View Full Version : How horrible is my new avatar?

Joe Friday
02-02-2005, 06:49 AM

02-02-2005, 07:38 AM
In poor taste...............was that what you were shooting for?

02-02-2005, 07:41 AM
well, did you?

02-02-2005, 07:41 AM
Ditto, no matter how hard you look, there's no humor in it whatsoever.

02-02-2005, 09:19 AM
To save this thread from being a complete loss, what about my new avitar? :thumpupn:

02-02-2005, 09:29 AM
Sweet Cody! Needed some brightening up in here!

02-02-2005, 09:32 AM
I thought it was funny, from a redneck jackass point of view though... Kinda like the guys who run after twisters and stuff..

02-02-2005, 09:57 AM
i mean come on why make a joke out of something so damn serious millions of ppl are dead and all you can think about is finding something funny.... so when you die ill make an avatar about you dyin!!!

02-02-2005, 10:01 AM
I guess it is some peoples prerogative to find humor in any situation, even tragic ones. And I am not saying there is anything inherently wrong with that, but don't expect everyone around you to be accepting of it.

02-02-2005, 10:21 AM
I thought it was funny, from a redneck jackass point of view though... Kinda like the guys who run after twisters and stuff..

Git R Done!


Joe, that's pretty messed up, but I have to admit, I chuckled when I read what it said... Then my moral side kicked in and told me to tell you we'll meet in hell sometime.

02-02-2005, 02:13 PM
i mean come on why make a joke out of something so damn serious millions of ppl are dead and all you can think about is finding something funny.... so when you die ill make an avatar about you dyin!!!

millions of people arent dead....duh watch the news.

I think im the only one who thinks its funny, joe. But it is too bad that all those beautiful little asian girls had to die. The asian men, eh.

02-02-2005, 02:31 PM
Thats a good one!

02-02-2005, 04:33 PM
millions of people arent dead....duh watch the news.

I think im the only one who thinks its funny, joe. But it is too bad that all those beautiful little asian girls had to die. The asian men, eh.

Well, in stalkerbabes defense, it affected millions of people. I'm sure no one else will perish from disease and starvation in the coming weeks...

Joe Friday
02-02-2005, 04:42 PM
too bad that all those beautiful little asian girls had to die.

:D I'm with you on that one

Blah Blah Blah..... so when you die ill make an avatar about you dyin!!!

Thanks, I'd appriciate it. As long as I'm doing something cool and maley, like surfing or running low 5's in the quarter when my car explodes :D

To save this thread from being a complete loss

Speaking of complete losses did you ever get those fog lights fixed on your car ? :D

I love you all, don't let me get under your skin. Things I say or do are in jest, and I won't get offended if you poke fun back at me. It's the internet, thats what were suppost to do right? The avatar may be wrong, but humor helps people cope with tragities. I'm sorry it happoned and alot of people died, maybe it's just earths way of saying America rocks ? :D

My Cobra
02-02-2005, 07:59 PM
WTF. I am gonna get one of the holocaust then we can all be cool :Thumbs down:

My Cobra
02-02-2005, 08:00 PM
But i did laugh at tee shirt hell when i saw that so i guess i dunno what to say lol it is funny at first till ya think about it.

Joe Friday
02-02-2005, 08:21 PM
I am gonna get one of the holocaust


you bought that.. you need help my friend :D

02-02-2005, 08:29 PM
Joe..keep it!!!!
I 'm sure i'll piss a few off here..But DAMN!!!! Did America pour it's heart out like this after 9-11??? I don't fucking think so!!! I so damn tired of hearing bout all thisand that fund rasier for the Tsunami victums. COME ON AMERICA, Let worry bout our home front first and far most!!!!

02-02-2005, 09:18 PM
Joe..keep it!!!!
I 'm sure i'll piss a few off here..But DAMN!!!! Did America pour it's heart out like this after 9-11??? I don't fucking think so!!! I so damn tired of hearing bout all thisand that fund rasier for the Tsunami victums. COME ON AMERICA, Let worry bout our home front first and far most!!!!
ummm, i hope most of you have a ton more intelligence than this clown. first off, 9/11 happened, and countries came to our aid in the war on terror, regardless of whether it was legitimate or not, and regardless of the fact that the UN was in disagreement with the war.

now, if it werent for the french, we'd still be under british rule and have tea hour every day.

now, as a global super power, quite possibly the biggest super power within the world, it is our duty to help those that need it most in a time needed most. it is a way the US keeps good relations with many other nations, and it is expected that all the other nations offer a helping hand if god forbid, it happened to us. as a hegemon, it is a responsibilty.

and more importantly, it is a humane thing to do. if we left people dying out there, and everybody brushed it off as "their" problem, then we are nothing better than primates. even monkeys show compassion for a fellow compadre in death. are you saying you are nothing better, than a monkey? i sure hope not.

the one thing i cant stand is the amount of ignorant people that live within the states, such as yourself, who cant find time to educate themselves with the importance of helping a fellow human being. if you came across a person dying in the street, would you sit there and laugh your ass off at their misfortunes? or would you try to see if you can be of any help and call 911?

man...i would love to have had this as a face to face conversation, so i can make you look as stupid as you truly are, and you are stupid enough to realize that you dont look stupid, but probably think you are "cool" or a "badass" because you cant show your true emotions on something as tragic as half a million people dying, many of them being innocent children, parents seing their children washed out to see, and even more sad...thousands of now orphan children who can't even feed themselves or clothes themselves without the help of the US, as well as other nations who have come to the aid of Southeast Asia. we provide clothes for them, so they can stay warm, we provide them with food, so they can eat a meal, and we provide them with funds to rebuild their homes so they can move on, and try to live a normal life, and try to return to their daily routines.

the fact that i drive through my town to see schools running clothes drives/canned food drives, to see children on the corner of their streets selling baked goods to raise money, to see communities come together to raise money for people they've never met, its great to read about CEOs, pro athletes, and even every day business men donate millions on an individual basis. but it is also even better to see these kids work to raise money, and everyday people like you and me donate whatever they can, whether it be a dollar or 100 dollars, every little bit helps and it makes my day that much better, and makes me smile, to know that our society is not crumbling to shit as i have thought. i'm sorry if you dont have the ability to see things that way. i'm sorry if you can't find time to even donate a canned food, or even spare 10 bux to one of these fundraisers.

you are nothing better than the dog shit i accidently stepped in on my walk to class today.

and by the way, i've tried to make my post as easiest to understand and read so you wouldnt have such a hard time to understand, and so you can keep that dictionary under the leg of your broken couch in which you use to keep it even, just so you wont have to strain so much. you see? i showed compassion towards you so you wont have to work so hard...

My Cobra
02-02-2005, 09:24 PM
<== Needs cliff notes

02-02-2005, 09:25 PM
It may be dark humor to some... but to others it shows you have no class.

02-02-2005, 09:27 PM
Joe..keep it!!!!
I 'm sure i'll piss a few off here..But DAMN!!!! Did America pour it's heart out like this after 9-11??? I don't fucking think so!!! I so damn tired of hearing bout all thisand that fund rasier for the Tsunami victums. COME ON AMERICA, Let worry bout our home front first and far most!!!!
AND WTF DO YOU KNOW ABOUT 9/11???? NY is probably the only state that actually, conscienciously worked and strived to raise money for the victims families...NY was the ONLY state affected by 9/11. you hick piece of shit can sit there and say nobody did a damn thing about 9/11, but the fact is, WTC is dear to the hearts of NY'rs, to the rest of you, its just another building. only NY/NJ/CT residents lost their lives in 9/11...only families in NY/NJ/CT, our tristate area of NY/NJ/CT poured our hearts out after 9/11...i'm sorry if you werent personally affected by 9/11, and i'm sorry you cant open your eyes sometimes to see that people actually did their parts to help out. i pass by the WTC site every day on my way to work, and everytime i see it, it brings chills, twice a day, on my way to work and on my way back. to know innocent americans lost their lives, and to think they lose their lives everyday overseas in Iraq. but you know what? they are fighting for pieces of shit like you so you can freely post retarded comments like you, because you dont take the time to educate yourself or read the paper or have the common feeling of compassion and thankfulness for gracing the land of the US.

and...to compare 9/11 to the tsunami is like comparing a mini to the size of an 18 wheeler. we lost 3,000 people, the tsunami wiped out southeast asian islands and the southern coast of India, a death toll unheard of in any disaster outside of war. educate yourself before you post such ridiculous shit...because someone will point out your absolute stupidity.

My Cobra
02-02-2005, 09:31 PM
YO YO YO Take it easy yall. Mang we are wayyyyyyyy off topic. Now to the pic.........

02-02-2005, 09:47 PM
YO YO YO Take it easy yall. Mang we are wayyyyyyyy off topic. Now to the pic.........'

too much hostility in huuur.... calm down or this thread gets lock.T

02-02-2005, 09:59 PM
AND WTF DO YOU KNOW ABOUT 9/11???? NY is probably the only state that actually, conscienciously worked and strived to raise money for the victims families...NY was the ONLY state affected by 9/11. you hick piece of shit can sit there and say nobody did a damn thing about 9/11, but the fact is, WTC is dear to the hearts of NY'rs, to the rest of you, its just another building. only NY/NJ/CT residents lost their lives in 9/11...only families in NY/NJ/CT, our tristate area of NY/NJ/CT poured our hearts out after 9/11...i'm sorry if you werent personally affected by 9/11, and i'm sorry you cant open your eyes sometimes to see that people actually did their parts to help out. i pass by the WTC site every day on my way to work, and everytime i see it, it brings chills, twice a day, on my way to work and on my way back. to know innocent americans lost their lives, and to think they lose their lives everyday overseas in Iraq. but you know what? they are fighting for pieces of shit like you so you can freely post retarded comments like you, because you dont take the time to educate yourself or read the paper or have the common feeling of compassion and thankfulness for gracing the land of the US.

and...to compare 9/11 to the tsunami is like comparing a mini to the size of an 18 wheeler. we lost 3,000 people, the tsunami wiped out southeast asian islands and the southern coast of India, a death toll unheard of in any disaster outside of war. educate yourself before you post such ridiculous shit...because someone will point out your absolute stupidity.

you are very very ignorant if you think any of that is true.

02-02-2005, 10:00 PM
Take this to PM please.

02-02-2005, 10:09 PM
oven_gold19@hotmail.com for msn

marky19mark19 for aim

02-02-2005, 10:12 PM
But it is too bad that all those beautiful little asian girls had to die. The asian men, eh.
and for you to post this comment isn't ignorant whatsoever? i understand its just a joke, but to joke about the demise of half a million people , and the millions affected by the event is poor taste.

and, i was simply pointing out that maybe because he lives in S. Carolina, that he didnt see any relief for WTC...maybe its because nobody in his town did anything, whereas everywhere i went, there were posterboards about the next fundraising event, and volunteer groups collecting donations for a span of months.

i'm sorry but driving around with a flag flying on your car, or a decal of the flag stuck on your window isnt doing a damn thing, except allowing the distributors of "symbols of patriotism" to make fortunes off of flags/flag-holders in a time of a loss of innocent lives and an iconic building in the United States that stood for world-wide unity

02-02-2005, 10:19 PM
ur exactly right..what i said was nothing more than a joke...although i do feel bad for the sexy asian hotties.

Even in my hick ass small town of 1100 people in a valley in Wisconsin we had fundraising for the families of the victims in the 9/11 tragedy...i dont know how much money was donated, but i know it happened. And the same thing happened all over the country. I know NY is a big city, but you have to get the fuck out of there and visit the rest of this country that you yourself called great.

02-02-2005, 10:23 PM
ur exactly right..what i said was nothing more than a joke...although i do feel bad for the sexy asian hotties.

Even in my hick ass small town of 1100 people in a valley in Wisconsin we had fundraising for the families of the victims in the 9/11 tragedy...i dont know how much money was donated, but i know it happened. And the same thing happened all over the country. I know NY is a big city, but you have to get the fuck out of there and visit the rest of this country that you yourself called great.

i've actually been to wisconsin, miller brewery, jelly belly factory, wisconsin-dell...and i understand fundraising was going on all over...i never stated it wasnt...merely pointing out to bones it was going on and in my area, it was in full effect everywhere i looked...and everyone did what they could all over the country.

to say that what everyone did during post 9/11 was not enough, is simply ludicrous

02-02-2005, 10:43 PM
you do have a point...but to generalize the effort outside new york in the manner that you did, was simply ludicrous

02-02-2005, 10:47 PM
you do have a point...but to generalize the effort outside new york in the manner that you did, was simply ludicrous
yeah, i shouldve clarified a bit more, but my mind was going at mach 3 speeds. i was heated at some comments.

and guys, i dunno, some things i take seriously, sometimes too seriously, and when i get heated on a subject i like to voice my opinions in a really strong manner...bones, i didnt mean to attack you with what i said, it just came out as i was thinking inside my head, like i said, my mind was moving.

everyone else that took offense to whatever i said...i meant every bit of it, otherwise i wouldve never said it in the first place, but i shouldve put my thoughts in a more civilized manner.


clint: next time i'm in wisconsin, lets hit up the dells, and i'll show you who's boss on the go kart tracks

02-02-2005, 10:58 PM
I'm pretty sure the last 15 posts could have been handled in PM's... like J and the mods said..

but oh well... not like any of yall listen to us ANYWAY ;)


02-02-2005, 10:59 PM
sweet deal......you better buckle up tight however, cuz im a total ass on the track.

My Cobra
02-02-2005, 11:49 PM
Alright the rest will be in pm's Thanks