View Full Version : 88 Trans am beats a SVT Cobra
02-08-2005, 07:10 PM
Hey guys,guess what my team mate 88TA5spd race a SVt cobra on the highway and beat him by 2 car lengths. The guy in the cobra was pissed off and was trying to keep up. i dont kno whats wrong with the guy, it should of beat the trans am!
02-08-2005, 07:42 PM
That's weird, my bone stock 92 5.0L would waste 87 TA's without breaking a sweat.
Did you catch the guy sleeping?
Joe Friday
02-08-2005, 08:57 PM
it dosen't count if the cobra isn't racing
02-08-2005, 09:44 PM
Hey guys,guess what my team mate 88TA5spd race a SVt cobra on the highway and beat him by 2 car lengths. The guy in the cobra was pissed off and was trying to keep up. i dont kno whats wrong with the guy, it should of beat the trans am!
Some guys just can't drive! It's sad, they'll let anyone buy a cobra...
02-08-2005, 09:48 PM
it dosen't count if the cobra isn't racing
Good one!!
02-08-2005, 10:32 PM
car is was an automatic. it was racing becuz the front of it picked up and the motor deff was toward the top. my car isnt stock, old owner did alot of mods to it. and they just aint bolt on! so say what u like, me, my buddy and another kid saw me beat him
My Cobra
02-08-2005, 10:54 PM
hmmm older cobra? was the guy really giving it hell? or just crusing along changing cds?
02-09-2005, 12:02 AM
Was it a newer Cobra with the blower or the older NA Cobra.
The new ones are much faster than the older ones.
:cussing: :cussing:
02-09-2005, 12:44 AM
hmmm older cobra? was the guy really giving it hell? or just crusing along changing cds?
:lol: another good one!
I still think the guy in the cobra can't shift...
If he could, he would've been doing this---> :goodbye:
02-09-2005, 01:42 AM
car is was an automatic. it was racing becuz the front of it picked up and the motor deff was toward the top. my car isnt stock, old owner did alot of mods to it. and they just aint bolt on! so say what u like, me, my buddy and another kid saw me beat him
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA...cobras dont come with an automatic. nice try though but you probably raced a single port 3.8 with cobra badges
02-09-2005, 01:43 AM
oh, and i're a dumb shit, and that goes for both fastest302 and 88TA or whatever
02-09-2005, 01:46 AM
sorry, couldnt resist...but TEAM MATE???? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA
"i'm on a racing team yo"<---LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
02-09-2005, 12:18 PM
Okay, no offense intended, and not trying to bash your car... But you probably got confused as to what kind of car you were passing while you were cruising on the HOV lane while in the middle of rush hour traffic...
A Terminator Cobra (03/04) would have been no match, even stock, to your car. Unless you've got a blower and are on the bottle... In which case he should've downshifted from 6th gear before stomping on it so he could really show you what you were up against.
A '99 and '01 Cobra would've killed you if you're stock.
An SN95 Cobra would've humiliated you if the above statement was true as well.
Methinks he either didn't really race you, was a V6 with a body kit (not bashing on V6's, just saying that's what it might've been), or a GT Automatic.
Oh yea and Cobras were never built with an automatic transmission. All years had a 5 speed except the Terminator Cobras, which have a Tremec T-56.
Take your dumb story to a Trans Am forum where a bunch of oldfart trailer park idiots will probably cheer you and offer you a Bud Light.
Okay so maybe that was somewhat offensive... ;)
02-09-2005, 12:53 PM
02-09-2005, 12:57 PM
car is was an automatic. it was racing becuz the front of it picked up and the motor deff was toward the top. my car isnt stock, old owner did alot of mods to it. and they just aint bolt on! so say what u like, me, my buddy and another kid saw me beat him
02-09-2005, 01:27 PM
like i said say what u want, only reason i said it was auto is cuz i didnt see him reach down to DOWNSHIFT. 2nd of all it was like a 98 style drop top. SVT badges looked to be in the correct postion(would cobra on the bumper be correct also?) it was a V8 theres no doubt bout it. and nother thing, just proves my point most stang owners deal shit but cant take it. oh i aint some stupid ass ricer boy either. i dont do fly bys to be cool. so :fu:
02-09-2005, 01:29 PM
so nice of you guys to wait for me to kick up some BS flags, to chime in to my aid, and kick dirt in his face while hes down for the count:D
02-09-2005, 01:33 PM
like i said say what u want, only reason i said it was auto is cuz i didnt see him reach down to DOWNSHIFT.
We told ya he was just cruisin... Probably looked pissed cuz he could smell the burning oil fumes from your exhaust when you gunned it.
And by the way, you asked for the remarks... Posting an idiodic story like this with no believable facts, in a Mustang forum mind you, will just earn you a ticket to flame land.
If you were a true car enthusiast, you would research what you "race" before claiming to be superior... You would've known these cars dont' come with automatic transmissions, and you would've saved yourself an arguement.
02-09-2005, 01:33 PM
cept one thing, the firebird logo is the phenoix, which means we dont die whats a stangs logo? a horse? wtf is that bs? "look mommy, im drivng a horse!" a horse aint exotic
hmm my motor is rebuilt. i only kno a couple things done to it cuz thats all he told me when he bought it. if u want, i can call him back up and try to get more info on the car
02-09-2005, 01:34 PM
like i said say what u want, only reason i said it was auto is cuz i didnt see him reach down to DOWNSHIFT. 2nd of all it was like a 98 style drop top. SVT badges looked to be in the correct postion(would cobra on the bumper be correct also?) it was a V8 theres no doubt bout it. and nother thing, just proves my point most stang owners deal shit but cant take it
BAHAHAHA...we can take shit...i dont mind the occasional LS-1 on the bottle pulling me, and i respect the LS-1s...i just dont take kindly to BS stories, and/or misrepresented stories. the sheer fact that you said cobra and automatic in the same sentence just killed the story, and brought about all the doubt you see here.
when you are racing, you have the time to look into the other guy's car to see what he's doing? remind me to never race you whenver i'm looking for shit to go down on the Pike...dont want you crashing your POS into my car.
02-09-2005, 01:36 PM
cept one thing, the firebird logo is the phenoix, which means we dont die whats a stangs logo? a horse? wtf is that bs? "look mommy, im drivng a horse!" a horse aint exotic
hmm my motor is rebuilt. i only kno a couple things done to it cuz thats all he told me when he bought it. if u want, i can call him back up and try to get more info on the car
Oh so now you're angry at us for making fun of your ridiculous story, so you have to resort to some lame ass comment about the symbols in our cars?
02-09-2005, 01:37 PM
hmmm im more focus on trying not to mess my ride up then wry if the fags downshifting or not so FUCK THE HELL OFF. besides i hate fords so i careless what the options were
02-09-2005, 01:40 PM
cept one thing, the firebird logo is the phenoix, which means we dont die whats a stangs logo? a horse? wtf is that bs? "look mommy, im drivng a horse!" a horse aint exotic
wheres the firebird now? considering mustangs have always tripled sales compared to the T/A, Firechicken, and Camaro combined since the birth of the mustang...GEE, its also funny that the mustang is an american icon...its also funny that the number 1 high dollar muscle car is the Shelby GT500s...hmmm, how much do your 100% original yenko camaros go for now? 60k?
02-09-2005, 01:41 PM
dude, you hate fords, so why post here...go somewhere else tool
02-09-2005, 01:41 PM
hmmm im more focus on trying not to mess my ride up then wry if the fags downshifting or not so FUCK THE HELL OFF. besides i hate fords so i careless what the options were
Then why post in a Ford Mustang message forum?
02-09-2005, 01:44 PM
hmmm im more focus on trying not to mess my ride up then wry if the fags downshifting or not so FUCK THE HELL OFF. besides i hate fords so i careless what the options were
so why did you say you didnt see him downshift? stop twisting your words around and leave already
02-09-2005, 01:44 PM
i love flame marathons
02-09-2005, 01:45 PM
ALright, this thread has gone out of hand so I'm closing it... Sorry guys!
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