View Full Version : Ford 0 GM 1

01-21-2005, 07:20 PM
this is a newbie off a fbody site im part of

Ok I wrenched for ford 7 years at superford store 700 so. west temple. later utah auto collection when ford bought many dealerships tired of private owners running their msrp up and slowing sales in this market. And when I went to high school I never even put my name on my work I wrote 1967 Ford Mustang the teachers all knew who's it was. I was ford all the way my most bitter rival was chevy not because they were the enemy but because they were posers and all trash talking toads.

I still remember the the service managers 86 cobra I't was a bright sunny day in august 1987 and some toad eaten chevy owner traded in his pos 86 iroc for a brand new 88 ford truck I was like... now we'll show them... Finally ford built a mustang worth owning thanks to their Special Vehicles Team (SVT) because the 70s mustang were't even worthy of being called a muscle car even the king cobras were something that trailer trash bought to brighten up their home for a higher retail sale of their property.no offence too people living in trailers. There are trailers and then there are trashy trailers with trashy brothers and sisters together as one. trying to make retarded babies.
Anyway the service manager said lets run that iroc so I got pushed into driving that pos iroc I was like screw this man I don't want to lose.
there we were rattling down to 800 so and 3rd west to line up in the warehouse division I was like ok lets get this over with being beat by yer boss wasn't too bad... as he wound up his 302c.i. (5.0) and locked in 1st gear of his top loader five spd. and gave her about 2200 Revs Per Min. as not to break lose the rear tires in his launch of raw power... in the american pony car known as mustang the legend and pumped up by one of the meanest snakes in the world known to man the "COBRA"! god! HOW I WISHED I WAS IN THAT COBRA.

Then I put the pos iroc in D for duuumb junker camaro then the light dropped and it was on he launched like a rocket boy I wanted to see him go... But crap all I could see was his front bumper you should've seen his front bumper jump as he shifted Gears.. but then I couldn't see my neck was cranked back too far before I knew what happened I realised "hey he must have not been pushing her hard is thier a tax collector near by? so I stopped and looked around.... Nope no fuzz. relieved at that fact I wasn't getting a ticket I rolled the pos toad mobile out to find my boss and his beast. I pulled into the service bay and their was the beast all of the sudden I was motioned to a rear bay up she went looking for mods they must have been good because the factory equipment was hidding them all. With the p.o.s. giant overweighted gas guzzler 5.7 in the way you couldn't see the heavy heavy mods on this car... Just then the toad that traded her in came in for cosmetic work on his 88 ford beast f-250
so I asked him.. What did you do to the iroc junker to make her so fast?? what he said next made my heart drop like a brick I got pale and light headed it was unknowingly to me the worst thing he could have ever said to any blue oval badge runner... he said and I quote... (" NOTHING")
I felt kinda odd so I asked again "come on you did something to it ? again with the freaking "NOTHING". from then on I seen a new light admit over the horizon but noooo I was a blue oval worshipper from day 1 no way could that many years of worshipping be undone so I turned to the blue oval for prayer and an answer. and finally a few years later my prayers were answered in a tech bulliten sent to my home for all service techs. anouncing the development of thier new model 1994 mustang and I thought ok camaro is releasing in 1993 ford has a year to jump them with all the raw power the blue oval tucks under it's belt...
Then out she rolled she was so beautiful her deck lid drug a wing like no other stang. and her ass looked lifted and the 1969 dash stank of the good ole muscle car years... Wow she was awsome and just then I got a card reading soon I would be hearing the pitter patter of little feet. oh oh I was having a baby so the vengance took the back burner...

Then in 1998 the blue oval called upon me from my sleep and said " Chevys still suck and you need to stand up and fight for your god!
but I would have been crucified instead of dening my faith (THE BLUE OVAL) Well there I was back at the dealership standing next to the 1998 GT Convertable I was about to marry... urrrr I mean buy.. down I slid in to the seat the leather was cold at first but soft and the dash was nistalgic the speedo said 150 mph so I wondered...hmmm... like any red blooded american would.

Then the salesman got in the back to make room fer my brother to take the co pilot seat he buckled up then I got a sudden grouth down below when I said contact and she growled to life. I put her in reverse and eased the clutch out and we rolled back slowly like being pushed by a plane taxi.
then came first gear we taxied to the road known as state street I pulled onto it from the lot we rolled about two blocks to a light showing red...
so I looked at my co pilot and said lets unleash her wrath. The salesman in the back saying somthing like look at the auto top the vette don't even have that and the extra power point plug for your goodies. I was like.. Yeah what ever buddie. Salesmen usually don't know anything about what there selling. There mainly for haggling with the finance manager and giving you the paperwork to fill out.
Anyway I put her in 1st and gave her about 2200 rpm. and the light dropped.. I dropped the clutch slow then about 20mph I put the clutch in stabbed the throttle and side stepped the clutch she launched with fury the salesman was screaming "WHAT ARE YOU DOING??" He sat forward to tell us to calm down Then my brother says "SECONDS WOUND UP AND READY TO ENGAGE"! Not letting off the throttle at 5000 rpm I slammed her into second Blammo we launched again the salesman hit his head on the rear window hey it shut him up cool now I can really pilot her with my full attention. then my brother says again "Thirds ready to ENGAGE" and then a faint squeel from back something like "please no" And I dropped her... And to my suprise that was it... 3rd bogged like I hooked on a 5000lbs trailer and was climbing to 20,000 feet so I had an idea we headed for the freeway and my brother said why"d you let off I said I didn't... Then we hit the freeway and came upon a cloverleaf up we went in second 40 mph 45 mph 47 mph wow the front dogs were howling like it was a full moon. Then we headed back for the dealership. when we arrived I heard praying.

The guy in back must like fords too because he prays too them. we shut her down and climbed out the salesman was walking like he was drunk I couldn't believe they let drunk people sell their cars. Anyways before we agreed too buy the beast we looked at the car I staged next to it was a 1997 Z28 convert. so just fer kicks we told mr. jack daniels to get the key and when he returned he gave us the keys and his dealer plate and said becareful I said you don't wanna come? He said the back seat was too small. but I knew he was really thinking he was a ford man and didn't want to ride and a toad so we slid into the cloth seats no cold sensation but nice fit who would have thought.

Then we lit her Ignition wow she was loud I hit the gas and she thundered to life I had to look over to see if my brother was still sitting next to me and he yelled hey this exhaust flows like a master. (hence flowmaster.) we krept onto state street and I locked down first gear gave her 2200 rpm and the light dropped I launched and about 20 I sidestepped her and we tore the rearend loose so I backed off and at 30 I dropped the throttle and tore the rear loose again I was like "crap!" and I said Screw it and stayed on it as we went sideways down the street then I got her straight at about 5000 rpm my brother yells at me so I can hear "DROP SECOND!!!" So I did and we went sideways again this thing was a road hog and I was thinking ok hear comes the slow face plant into third. I waited fer my que and there it was my brother yelled again over the roar from under the hood. "PLEASE GIVE US THIRD BEFORE I crap MY PANTS!!!" thinking we'll slow... Then I slammed that stick up like Don Garlets. and holy crap we tore the rear loose yet again she bucked and burned threw about 700 rpm then she wanted more. And I gave her 4rth and she pulled like I was doing 25 mph.

My brother yelled "HOLY crap STOP!" I'm going to crap my pants.. I looked at my instrument cluster what 125mph no way... So I shut her down and headed for the freeway my brother said I wonder what she'll pull on the cloverleaf I said not as much as the stang because you must sacrafice something to gain elsewhere.
we hit the clover leaf in second and I Eased her in at 40 then 50 then 60 not a cherp wow so we pushed her to 65 she started to whine and outta the turn I dropped the hammer.. We went sideways as I looked to my left there was a minivan with a bunch of kids in it giving me the thumbs god I love driving sideways this thing felt like a
rocketship on steroids. luckily there was no one around except the mini van in my rear so we un leasher her.. MAN!! SHE RAN LIKE A RAPED APE!!. by the end of forth gear we were at 140 and when I grabbed 5th she pulled past the 160 mark no speed limiter here... And 6th gear pulled just as hard..
So... this is torque something very rare in little ol 281's and 302's (4.6 L & 5.0 L) wow when we returned to the dealership my brother and I cranked out of the impressions in our seats and we walked over to the mustang gave her a hug and bought her..

I know you ask why but its a pride thing and when you bash them all yer life what would people say? I'm not a team changer like alot of peeps I don't go with the flow.
And about 5 mos. later life led me too sacramento where my stang found new power and 5th became a little more usable.

I hopped on E-bay and bought A borla system Throttle body and many other goodies. Then came the day after a big tuneup and she was runnin pretty hot and I was at a red & looked in my rear. WOW what is that? Is that a RAM AIR T/A?? Just then he reved his mill and I reved mine I think.. I couldn't hear over his but I think mine reved up too..
then the light dropped and I looked in my mirror to see where he was. Shoot... He was gone but where was he?
I was half way through the intersection and he was in front of me one car length...So I grabbed second and he grabbed four more car lengths and then came the dreded 3rd and he took another 15 cars from me. damn this guy was fast so what the hell was I up against? So I roll up next to him like seven lights later and asked him...
hey buddie is she pumped up what did you do to her?? And as you probly guessed he said them dredded words I've come to hate he said... "Nothing!"
Oh man I was sick of it.
So I headed down to the General Motors dealership and started brousing dang nothing but brand new ss camaros and like 15 used vettes and 30 new vettes so I dropped into a 2002 vette convert and fired up the 5.7 litre 6 -spd. and the borla exhaust came to life wow she sounded nice but hey no back seat dang well I wasn't going to be caught dead in a 4-runner more then once a week so I left...

And a few months later after looking at every ss and ws6 in town I drove by the pontiac dealer and there she was the Reaper T/A 2001 convertable black on black loaded with every option so I let my wife drive her and I co piloted for her we bought it that day.

And a few months later I was sitting at a light with my top down rocking out to Def Lepard and minding my own business and a 68 firebird 400 Rumbled up next to me
Of course I noticed them but that thing was mean sounding it was wearing 315's on rear and had that low 107 lobe center lope and the pinging from the headers almost drowned out the gear drive whine I was scared so I didn't make eye contact then I heard "HEY YOU AINT GOT crap" I looked over and some colored folk were hangin out the window he then said "HEY!".... "IT AINT HOT!" well this started to make me mad so I wound her up a couple times and he revved too.
Boy I was scared I thought here's my first kill I am going down this thing is going to kill me No emissions and she's built. It's easy to build when there are no obsticles like emissions and cali. don't even have safty inspections damn this car could be running a F-15 boeing turbine.
but It was on and after the mad revs there was no turning back so I waited fer the green...
The light dropped and we launched WOW I pulled a couple cars in first gear then came second and I thrusted forward for 4 more cars and third gave me like 15 more crap I thought they dogged me and were laughing at me because I launched and they watched me go as they took the legal route so I looked around and nope no doughnut
Eaters around... then like 4 lights later they rolled on me and the driver said holy crap man what did you do to her..

Oh man was this what it was like I am actually going to get to say the word I hated so much??? "OH YEAH!!" and I turned to him and said... "Nothing"
Oh my god that felt sooo good. then he came off with the good ole "if I had my 4 spd in here I'd have taken you."
and I said cool. but was thinking what ever buddie no four speed is going to give you 20 car lengths..

At least when I lost in my stang I never made excusses for my lose I took it.. As hard as it was I took it.. There are many more kill storys and some very funny ones at that so stay tuned for the Reaper T/A stories.... Till next time... Run Em Hard and Fix Em Later... Bye fellow speed demons...Sincerely... Your Friend.... Reaper T/A

01-21-2005, 08:01 PM
Cliff notes? I'm not going to read all of that, especially concidering the title.

My Cobra
01-21-2005, 08:19 PM
That was a good read. A bit long but worth it. Man i love the Camaros and GM cars. Can not beat them.

01-21-2005, 11:22 PM
fox > iroc

01-21-2005, 11:47 PM
2 long for me...next!!!

My Cobra
01-22-2005, 08:38 AM
Cliff notes: Guy works for ford loves ford. beats his boss's stang with a stock camaro that was traded in. Guy buys new ford mustang. Guy gets spanked by a camaro or TA. Guy buys transam smoked somebody else and does not like fords now.

01-22-2005, 12:32 PM
Cliff notes: Guy works for ford loves ford. beats his boss's stang with a stock camaro that was traded in. Guy buys new ford mustang. Guy gets spanked by a camaro or TA. Guy buys transam smoked somebody else and does not like fords now.
Thank you. I would still rather have the ford in the end though. Once everything starts to fall apart on that GM, the last thing I would be worried about would be how fast it is.

01-22-2005, 08:03 PM
falls aprt eh? no offense to u mustang guys, cuz mustangs are hot cars but i work in a garage, we see more mustangs then camaros, not sure if its stang ppl drive harder or the the Fbody gets pampered

01-22-2005, 08:14 PM
falls aprt eh? no offense to u mustang guys, cuz mustangs are hot cars but i work in a garage, we see more mustangs then camaros, not sure if its stang ppl drive harder or the the Fbody gets pampered
Probably a little of both. :lol:
I have been around mustangs and GM vehicles for a while.
It may just be the specific models, but a friend of mine with a 03 caviler fell asleep at the wheel and slid off the road onto the grass side and in the process broke a motor mount. :ugh2:
My mother drives a POS grand prix that has had three of four window motors changed (some multiple times) in the last two years.
while another friend was in about 10 serious accidents in her 01 stang and drove away from all but one or two of them. one of those times it was her hitting a brick wall. :rofl: Finally traded that car in without a thing wrong with it.
Another friend is driving his 98 stang with over 170K miles and he is just now starting to have problems with age.

Like I said, it may just be those specific models, but I have noticed a trend especially in the Chevy devision with part quality over the last say 7 or so model years. The older stuff is a lot better, especially the motors. I just wouldn't buy a 90 or newer GM myself.

01-22-2005, 08:23 PM
Man 88TA5spd please not to try and di the stang ever ever again.lol

01-22-2005, 10:12 PM
i thought my grammer was bad. but shiet! this is chineese to me, on top of the long post.

01-23-2005, 08:05 PM
could an iroc actually beat a 5.0 mustang....ive drove irocs before and it didnt feel that fast....smokes tires like nothin else though.