Blow-By Racing
02-04-2005, 04:12 PM
We here at Blow-By Racing have a few of our own girls that we call "Blow-by Girls" They all attend all of the local events & car shows as well as a few of the closer Fun Ford Events such as Orlando and Atlanta. but what we are looking for are a few girls that can fill in for them at these events...
15th Annual MM&FF FFW Spring Break Shootout
Orlando Speed World Dragway
March 5-6, 2005
1st Annual Cajun FFW Nationals
No Problem Raceway
April 1-3, 2005
15th Annual Peach State FFW Nationals
Atlanta Dragway
April 14-17, 2005
15th Annual O'Reilly Texas Thunder FFW Nationals
Houston Raceway Park
April 29, 30 & May 1, 2005
2nd Annual Garden State FFW Nationals
Old Bridge Township Raceway Park
May 21-22, 2005
8th Annual O'Reilly Midwest FFW Nationals
Cordova Dragway Park
June 2-4, 2005
7th Annual Old Dominion FFW Nationals
Virginia Motorsport Park
June 24-26, 2005
15th Annual Buckeye State FFW Nationals
Norwalk Raceway Park
July 8-10, 2005
14th Annual O'Reilly Thunder Valley FFW Nationals
Bristol Motor Speedway & Dragway
August 5-7, 2005
11th Annual New England FFW Nationals
New England Dragway
August 20-21, 2005
1st Annual Heartland FFW Nationals
Heartland Park Raceway
September 9-11, 2005
15th Annual O'Reilly Ford Mustang World Finals
Texas Motorplex
September 16-18, 2005
if any of you ladies are intrested, please contact either John or Chris :w00t:
15th Annual MM&FF FFW Spring Break Shootout
Orlando Speed World Dragway
March 5-6, 2005
1st Annual Cajun FFW Nationals
No Problem Raceway
April 1-3, 2005
15th Annual Peach State FFW Nationals
Atlanta Dragway
April 14-17, 2005
15th Annual O'Reilly Texas Thunder FFW Nationals
Houston Raceway Park
April 29, 30 & May 1, 2005
2nd Annual Garden State FFW Nationals
Old Bridge Township Raceway Park
May 21-22, 2005
8th Annual O'Reilly Midwest FFW Nationals
Cordova Dragway Park
June 2-4, 2005
7th Annual Old Dominion FFW Nationals
Virginia Motorsport Park
June 24-26, 2005
15th Annual Buckeye State FFW Nationals
Norwalk Raceway Park
July 8-10, 2005
14th Annual O'Reilly Thunder Valley FFW Nationals
Bristol Motor Speedway & Dragway
August 5-7, 2005
11th Annual New England FFW Nationals
New England Dragway
August 20-21, 2005
1st Annual Heartland FFW Nationals
Heartland Park Raceway
September 9-11, 2005
15th Annual O'Reilly Ford Mustang World Finals
Texas Motorplex
September 16-18, 2005
if any of you ladies are intrested, please contact either John or Chris :w00t: