View Full Version : Too bad........

02-05-2005, 09:14 AM
Too bad car shows and face offs are based on who you know and not what your car looks like and/or mods you have done. hmmm........... :ugh2:

Oh and we need a ZEX bottle :nos:

02-05-2005, 09:26 AM
Too bad car shows and face offs are based on who you know and not what your car looks like and/or mods you have done. hmmm........... :ugh2:

Oh and we need a ZEX bottle :nos:
umm thats what all car shows are based on... unless we setup judges :)

02-05-2005, 11:20 AM
Too bad car shows and face offs are based on who you know and not what your car looks like and/or mods you have done. hmmm........... :ugh2:

Oh and we need a ZEX bottle :nos:
Not really... I don't really know anyone on this site yet and my votes have been for the best car in each face off.

02-05-2005, 11:43 AM
I think it has everything to do with what your car looks like and people realize the work put into it.

This is not like other websites where you could have a tricked out Mustang that loses to a Honda or something like that.

02-05-2005, 12:17 PM
I think it has everything to do with what your car looks like and people realize the work put into it.

I have to agree. I mean look at my little ol V6. When I started getting a lot of good points for my website, I couldn't understand it. Then someone told me the more than likely reason is the amount of work me and my son have put into it.

My car started as a Fleet Car and was bone stock all the way. I believe a lot of people on the boards here, appreciate a car not based on cylanders. Yes I have had 3 or 4 comments about "Should have been a V8", but those are few and far between and I just pass the remarks off as being from JERKS.

02-05-2005, 01:30 PM
I personally have always chosen the better car in the catagory. Evidence of this can be seen in the fact that Coop just PWN3D me in a challenge. :goodbye:

I like the idea of judges for the car show though. I would be willing to forgo my entry to be a judge. I can assure you that the amount of cylinders, and the pricetag have no effect on my decisions.

02-05-2005, 01:44 PM
What im getting at is that how is kane's blue mach that is stock and looks staock got more votes than mine? hmmm..... seems fishy to me... Im not complaining just wondering cause i have a shit load of work and extras but.. oh well i sound like im bitchin lol just watever :drool2:

02-05-2005, 01:50 PM
This is not like other websites where you could have a tricked out Mustang that loses to a Honda or something like that.

lmao...i wonder what site that is...i lost to a beater taurus on there before...lol

02-05-2005, 01:58 PM
What im getting at is that how is kane's blue mach that is stock and looks staock got more votes than mine? hmmm..... seems fishy to me... Im not complaining just wondering cause i have a shit load of work and extras but.. oh well i sound like im bitchin lol just watever :drool2:
You should know that I voted for you first off.
But a lot of people seem to prefer stock cars to modified ones in the higher end. I don't know why, but it seems that if you have a cobra it's a sin to change the antenna to one that is billet. :lol:
To these people anyone else just tries to modify their cars to reach their level. Your car is in that acceptable group, so your mods may be seen as downgrades to some. I'm not saying that is the case here, but I have noticed that trend in the mustang community as a whole.

02-05-2005, 05:23 PM
Thats why I said WATEVER LOL :nutkick:

02-05-2005, 05:38 PM
The challenge was for Best Mach. Since your web page doesn't really tell me what you've done to your car, and I am not familiar with your car, I can only assume that the wheels aren't stock, but everything else on your car looks pretty much the same as Kane's. A set of wheels doesn't make your car better (in my mind). So for me it came down to which car is more appealing to me since both cars appear to be identical except for wheels and paint. I like blue better than red.

02-05-2005, 08:38 PM
my judging.............. i judge on the Avatar pics:D

02-08-2005, 10:36 AM

02-08-2005, 11:46 AM
You should know that I voted for you first off.
But a lot of people seem to prefer stock cars to modified ones in the higher end. I don't know why, but it seems that if you have a cobra it's a sin to change the antenna to one that is billet. :lol:
To these people anyone else just tries to modify their cars to reach their level. Your car is in that acceptable group, so your mods may be seen as downgrades to some. I'm not saying that is the case here, but I have noticed that trend in the mustang community as a whole.

lol OMG Cody, you CAN'T be serious! THAT's the first time I EVER heard that! If you're a Mustang Club Of America judge you might like 'stock' mustangs!
Let's face it, it's like this... If you have a lot of friends, you get a lot of votes.
If you're a sexy woman, you get votes even if you don't have a car..ha ha
There's people on here that HOUND others to come vote for them and if you have that 'pushy politician' personality, you might annoy enough people to get some votes.. You've got members challanging guys to 'face offs' that aren't even aware they've BEEN challanged. They don't know they've been challanged until they find out they've lost! To be honest, I don't think many people take the whole thing too seriously, at least I hope they don't.
I'm not saying there's anything right or wrong with it, in fact, there ISN'T anything right or wrong with it! All I'm saying is, let's call it what it is, shall we??

02-08-2005, 12:10 PM
There is simply no way to justify a win or a loss when there are no rules for judging!

But in this situation, there should not be rules for judging because none of this is serious! It is a web site contest for bragging rights! Thats all! You can't take your win away from this web site and use it to pump up the value of your car like you might be able to do with a real trophy! It is intangible! It is supposed to be fun!

Some people value hard work and effort and vote for the car with the most work done to it. Some people value stock cars and will vote for a stock car over a car that has been modified to the hilt. And vice versa. And yet still other people will vote based on whether they know or like the person.... and there are a million other reasons why one person may vote one way and another person vote a different way on the same face off.

And yes, there are some folks on here who are sending private guestbook messages asking people to vote for their rides... right or wrong, it is not forbidden.

You're absolutely right Jim. Mustang enthusiasts can be quite competitive and there is nothing wrong with that at all... But don't take this seriously... For goodness sake, it is not even real.

Just because Coopdog might beat Onebad95 doesn't mean his car is really any better in the real world, does it?

02-08-2005, 12:41 PM
lol OMG Cody, you CAN'T be serious! THAT's the first time I EVER heard that! If you're a Mustang Club Of America judge you might like 'stock' mustangs!
Let's face it, it's like this... If you have a lot of friends, you get a lot of votes.
If you're a sexy woman, you get votes even if you don't have a car..ha ha
There's people on here that HOUND others to come vote for them and if you have that 'pushy politician' personality, you might annoy enough people to get some votes.. You've got members challanging guys to 'face offs' that aren't even aware they've BEEN challanged. They don't know they've been challanged until they find out they've lost! To be honest, I don't think many people take the whole thing too seriously, at least I hope they don't.
I'm not saying there's anything right or wrong with it, in fact, there ISN'T anything right or wrong with it! All I'm saying is, let's call it what it is, shall we??
I was making a statement that applies to the real world. That's just a fact that I see all the time being a V6 owner that actually likes my car.(which to a lot of people is rediculous) I know that you aren't one of those people, but the majority of people are. This site doesn't really show that as much as some do, but as to the fixed votes and such, It's a web site, it really doesn't matter, I'm already long on my way to my second loss and that really doesn't bother me. lol. I can't speak for the majority on this site, but I know how I look at the competition. If you choose to think that I'm full of it, that's your perogative. I seriously don't know why you people are getting so bent out of shape over all of this. And actually the MCA judging supports the modification of latemodels heavily. They don't even have that many regs for the more highly modified cars. I could almost bet to you that if I went around Lubbock and talked to all of the cobra, roush, saleen, and some GT owners, that they would say that their cars are as good as it can get, and that changing parts would just ruin them.

02-08-2005, 12:47 PM
There is simply no way to justify a win or a loss when there are no rules for judging!

But in this situation, there should not be rules for judging because none of this is serious! It is a web site contest for bragging rights! Thats all! You can't take your win away from this web site and use it to pump up the value of your car like you might be able to do with a real trophy! It is intangible! It is supposed to be fun!

Some people value hard work and effort and vote for the car with the most work done to it. Some people value stock cars and will vote for a stock car over a car that has been modified to the hilt. And vice versa. And yet still other people will vote based on whether they know or like the person.... and there are a million other reasons why one person may vote one way and another person vote a different way on the same face off.

And yes, there are some folks on here who are sending private guestbook messages asking people to vote for their rides... right or wrong, it is not forbidden.

You're absolutely right Jim. Mustang enthusiasts can be quite competitive and there is nothing wrong with that at all... But don't take this seriously... For goodness sake, it is not even real.

Just because Coopdog might beat Onebad95 doesn't mean his car is really any better in the real world, does it?

I agree with everthing you said, 100%!!!!! Of course except for the part about me taking this all seriously..ha ha THAT was the point I was making, that I DON'T take it serious and that I think most people on here don't take it serious either. I went off on my rant, because I heard Cody trying to make someone feel better about losing by saying it was because a lot of folks are prone to vote for stock, over modified, these days. I think Cody's heart was in the right place though.

Jim :)

02-08-2005, 12:50 PM
I was making a statement that applies to the real world. That's just a fact that I see all the time being a V6 owner that actually likes my car.(which to a lot of people is rediculous) I know that you aren't one of those people, but the majority of people are. This site doesn't really show that as much as some do, but as to the fixed votes and such, It's a web site, it really doesn't matter, I'm already long on my way to my second loss and that really doesn't bother me. lol. I can't speak for the majority on this site, but I know how I look at the competition. If you choose to think that I'm full of it, that's your perogative. I seriously don't know why you people are getting so bent out of shape over all of this. And actually the MCA judging supports the modification of latemodels heavily. They don't even have that many regs for the more highly modified cars. I could almost bet to you that if I went around Lubbock and talked to all of the cobra, roush, saleen, and some GT owners, that they would say that their cars are as good as it can get, and that changing parts would just ruin them.

lol, and you're entitled to your opinion Cody..

02-08-2005, 12:53 PM
lol, and you're entitled to your opinion Cody..
I'm glad that someone is having fun at my expense. :hmmm:

02-08-2005, 12:59 PM
CODY, CODY, good grief man, get a grip...lol No one's doing ANYTHING at your expense!!

I'm sorry I posted in the first place now...lol

02-08-2005, 01:01 PM
CODY, CODY, good grief man, get a grip...lol No one's doing ANYTHING at your expense!!

I'm sorry I posted in the first place now...lol
I didn't take it personally, I'm just trying to break up all of the drama in this thread. :rofl:

02-08-2005, 01:17 PM
I didn't take it personally, I'm just trying to break up all of the drama in this thread. :rofl:

ha ha.. Drama?? ok...

I thought it was us discussing our feelings on the subjects posted. Last time I checked, that's what a forum was.. :)

02-08-2005, 01:21 PM
For me, most of the judging is done based on presentation. When I looked at the red Mach and the blue Mach, nothing really jumped out at me except for the picture of the blue mach going down the road. The sunlight/speed effect in the picture put him over the top in my book.

02-08-2005, 01:32 PM
I agree with everthing you said, 100%!!!!! Of course except for the part about me taking this all seriously..ha ha THAT was the point I was making, that I DON'T take it serious and that I think most people on here don't take it serious either. I went off on my rant, because I heard Cody trying to make someone feel better about losing by saying it was because a lot of folks are prone to vote for stock, over modified, these days. I think Cody's heart was in the right place though.

Jim :)
But my point is that Cody shouldn't need to soothe anyone's ego cuz they lost a face off!

Boo Hoo! Grow up!

02-08-2005, 01:35 PM
But my point is that Cody shouldn't need to soothe anyone's ego cuz they lost a face off!

Boo Hoo! Grow up!
I wasn't trying to sooth anyone as much as to provide a point. :lol:

02-08-2005, 01:39 PM
I wasn't trying to sooth anyone as much as to provide a point. :lol:
Point very well taken... no need to justify it to me or anyone else. I just think this thread was started for the wrong reason and no one should have to justify why anything turns out the way it does...


02-08-2005, 02:10 PM
But my point is that Cody shouldn't need to soothe anyone's ego cuz they lost a face off!

Boo Hoo! Grow up!

First of all, I don't compete in any of this, so none of it bother's ME personally. So, in response to your comment " boo hoo" all I can do is laugh..

All I meant with my first comment was, the competitions on this site are based on and voted for ALL sorts of reasons.. Ryan, just made a valid point. To him, it's all about the presentation. To some, it's all about the horsepower. To others it's all about the opposite sex, and on and on and on.
Cody gave a guy an explaination for his loss that i didn't agree with. WebWitch, this isn't about ME, this isn't about MY CAR!! It's about an administrator of a car club and how he replied to someone who cried fowl about the way things are judged on this site. I wish Cody said, "people vote for others on this mustang site for ALL SORTS of reasons and it's not always about the car unfortunately." He's an administrator for god sakes!!!! I'm just a dumbass posting my humble opinion!
This is the last response I'll post about this subject.

02-08-2005, 02:15 PM
I'm sorry if I was misunderstood Jim, but none of my comments were specifically aimed at you. They were pointed at the topic in general and I happened to agree with your comments.

02-08-2005, 04:44 PM
Too bad car shows and face offs are based on who you know and not what your car looks like and/or mods you have done. hmmm........... :ugh2:

Oh and we need a ZEX bottle :nos:

:ranting: I see your point I have a couple friends on here and yeah thats where my 2 or 3 votes do come from Yet you have challenged me a v6 with few and minor modifications. I have been challenged by mach 1 and cobra Of course who are most people going to vote or DUH Mach 1 or the cobra. Why you didn't challenge another mach 1, I dunno, unless by challenging a v6 you know you will win and therefore have really no chance of losing. I'm not whining about losing I knew it hte second i was challenged that my v6 stood no chance, all I'm saying is step up be a man and challenge someone that is actually a challenge to you not a 3 to 32 Vote!