of the face-off. Make the 12 hour face-off worth 10 points, 24 hours worth 25 points, and 48 hours worth 50 points. If these guys are going to make easy points, at least make them work for it.
Stang Gurl
02-09-2005, 01:53 PM
There should at least be a way to keep people from getting 50 points every 12 hours. Maybe the points should be awarded based on the length of the face-off. Make the 12 hour face-off worth 10 points, 24 hours worth 25 points, and 48 hours worth 50 points. If these guys are going to make easy points, at least make them work for it.
thats not a bad idea making the length reflect the points earned.
02-09-2005, 01:54 PM
Ok, I can ovbviously see that people arn't happy with the system as it is. I'll take the issue to J.
As for now, I can't actually lock this thread, but I would Highly appreciate it if everyone drop it for now. Everyone has made their claim, either here or somewhere else. Lets just agree to disagree and not keep this flame war going. :thanks:
Stang Gurl
02-09-2005, 01:55 PM
Ok, I can ovbviously see that people arn't happy with the system as it is. I'll take the issue to J.
As for now, I can't actually lock this thread, but I would Highly appreciate it if everyone drop it for now. Everyone has made their claim, either here or somewhere else. Lets just agree to disagree and not keep this flame war going. :thanks:
you got a deal cody, thanks man. :beerchug:
Joe Friday
02-09-2005, 01:56 PM
just make an accept challenge button.. thats going to solve these problems. IMO
PS. Voted for the Mach 1 of course :D
I was just taking that off of your site. All you had listed that I saw was a plan of a shifter.
Like I said, Whether or not one person thinks something is tasteful, doesn't really matter to me. I look at the effort not the result. And so you know, the graphics are handpainted, not decals.
I have a shifter, springs, mid length headers, mil eliminators all ready to go on. The supercharger will be on in may.
Try checking out the second page, Ive already done a tastefull "show car" if you will.
Im not going to body kit this car up, just some wheels and a drop as asthetic accesories, I dont need a flashy piece of shit to show off how cool I am, as long as its faster than what its next to, thats all that matters to me.
Mach 1's look hawt with just wheels anyways, all my exterior mods have already been done, minus some sequential turn signals that is :w00t:
02-09-2005, 02:53 PM
1 more vote for Kane ;)
02-09-2005, 03:08 PM
1 more vote for Kane ;)
I'm glad to see that...I voted for him too!! :thumbup:
02-09-2005, 03:12 PM
I've pretty much just started voting for all the people that have been challenged by much nicer cars.
02-09-2005, 03:20 PM
I've pretty much just started voting for all the people that have been challenged by much nicer cars.
I'm not real enthused with the whole Italian look that guys are doing to their Mustangs.. "lambo doors'
I know your heart was in the right place Ryan.. I think 'much nicer' is a subjective term in the eye of the beholder though.. Maybe 'much overdone' would be a better term? :)
02-09-2005, 03:26 PM
no its people that have a heart and soul for mustangs taht have lots of money... no offense but ppl just need to stop bitchin and live cause god forbid what if you didnt even have a mustang to have ppl vote on... i honestly think they are both very nice cars but in very different ways!
Stang Gurl
02-09-2005, 04:21 PM
its people that have a heart and soul for mustangs taht have lots of money...
Maybe I misinterperated this statement. If not, you are wrong. I have the heart and soul for my mustang but I DO NOT have lots of money. We put what we can into it when we are not not paying bills and feeding my kid.
KANE so yer saying a Viper or Vet is better then a mustang because its faster? I dont really get what your saying. There is ALWAYS a faster car.. thats because its based on numbers.. there isnt ALWAYS a better looking car because its based on their opinions.. you are confusing the face-offs... its not about what car is faster... there is no point to argue what car is faster because there are numbers that show you... LOL
Stang Gurl
02-09-2005, 04:42 PM
KANE so yer saying a Viper or Vet is better then a mustang because its faster? I dont really get what your saying. There is ALWAYS a faster car.. thats because its based on numbers.. there isnt ALWAYS a better looking car because its based on their opinions.. you are confusing the face-offs... its not about what car is faster... there is no point to argue what car is faster because there are numbers that show you... LOL
EXACLY! If you want to see who is faster take it to a track, not an internet CAR SHOW.
02-09-2005, 05:02 PM
i know my boyfriend made this site cause he thought it would be fun! but its not fun any more because "they lose to a damn battle" deal with it obviously ppl think the other person car is worthy of their vote for THAT BATTLE... jesus.. if you really want to get all pissy about it... i lost to my friend... so what guys like blondes better.. boo hoo im gonna cry because shes better than me DEAL WITH IT
i know my boyfriend made this site cause he thought it would be fun! but its not fun any more because "they lose to a damn battle" deal with it obviously ppl think the other person car is worthy of their vote for THAT BATTLE... jesus.. if you really want to get all pissy about it... i lost to my friend... so what guys like blondes better.. boo hoo im gonna cry because shes better than me DEAL WITH IT
I think what people are trying to say here jess is that the face-offs are getting out of hand.. they are not crying because they lost... we need to improve the current system.. thats for sure
02-09-2005, 05:08 PM
Stang Gurl
02-09-2005, 05:09 PM
i know my boyfriend made this site cause he thought it would be fun! but its not fun any more because "they lose to a damn battle" deal with it obviously ppl think the other person car is worthy of their vote for THAT BATTLE... jesus.. if you really want to get all pissy about it... i lost to my friend... so what guys like blondes better.. boo hoo im gonna cry because shes better than me DEAL WITH IT
Guys like blondes better? :wow: lol jk... Ive just been stating my opinion. Not everyone will like or agree with it. Just like I dont always like or agree with other people's points of view. The face offs I give two shits about... its people who come off all high and mighty and make others seem inferior to them. I dealt with that shit all throught highschool so I get a little touchy when I see someone belittling someone else because of what they dont have. Take it how you like.
02-09-2005, 05:11 PM
Where the hell did that come from. :rofl:
Can I be your Vice Pres? :devil:
My Cobra
02-09-2005, 05:18 PM
Well hell. I guess all i can really say is that it is stupid to not vote for a car that challanges just becuase you think there car is better.
As for the challange thing i think that peopel are racking up points to fast. I knew this would happen. I liek the idea of the length of car shows. for me i always do the 12 hour ones becuase i think it makes peopel be more involved in the site. Kinda speeds up the web site a bit and makes people get on the forums a bit more which is where its at on a site like this. I do not like the idea of peopel picking on other people to gain votes just so they can be at the top. Sure i do a 12 hour vote and always have one going that is becuase i like to challange other peopel but guess what no matter how long you do it you can not go back and get a rematch. :( That is another issue that i would like to bring up
My point : Stop bitchin about votes and have fun with it. Have some respect for the site that we have all helped to build and do not take advantage of the flaws. OH YEA LEARN TO VOTE FOR THE BEST CAR IN YOUR TASTE NOT WHO ASKS FOR VOTES OR BITCHES ABOUT IT!
Maybe I should setup some type of reputation system... this way i can see which users are causing troubles.
02-09-2005, 05:24 PM
Where the hell did that come from. :rofl:
Can I be your Vice Pres? :devil:
I just thought this thread was hot and it was a good opportunity to advertise my intentions to run for presidency.
You can be my vice president, secret service agent, and secertary all in one. That will be cheaper for me.
02-09-2005, 05:26 PM
Maybe I should setup some type of reputation system... this way i can see which users are causing troubles.
That's actually a really good idea.
But then again, I would probably get a lot of negative votes for supporting the ricers among us. :beerchug:
02-09-2005, 05:27 PM
I just thought this thread was hot and it was a good opportunity to advertise my intentions to run for presidency.
You can be my vice president, secret service agent, and secertary all in one. That will be cheaper for me.
Woot! :dance:
My Cobra
02-09-2005, 05:31 PM
This system sounds good. But what i think you should do is have a on or off switch so that you can not deal with the face offs. Some peopel just do not want to deal with them. Set up that system. dunno how it woudl work but hey whatever gets the job done
Mr. President i would like to be the leader of the mob. My family sends there condolences' ey?
02-09-2005, 05:33 PM
I prefer brunettes.
Stang Gurl
02-09-2005, 06:30 PM
I prefer brunettes.
:w00t: :w00t: :w00t:
02-09-2005, 06:31 PM
good lord, I leave to go to the store and I'm only gone two hours and look what I come home to! ha ha
[B][COLOR=Silver][FONT=Verdana]Stalkerbabe, I meant no harm with my statement.. Lambo doors are styled after Lamborghini doors and the kits aren't expensive.. It was just my opinion, that I'm not a big fan of them. I have many opinions about cars that are 'overdone' and how they take away from the heart and soul of Mustangs, but that's just my opinion and I think from now on I'd be better off keeping my opinion to myself..
Sorry y'all
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